
Terms for subject Business containing /分 | all forms
red cent
一元正态univariate normal distribution
一元连续univariate continuous distribution
一揽子bouquet reinsurance
一揽子保单bouquet reinsurance policy
一揽子保合同bouquet reinsurance treaty
一次交互配法one-time mutual apportionment
一次变first variation
一般布滞后模型general distributed lag model
一般配制度general allotment system
一般假设下的配状况distribution under general hypothesis
一般泊松generalized Poisson (distribution)
一部付款à compte
一阶差method of first difference
一阶差算子first difference operator
一阶积微分方程first-order integral-differential equation
企业split-up of business
企业classification of enterprise
企业类管理classified management of enterprises
企业类资金账制classified funds account system of enterprise
企业红制度bonus system in enterprises
企业利润analysis of business profits
企业单一配率single rate for enterprise
企业工种jobbing analysis
企业按经营范围classification of enterprise by scope of business
企业收入income distribution within enterprise
企业收支项目classification of receipts and payments of enterprise
企业标准工业enterprise standard industrial classification
企业管理费类账enterprise administration expense subsidiary ledger
企业管理费配表enterprise administration expense apportionment sheet
企业经济活动analysis of economic activities of enterprise
企业经营成果analysis of the affairs of a business
企业结构contextual analysis of enterprise
企业财务financial analysis of enterprise
值定额法point-rating system
光光度检验spectroscopic inspection
光镜品级spectroscopic grade
列项目line item
履行的契约several contract
别检测随机性randomness in individual sense
别管辖权separate jurisdiction
别计算的装卸时间non-reversible laytime
包制sub contracting system
包制subcontracting system
包制butty system
包合同项目subcontract items
包安排subcontracting arrangement
包成本sub contracting cost
区协定subregional agreement
区定价制度zone system of pricing
区定价法zone system of pricing
区定价法zone delivered pricing
区经理area manager
区规划模式pattern of spatial organization
区运价率zonal rate
封式交接网络packet switching network
层三段抽样法stratified three-stage sampling method
层业务layer service
层平均值stratum mean
层抽样stratification sampling
统计层抽样stratified sampling
层概率抽样stratified probability sampling
层次多重结合multilayered and multiple combination
层次流动的劳务市场labor market with a hierarchical mobility
层管理layer management
层误差quantization error
统计层随机抽样stratified random sampling
布不匀的负载irregularly distributed load
布中心值central value of distribution
布偏斜性skewness of distribution
布函数distributive function
布剖析dissection of a distribution
布参数元件element with distributed parameters
布域scope of distribution
布定律distributive law
布宽度dispersion of a distribution
布密度density of distribution
布常态律normal law of distribution
布平均值mean of distribution
布序列sequence of distribution
布式计算机multi-access computer
布形状shape of distribution
布接头spider fitting
布曲线curve of distribution
布曲线图scatter chart
布混合mixture of distribution
布的非对称性asymmetry of distribution
布矩moment of distribution
布离散程度spread of a distribution
布种类class of distribution
布类型type of distribution
布系数dispersion coefficient
T 布统计量T distributed statistic
F 布统计量F-distribution statistic
开基金separate fund
开控制separated control
开法part method
开的货物goods set aside
式域field of fractions
式理想fractional ideal
式线性群fractional linear group
式规划fractional programming
成制sharing system
成细目break down
银行往来户账nostro ledger
户账divided account
share out
go halves
摊会费assessed contributions
摊养老金apportioned annuity
摊年金apportioned annuity
摊成本活动contributing cost activities
摊折旧apportioned depreciation
商品保几种险摊条款apportionment clause
摊税款distribution of duty
摊税款apportioned tax
摊责任distribution responsibility
摊账户absorption account
费用或成本摊账户absorption account
摊费用捐款cost-sharing contributions
摊资金allocating funds
摊额contribution quota
支定界法branch bounding method
支定界法branch and bound method
支定界解法branch and bound solution strategy
支店branch store
支店往来账户inter-branches account
支机构branch and subsidiary
支机构会计集中制centralized branch system
支机构分类账branch ledger
支机构往来账branch current
支机构报表branch statements
支机构汇款核算inter-office remittance account
支网络branch network
支网络network of branches
支网络bifurcated network
支选择bifurcated routing
分批交货合同contract for the delivery of goods by instalment
摊还的清理liquidation in installment
期交货delivery by installment
期交货delivery of goods by instalment
除预付款外,其余货款按合同期付款progressive payment
期付款pay in installments
期付款progressive payment
期付款pay an installment
依据合同,在交货期内期付款progress payment
期付款in instalment
期付款divided payment
期付款to pay by install
期付款budget plan
期付款下应收款的付现方法cash collection basis of revenue recognition for instalment receivable
期付款中最后一笔数目较大的付款金额balloon payment
期付款交易tally trade
期付款交易installment trading
