
Terms for subject Economy containing 一个 | all forms | in specified order only
一个人投资于股票时,除投资付款外,无额外责任When one invests in stocks, he is non-assessable, except for the payment for investment
一个从国外收到股利或贷款利息的国家可说是赚到外汇A country receiving dividends or interest on loans from abroad is said to have earned foreign exchange
一个便士一个便士地积聚penny to penny
一个便士一个便士的积累penny to penny
一个好的协议应用符合逻辑的次序阐明各种基本条款和条件A good agreement is the one the essential terms and conditions of which is set forth in logical sequence
一个季节中最早的收获first product of the season
一个成功的商人必须熟悉他要去做生意的那个地方的当地情况A successful businessman has to familiarize himself with the local conditions at the place where he is going to do business
一个月内的短期汇率short forward rate
一个月前议定书确认了工厂的技术附件The protocol confirmed the technical appendix for plant a month ago
一个标明价码的标签a tag with the price marked on it
一个特别提款权单位one-man SDR
电影等的 一个镜头scene
一个非洲国家的进口商们抗议进口奢侈品的禁令The importers in one African country protest-ed against the ban on imports of luxury goods
上个月他们得到了一种新型仪器的专利权They took out a patent for a new type of instrument last month
与…合成一个团体incorporate into a body with others
专业推销训练人员据以评价每一推销训练方案在一给定情况下所具有效果的四个方面aim, content, method, expectation (即目的、内容、方法、期望)
为第一个试制样品规定的工时定额first piece time
他主管该公司的一个主要部门He is in charge of one of the major divisions of the company
他们为了开办一个企业把房子都抵押出去了They mortgaged their houses to start a business
他们公司有一个汽车合用组织Their company has a car pool
他们在等一个开出信用证的通知They are waiting for the L/C advice
他们库存够一两个星期They have enough stock for a couple of weeks
他们承担了一个地区遭受灾祸后的经济重建工作They undertook the economic reconstruction of an area after a disaster
他们正在根据将来利润的估计起華一个财务报告They are drawing up a financial report based on estimate of future profits
他们认为准时装货是所有定单的一个必需的条件They regard punctual delivery as a necessary condition of all orders
他发明了一个把瓶盖拧开的小器械He invented a device for screwing lids off jars
他把这幅油画卖了一个很高的价钱He sold the oil painting at a very high figure
他是一个大公司的独家拥有者He is the sole owner of a big corporation
他是一个小贩,无固定的营业所He is a pedlar of no fixed abode
他正率领一个贸易代表团去中国He is heading a trade mission to China
他的公司只是一个毒品贩卖组织的掩护机构His company is only a front for a drugs organization
作为一个整体in its entirety
你们能举出一个我们不履行协议的事例吗?Could you cite an instance where our execution is not in keeping with the agreement?
你方应在一个合理的时间内更换废品材料You shall replace the defective material in a reasonable time
公共交通设施可以被每一个希望旅行的人所利用Public facilities for communication can be utilized by everyone who wants to travel
制成品服装能在一个月内供应给你方The ready made garments can be supplied to you within one month's time
卖方是按照这个国家的法律正式组成而合法存在的一家公司The seller is a duly organized company validly existing under the laws of this country
发表一个意见express an opinion
史密斯公司现在是布朗公司集团的一个成员Smith's is now a division of the Brown group of companies
一个世界One World, One Health
一个健康One World, One Health
在商店中使用的每一种票据上均有一个标志,用以说明该店是私营的Each note used in the shop bears a notation indicating that the shop is privately owned
在国际汽车展览会上我们有一个展台We have a stand at the International Motor Exhibition
埃及是一个棉花的主要出口国Egypt is a leading exporter of cotton
如果你方对新型毛织品需要不急,也许我们在下一个月可以接受你方订单If you are in no haste for the new-type woolens, perhaps we can accept your order in the next month
如果双方在这个问题上意见不一致,他们可进行协商直到达成协议If both parties disagree on this problem, they could negotiate until the agreement is reached
如给我方一个合理的实盘,我公司将甚为感激Our company will appreciate it if you will make us a reasonable firm offer
就这样,一个拖延多日的问题令人满意地解决了Thus, a much stalled question has been satisfactorily settled
属于他这个合伙人的一切无形资产都是用现金支付了的All intangible assets belonging to him as a partner were paid in cash
工程每竣工一个阶段,就应该支付一笔款项The completion of each phase of the work shall be followed by subsequent payments
一个月就满两年It is already two years, wanting a month
已经找到一个销售我们产品的有希望的门路A prospective avenue for the sale of our products has been located
希望你方给我们一个即期装运的报盘We hope you will make us an offer for prompt shipment
帮某人一个give sb. a favour
帮某人一个give sb. a favor
开放政策吸引一笔笔外资流入这个国家The open policy attracts inflows of foreign capital into the country
当一国的出口量大于进口量时,我们就说这个国家出现了贸易顺差When nations export more than they import, they are said to have a favourable balance of trade
总经理决定在曼谷建立一个新的分公司The managing director decided to set up a new branch in Bangkok
成立了一个专门工作小组来研究环境污染问题A special working party has been set up to study the problems of environmental pollution
成立了一个筹组合资公司的发起人团体An association of promoters has been constituted for the organization of a joint venture company
我不知道有这么一个合同I have no knowledge of the contract
我们将在两天后给你一个明确的答复We'll give you a definite reply in two days
我们每个月都要核对一次存货We make a check on our stocks once a month
我们至今还未收到一个中肯的答复We haven't received a pertinent reply so far
