
Terms for subject Economy containing 一服 | all forms
一揽子服务协议integrated service agreement
一站式服务one-stop shopping
一般服务范围general services area
从对男式西服的需求不断扩大这一事实来看,我们可以增加供应Judging from the fact that demand for the mans suit is ever expanding, we will be able to increase the supply
他们已说服我们同意你调动到另一部门的要求They have talked us into acceding to your request for a transfer to another department
制成品服装能在一个月内供应给你方The ready made garments can be supplied to you within one month's time
单一内部市场服务single internal market service
单一国内市场信息服务公司Single Internal Market Information Service
如果您想在房里与客人一道进午餐,可打电话通知客房服务部If you want to have your lunch with your guest in the room, just dial room service
我正在考虑自开一家商店——精品服装店Pm thinking of starting my own business—a boutique
有时工程的一项变动会导致增加或缩减工程服务Sometimes a change in a project requires addition or diminution in engineering services
服从国家统一调度subordinate oneself to unified states control
综合的一揽子服务integrated package of services
航空公司能提供一整套服务项目,如订票、订旅馆、预租车辆等Airlines can provide a complete service package, such as booking tickets, hotels and car hire
请说服你方客户将 TD264号信用证延期一周Please persuade your customer to arrange for a one-week extension of L/C No. TD264
请送一些你店可供应的最时髦服装的样品Please send some samples of the most fashionable clothes available at your shop