期付款会计installment accounting
期付款会计处理方法installment method of accounting
期付款信用证installment payment letter of credit
期付款信用证installment payment credit
期付款信贷管制installment credit control
期付款借贷部installment loan department
期付款出口export instalment
期付款出售住宅house for installment sale
期付款利息installment interest
期付款制会计installment basis accounting
期付款制方法installment basis method
期付款和保证金购买installment and margin purchase
期付款商店installment store
期付款商行installment house
期付款担保installment guarantee
期付款收据installment scrip
期付款收据installment receipt
期付款方式购买货物installment buying
期付款期票installment note
期付款本金principal installment
期付款条件installment term
期付款条款installment payment clause
期付款法pay on the installment plan
期付款法installment system
期付款登记簿installment book
期付款的汇票bill payable by stated instalments
期付款的第一次付款first installments
期付款票据息票installment note payment coupon
期付款计划term plan
期付款计划编制preparation of an installment distribution plan
期付款账户installment payment a/c
期付款购买采购time purchase
期付款购买installment purchase
期付款购买制度hire-purchase system
先付一笔商品定金的期付款购买办法"add-to" system
期付款购买契约合同hire-purchase agreement
期付款购货价格hire-purchase price
期付款进货installment purchase
期付款销售installment selling
期付款销售deposit sale
期付款销售consumer credit
期付款销售installment sale
期付款销售制installment selling system
期付款销售合同installment sale contract
期付款销售损益profit or loss on installment sale
期付款销售收入proceeds of installment sales
期付款销售法tally system
期付款销售法installment selling method
期付款销售法installment plan
期付款销售特征distinguishing features of installment sales
期付款销售的资金融通financing of instalment sales
期付款销售营业consumer credit business
期付款销货价格installment price
期付款销货成本cost of goods sold on installment plan
期付款销货收入installment revenue
期付款销货法installment plan system
期付款销货法installment sale basis
期付款销货法installment system
期付清pay off by installment
期付费的保险installment insurance
期保险installment insurance
期偿付本金principal installment
期偿付欠款installment of arrears
期偿付欠款installment of arrear
期偿付购买法hire system
期偿还付款amortization payments
期偿还借款installment loan
期偿还债券installment bond
期偿还债款表amortization money table
期偿还公司债券installment bond
期偿还年金installment refund annuity
期偿还抵押installment mortgage
期偿还期amortization period
期偿还的年金债券serial annuity bond
期偿还贷款installment loan
期储蓄installment saving
期储蓄存单installment saving contract
期分批交货installment delivery
期分批加薪stage by stage increase in wages
期分批地stage by.stage
期分配清算installment distribution liquidation
期发行债券series of bonds
期发表appear in installment
期发表appeal in installment
期发货allocate goods in a concentrated way and ship by installments
期取款发运货物merchandise shipped on installment sales
期和延期付款installment and deferred payment
期定额付款法fixed installment method
折旧期定额制fixed installment system
期定额折旧depreciation-fixed instalment
期定额折旧depreciation by fixed instalment
期定额折旧法depreciation-fixed installment method
折旧或分期付款的期定额法fixed installment method
期履行合同installment contract
期应收账款installment receivable account
期或分批broken or odd date
期拨付退休金retirement by installment
期摊还抵押借款amortized mortgage
期摊还清算liquidation in installment
期摊还表amortization schedule
期摊还计划amortization plan of payment
期支付保险费installment premium
期支付货款合同contract for the payment of goods by installment
期支付退休金retirement by instalment
期收款销售conditional sale
期收款销售的递延利润deferred profit on installment sales
期直接或分批加工periodic direct or batch processing
期直接或分批加工periodic direct or inplace processing
期筹资installment financing
期累积预付货款提货法layaway plan
期累进支付额抵押贷款graduated payment mortgage
期缴付subsequent pay
期缴付股款簿subscription instalment book
期股票收据installment scrip
期认购股款subscription installment
期认购股款簿subscription installment book
期资金融通installment financing
期还债基金amortization fund
期还本付息installment and interest charge
期还本利息interest payment and amortization
期还本办法serial redemption
期还款配额amortization quota
期进行phase over time
期连续付款series of payment
期连续收款series of receipts
期递减制reducing installment system
期递减折旧installment reducing depreciation
期递减折旧depreciation by reducing instalment
期递减折旧法installment reducing depreciation method
期递减折旧法depreciation-reducing installment method
计算折旧期递减法reducing installment method
期递增分配incremental installment allocation
期递增分配法incremental installment allocation method
期销售资金融通financing of installment sales
期销售递延毛利deferred gross profit on installment sales
期预算计划budget plan
decentralization of power
权制decentralized system
权指挥decentralized command
权政策decentralization policy
权管理组织decentralized organization
权管理组织decentralized management organization
权计划decentralized planning
权计划与集权控制decentralized planning and centralized controlling
