
Terms containing 一定要 | all forms | in specified order only
gen.一切要靠…而定everything depends on
gen.一定不要大声地喝汤或嗫汤。喝汤的时候要小口地、安静地进行Never sip or slurp your tea or soup loudly. Take small, quiet little mouthfuls
gen.一定要insist upon
gen.一定要+ inf.must
gen.一定要be sure and
econ.一定要at all rates
gen.一定要insist on
gen.一定要upon one's honour
gen.一定要on one's honour
gen.一定要在水槽里放一个金属或塑料的过滤器,以免大块儿颗粒阻塞排水管Be sure to place a metal or plastic strainer in your sink to avoid clogging the drain with the granules
cosmet.一定要小心使用香水,千万不可轻视它的影响力!You must use the perfume carefully Never underestimate it!
light.一定要记得关闭断路器或熔断器面板处开关,从而切断将要工作处电路的电源Always remember to shut off the power at the breaker or fuse panel to the circuit that you'll be working on
sport.你一定不要再犯规了You must be sure not to foul again
shipb.你们一定要在交货前 30 天把信用证送来达我方Your L/C must reach us 30 days before delivery.
UN, econ.保留联合国向东道国借12亿美元的选择权,但又不要求联合国一定要借任何数额preserve the Organization’s option to borrow the $1.2 billion from the host country without binding the United Nations to borrow any part of the $1.2 billion
proj.manag.即便是在对技能和规定资格要求不那么高的零售银行业务领域、招聘也可能是一种挑战Even in retail banking, which requires fewer skills and regulatory qualifications, recruitment can be a challenge
proj.manag.因此、数字电视转换后一到两周、要使用机顶盒屏幕菜单定期扫描新的数字电视台So, for the first week or two after the switchover use the converter box's on-screen menu periodically to scan for new digital stations
gen.大使馆一定关门了,我需要报警吗?The embassy must be closed now. Do I need to report it to the police?
gen.就礼貌来说,对病人一定要表达问候Complimentary words must be expressed to the patients, in terms of manners
gen.怎么会这样?那一定是材料没达到要求,或者签证官觉得你目的不纯How could that happen? You must have failed to meet the requirements or the officer believed your purpose is not genuine
gen.一定要一个靠窗的座位,在无烟区I'd like to have one window seat definitely, in the nonsmoking section
gen.一定要预订座位吗?Do I have to reserve a seat?
gen.我们一定要战斗到贏得最后胜利we will fight on until final victory is won
econ.我们一定要获得进口许可证的批准We are sure to obtain the approval for this import licence
econ.我公司正在进行一项市场调査,以便确定什么产品符合顾客的需要Our company is carrying out a market survey to determine what products come up to customer' needs
gen.我很高兴地告诉您,入境不需要签证,因为贵国和我国签订了一项协议,协议中规定贵国和我国公民进入对方国家无须签证I am very glad to tell you that you do not need a visa, since we have an agreement with your country, and in accordance with the treaty, people from both your and my countries are allowed to enter the other country without visas
econ.我方乐意按照技术规格说明书的规定,备好一份主要计划We are glad to prepare a master plan as specified in the technical specifications
gen.我要买一张一等舱不定期往返机票I will buy a first class open return
gen.没问题,我们一定满足您的要求No problem. We absolutely can meet the requirements
gen.看医生之前一定要先挂号People must go to the registration before seeing a doctor
gen.真的假的?这怎么可能呢?你一定要再申请一次!Are you serious? How is this possible? You have to reapply!
gen.签证处理时间一般为三个工作日,但是具体个案处理时间可能根据个人情况及特殊要求而定Visa processing time is typically three working days, but processing time for specific cases may vary due to individual circumstances and other special requirements
commer.统一法》规定在许多重要方面与英国的法律不同The provisions of the Uniform Laws differ in many important aspects from English law but represent an acceptable and logical code of the law of international sales.《
gen.被批准的 I-20 表格只是签证官决定是否颁发签证要考虑的因素之一。如果申请人的总体情况显示其赴美的主要目的不是学习,那他的学生签证申请就可能被拒The approved I-20 is just one piece of information the interviewing officer must consider when deciding whether a visa may be issued. Student visas may be refused if it appears that the applicant's primary purpose of travel is not to attain an education
house.要想避免意外烫伤和其他相关伤害,一种方法就是调低热水器设定的温度One way to avoid accidentally scalding and related injuries is to turn down the temperature of your hot water heater
interntl.trade.要求支付一笔特定款项的权利claim to a specified sum
proj.manag.要消除操作系统文件碎片问题、请定期运行可用的磁盘碎片整理实用程序之一To eliminate operating system file fragmentation problems, periodically run one of the available disk de fragmentation utilities
proj.manag.软件包的开发只是为某一用户的特定需要服务Packaged software is developed to serve the specific needs of one user
econ.这一机会确有利于我们作出一项重要的决定This opportunity does favour our making an important decision
econ.这一机会确有利于我们作出一项重要的决定This opportunity does favor our making an important decision
proj.manag.这是个重要决定、 因此你为什么不考虑一两天再来答复我呢?It's a major decision. so why dont you sleep on it and give me your answer in a day or two?
econ.这笔定货一定要在12月前交付It is a vital necessity to execute this order before December