我公司还在市中心设立一个门市部,直接向公众零售我方产品Our company also has a department in the centre of the city to retail our goods directly to the public
我方已装出小麦500 吨,结清了第一个合同We have shipped 500 tons wheat in extinguishment of the first contract
我方按要求将结束日期延至下个月的同一天We postponed the closing date to the same day of the following month, as requested
我要一个双人间住一星期I want a double room for a week
所有销售产品所获得的资金均须在一个月之内付清All funds derived from the sale of the products shall be paid within a month
所谓商标忠实性指的是一个顾客固定购买同一商标产品的现象Brand loyalty is the feeling of a customer who always buys the same brand of product
承包商有权将这次转租延期一个时期The contractor shall be entitled to renew this sublease for a further period
把这个问题先放一放,等到时机成熟再说,那样对我们将会更好一些It would be better for us to hold the matter in abeyance until opportunity matures
捐赠基金给一个学院endow a college
提出索赔时,需要有一个支持确证的证人A voucher is needed to support the conclusive evidence when a claim is lodged
断绝与一个国家的贸易关系sever trade relation with a country
本合同自下个月起有效期仅为一年This contract shall be effective only for a period of one year from the following month
本合同需两个月进行一次预防性的修订The contract needs preventive revision on a bimonthly basis
术语"工时"指一个人在一小时内完成的工作量The term "man-hour "means work done by one man in one hour
一个人死后,其最近血亲将首先继承其财产When somebody dies, his next of kin will inherit his property first
根据《中华人民共和国个人所得税法》,公民的收入超出规定水平时需向政府支付一定的税款According to The Individual Income Tax Law of the People's Republic of China, a citizen should pay certain tax to the government if his income is above the stated level
一个雇员均应严格遵守其公司的各项规定Every employee should strictly comply with regulations of his company
每三个月向股东发送一次公司的财务报表The financial statement of the company should be submitted to the shareholders every three month
每个职员对有关新产品的一切情况必须严守秘密Every clerk must observe strict secrecy regarding all the information relative to the new product
甲方保证他们不会在一个月内出售所说产品Party A undertakes that they will not sell the said products within one month
秘书工作的一个重要部分是处理打进来的电话An important part of a secretary's job is dealing with incoming calls
竞争作为市场经济的一个特色competition as a feature of the market economy
第一季度,那个国家的黄金和美元储备增长了 3亿美元That country's gold and dollar reserves increased by 300 million during the first qua ter
索赔必须在货物到后一个月内提出,逾期无效The claim must be lodged within one month of the arrival of the goods, after that date all rights to it will be forfeited
经理不允许我们只从一个地方采购原料The manager didn't permit us to purchase the materials from only one source
经理已放弃在那个国家再建一个汽车公司的提议The manager abandoned the proposal on setting up another car company in that country
经过一整天的讨论,委员会同意了这个方案After a whole day's discussion the committee agreed on the scheme
考虑到目前的市场情况,我们同意和买方达成一个折衷办法Considering the present market situation, we agree to effect a compromise with the buyers
自愿清算指一个公司本身决定停办并出售资产的现象Voluntary liquidation is the situation where a company itself decides it must close and sell its assets
获得一个递盘相当困难It's rather difficult to secure a bid
要到一个月后我们才能再谈你所需之特殊产品Not until next month can we revert to the special products you required
解散一个法人实体dissolution of a legal entity
计算机技术是经济中迅猛发展的一个领域Computer technology is a booming sector of the economy
许可证发放者与其各个许可证持有者一样在专利登记有效期内可以自由使用所述的各项专利The licenser shall have the same right of free use of said patents as its licensees during the life of the patent registration
该公司花费了大量金钱做广告一个新牌子肥皂推上市It took the company a lot of money to launch a new brand of soap
该工厂保证在一个月内将货备妥待装The plant has promised to get the goods ready for shipment within one month's time
该工程已招标一个星期The project has been put out to tender for a week
请给我们一个能站得住的理由,说明为什么推迟发货Please give us a viable reason for late delivery of the goods
质量差是该公司利润低的一个重要原因Poor quality is an important factor in the firm's lower profits
这一竞争就各个方面来说都是公平合理的,毫无营私舞弊或欺诈行为The competition is in all respects fair, and without collusion or fraud
这个国家在20世纪80年代有过一段经济增长时期The country enjoyed a period of economic growth in the 1980s
这个销售计划也许不能成功,但仍值得一试This sales plan might prove abortive but it is worth trying out
这些技术规格构成这本手册的一个组成部分Such technical specifications are incorporated in this manual as an integral part
这家公司是一个美国商人的唯一财产This company is the sole property of an American merchant
这次商业会谈僵持了一个星期This business talks have been deadlocked for a week
这种新饮料投放市场才一个星期,我们就收到源源不断的续订单The new drink has been on the market only a week and repeat orders are already flooding to us
这种货现无存货,一个月后有货This item goes out of stock at the moment but will come back into stock in a month
从可选方案中选择一个方案selecting a course
通过今天的会谈,我们可以找到一个友好解决双方之间问题的办法Through today's meeting we can find an amicable solution to our problem
钢产量是测定某一年生产水平的一个决定性因素The output of steel is a decisive factor in determining the production level for a given year
银行在允诺商业房地产投资同时附加了一个条件The bank attached a condition to the promise of the investment in the commercial real estate