
Terms for subject Economy containing 一分 | all forms | in specified order only
一分red cent
一半付现金分期付款half down and half installment
一次分配清算single distribution liquidation
一般分类账general ledger
一般收入分享,收入分配revenue sharing, general
一般经济分析general economic analysis
一般费用的分摊overhead allocation
一部分in a measure
一部分准备发行法partial deposit reserve method
他们只能提供所提数量的一小部分They can provide only a fraction of the quantity mentioned
他们将推迟尚未装运的那一部分They will delay the portion which has not been shipped
他们的一些定单仍有部分未完成Part of their orders remain unfulfilled
仲裁裁决的一部分a part of an award
企业一般管理费分摊率the overhead rate
信内附有我公司伦敦分公司向贵公司开出面额为40万英镑的汇票一张Enclosed we hand you a draft, £ 400 000, drawn on you by our London house
分得一份come in for a share
分期付款中最后一笔大数额的付款balloon payment
分析报告表明尿素中缩二脲含量是1.1%,而不是1.0%,比需要的要求高一些The analyst report shows that the biuret content of the ures is 1.1% instead of 1.0%, higher than necessary
分置放一旁的货物goods set aside
千分之一per thousand (mile, 英里)
半年一期的分期付款semi-annual installment
半年一期的分期付款semi-annual instalments
半年一次的分期付款semi-annual installments
一分配率single rate for entire factory
原 〔现〕价的几分之一at a fraction of present cost
原 〔现〕价的几分之一at a fraction of the cost
价的几分之一at a fraction of the present cost
双方都必须向律师提供一份充分的证据Both of the parties have to submit to the full showing of the evidence
商品统一分类法Harmonized System
四分之一圆quadrant (周)
回信应对每一索赔分别作出相应解释The reply letter shall be construed to be severable as to each claim
国际商品统一分类制度harmonized system
在各分一半的基础上on the basis of a 50% split
在此情况下,我方愿意用B替代A,每件予以一美分的差价补贴In this case, we prefer to replace A with B at a difference of $0.01 per piece in your favour
如果承租人有意把房产的一部分转让给别人,须首先得到业主的同If the tenant wants to repledge a part of the premises, he shall first get the permission of the owner
如解释本协议发生分歧,双方中之任何一方均可请求仲裁Either of the parties may invoke the arbitration due to difference in interpreting this agreement
定价低于标准八分之一的一批不标准的货物eight stock
定货不多,我们可以再分配一批货给贵公司Orders are not heavy, we can allot you another batch of goods
对于这一索赔,他提出了有充分根据的理由For this claim, he put forward well-grounded justification
市场形势分析表明一些竞争者由于价格下跌而卖空The analyses on the market situation indicate that some competitors are selling short because of low prices
总协议生效后将替代两分公司之间的一切其他协议All the other agreements between the two branches will be superseded by this general agreement after it is put in force
总款按月分期付,每次相当于第一次付款额的 40 %The total amount is payable in monthly installments equivalent to 40% of the down payment
总经理决定在曼谷建立一个新的分公司The managing director decided to set up a new branch in Bangkok
成本一产量一利润分析cost-volume-profit analysis
成本一利得分析cost-benefit analysis
成本一利润一数量分析cost-profit-volume analysis
成本一效用分析cost-utility analysis
成本一效益宏观经济分析macroeconomic cost-benefit analysis
成本一数量一价格分析cost-volume-price analysis
成本一数量一利润分析中的安全边际margin of safety in cost-volume-prof it analysis
成本一销售额一利润分析中心的安全幅度margin of safety in cost-volume-profit analysis
我们应积极促进产品的销售,并须维持一支充分的销售力量We shall actively promote the sale of the product and shall maintain an adequate sales force
我们给契约附加一份明细表,作为它必不可少的组成部分We add a schedule to the deed as an essential part of it
所附目录只是我们所经营的品种繁多的收音机和电视机的一小部分资料The catalog enclosed gives you a small knowledge of the vast range of radio and television sets we are now handling
投入一产出分析input-output analysis
报酬一机率分配payment probability distribution
抽取…的一部分take toll of
按一定的公式分派the formula apportionment
按月分期摊付的第一笔款项须随同本协议的执行一起支付The first of such monthly installments shall be paid simultaneously with the fulfillment of this agreement
按月分期摊付的第一笔款项须随同本协议的执行一起支付The first of such monthly installments shall be paid simultaneously with the fulfilment of this agreement
新任总经理解雇了二分之一的推销员The new managing director fired half the sales force
未经担保一方书面同意,你方不得利用附属担保品或其中的任何部分You cannot use the collateral or any part of it without written consent of the secured party
本协议中任何一部分的失效不一定会导致该协议中止The invalidity of any part of this agreement will not necessarily lead to the termination of the agreement
本协议中的一部分由基本合同的条款组成A part of this agreement is composed of the terms of the underlying contract
加拿大法定一部分legal subdivision
牺牲一部分佣金达成交易sacrifice a part of commission to put the deal through
瑞士信贷银行波斯顿第一分Credit Suite First Boston
由于生产能力有限,产品的一部分由转包商工厂生产Owing to the limited manufacturing capability, part of the products will be made in the factories of
社会中有职业的那一部分人an active and employed sector of society
社会劳动生产力的一定比例分配the distribution of social labour productive forces in definite proportion
秘书工作的一个重要部分是处理打进来的电话An important part of a secretary's job is dealing with incoming calls
一分摊条件first condition of average
第一四分位数the first quartile
第二方费用的一部分将由第一方偿还The second party will be reimbursed for a part of its expenditure by the first party
系统分析一运筹学system analysis/operational research
经济一体化分组economic integration grouping
美国统一运费分类uniform freight classification
统一运费分类consolidated freight classification
被跨国公司被外国完全控制的一部分出口export enclave
装货港堆置堆整装一卸货港货运分卸container yard-container freight station
装货港货运站集装一卸货港货运站分卸container freight station-container freight station
记录一积分tally a score
账目中的一部分项目a portion of an account
运筹学一系统分析operations research/system analysis
这些技术规格构成这本手册的一个组成部分Such technical specifications are incorporated in this manual as an integral part
部分均衡与一般均衡partial equilibrium and general equilibrium
陆军一般分类测验army general classification test