
Terms for subject General containing 一 比 一的 | all forms | in specified order only
一个比方说 1000 欧的电阻a resistance of say 1,000 ohms
一只母狮子在赞比亚赞比西河旁的一棵树上宣示它的主权Look, a female lion claims her spot in a tree near the Zambezi River in Zambia
一块立方氧化锆比相同大小的钻石更重,但不如钻石硬。此外,立方氧化钴比钻石发出更多光芒A chunk of cubic zirconia is heavier than a diamond of the same size, but not as hard Moreover, cubic zirconia produces more flashes of color than a diamond
一比一的one to one
M 与M相比人们的意见要少一些give less cause for complaint than
交通状况一天比一天糟,这是我个人的感觉还是事实如此呢?Is it just me or is traffic getting worse and worse every day?
M 仍然与M保持一定的比例关系remain in constant proportion to
加拿大建立的第一个国家公园跨越了风光无与伦比的山区,全年开放,可供游客观赏野生动物、游览和进行其他户外活动The first national park established in Canada spans a region of unparalleled mountain scenery and is open year-round for wildlife viewing, sightseeing, and other outdoor activities
嗯,任何银行都会以我们现在的旅游支票购买率来兑换,我们在某些方面比酒店更便宜一点是因为服务费Well, any bank will cash it at our present traveler's check buying rate, for which we're somewhere cheaper than hotels because of the service charge
在决定之前,应该对比不同的航空公司。发现最适合你的那一个You should compare among several airlines before making the final decision. Find the one which suits your circumstance most
您购买的床单尺寸最好比床的实际尺寸稍微大一些The dimension of the bed sheets you buy should be a little bit larger than the actual dimension of the bed
情人节最常见的标志是一颗红色或粉色的爱心桃,以及印有爱神丘比特的图画或模型The most common Valentine's Day symbols are the heart, particularly in reds and pinks, and pictures or models of Cupid
我获得了哥伦比亚大学提供的一份奖学金I've received a scholarship to study in Columbia University
比一般小 〔矮〕的runty
比一般小 〔矮〕的runtish
比其他问题更重要〔优先考虑〕的一个问题a question that takes precedence over the others
比起过去的方法来的一个巨大简化an enormous simplification over the previous methods
现在,比萨是美国人的三大食品之一Today, pizza is one of the top 3 foods eaten by Americans
的比较级之一latter ®late
看到马丘比丘的第一眼,就感到这里不可思议The first sight of Machu Picchu is almost magical
通常,拥有一双翅膀的爱神丘比特会以携一张弓,举着一支箭的形象出现Cupid is usually portrayed as a small winged figure with a bow and arrow