权计划管理decentralized planning control
标记费charge for sorting out cargo mark
派式模型assignment-type model
派成本apportioned cost
流过程branch process
渠道by-pass channel
港卸货单discharging report in separate port
理事会divisional council
电盒distribution box
程序体系hierarchy of block
生产class production
等法bracketing method
等级工厂grading plant
等级的运费taper freight rates
等级递进征税bracket progression
等计划ranking plan
而治之divide and rule
而论之策略strategy of divide and rule
舱货载电报指起运港装载完毕后给目的港拍发的有关分舱货载的电报disposition-of-cargo telegram
贝对数频率decibel-log frequency
贝—对数频率特性decibel-log frequency characteristic
multiple address (x为名址数目)
送电telegram multiple
送电telegram with multiple address
送电不保密communicate to all addresses
送电报telegram with multiple addresses
选作业sorting operation
销业distribution industry
销业distribution business
销业务distribution service
销活动distribution activities
销渠道distributive channels
销链distribution chain
阶段办法phased approach
阶段统计multistage statistics
阶段试验multistage test
阶段调查multistage investigation
阶段需要的储备额graduated reserve requirement
包皮部破损partly cover torn
各尽所能、按劳from each accounting to his ability, to each according to his work
各尽所能、按需from each according to his ability, to each accounting to his needs
各种成本之间的trade-off between different costs
各部门内部intra-branch division of labour
right of disposition
right of disposal
职工imposition of sanction against staff and workers
通知notice of sanction
处理效用均值analysis of means for treatment effects
市区划zoning law
市区划法规zoning code
市场析专家market analyst
市场析图market analysis chart
市场析报告market analysis report
市场market allocation
市场配协定market-sharing agreement
市场供求market supply and demand analysis
市场供求信息market supply and demand information analysis
市场动向market trend analysis
市场因果性market causality analysis
市场因素market factors analysis
市场数据market data analysis
市场研究与析销售潜力market research and analysis sales potential
市场组market grouping
市场细subclassification of market
市场细marketing segmentation
市场细market subdivision
市场结构market structure analysis
市场调查数据market survey data analysis
市场过僵化excessive market rigidity
市场需求market demand analysis
布鲁塞尔关税税则品名类目录Brussels Tariff Nomenclature
开出信用证类账letter of credit issued ledger
开立类账opening a ledger
开端频数open-end frequency distribution
异向异质anisotropic distribution
最优optimal allocation
最优化生产配解法optimum production distribution solution
最优惠保人条款most favoured reinsurer's clause
最优惠保条款most favoured reinsurance clause
最低摊额minimum contribution
最低成本寿命minimum-cost-life analysis
最佳布参数optimal distributed parameter
最佳性optimality analysis
最佳时间检验出的百fraction of time good
最佳路线best route analysis
最后一钟适用last-minute application
最大似然因子maximum likelihood factor analysis
最大极值largest extreme value distribution
最大熵谱maximum-entropy spectral analysis
最大百maximum percentage
最小二乘方估计量的distribution of least squares estimator
最小充统计量minimum sufficient statistic
最小平方least square analysis
最小平方回归least squares regression analysis
最小方差差least variance difference
最小方差差分析least variance difference analysis
最小极值smallest extreme value distribution
最小极值极限limiting distribution of smallest extreme value
最小燃料消耗minimum fuel consumption analysis
最简fraction in lowest terms
最终结果end-point analysis
最高保接受额gross line of reinsurance accepted
清理股权liquidating distribution
清算摊liquidation dividend
企业解散后的资金摊分给股东清算摊liquidating dividend
…码/分yards per minute
调整changing the distribution
调整adjusting journal entry
调查效力distribution of searching effect
调节后的调整adjustment after reconciliation
退休金摊额pension contribution
适用方式analysis by manner of application
销售distribution entries
销售distribution entry
销售sales research
销售配机构sales and distribution mechanism
销售与销费用sales and distribution costs
销售及管理费用析表analysis sheet of selling and administrative expenses
销售客户类账sales ledger
销售机会customer sales opportunity analysis
销售百率法percentage of sale approach
销售管理费用析表selling and administrative expense analysis sheet
销售趋势sales trend analysis
销货sales analysis
销货类账sold ledger
销货净额百percentage of net sale
销货客户户账sales ledger
销货折扣占销货总额per cent of the discount taken
销货折扣百per cent of discount taken
销货收入净额百percentage of the net sales
销货百比法percent-of-sales method
销货百率分析percentage of sales analysis
销货百率分析percentage of the sale analysis
销货退回折让与销货百percent return and allowances to sales
销量analysis of sales
需求distribution of demand
需求demand distribution
需求类法needs classification method
需求成demand element
需求投机成speculative component of demand
需求组成部demand component
需要needs analysis
需要need classification
需要类法needs classification system
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