
Terms for subject Microsoft containing съби́ране | all forms | exact matches only
знак за събиранеaddition operator (The + character, used to indicate addition or a positive number)
клетка за събиранеhome cell (One of the four card locations in the upper-right corner of the screen)
комплект програми за събиране на данниData Collector Set (A computer management tool used to group data collectors into sets that run on the same schedule)
неявно събиране на данниimplicit profiling (An information collection process in which the actions and behaviors of a user visiting a Web site are recorded as the user moves around in and interacts with the Web site)
събиране на данниdata mining (The process of identifying commercially useful patterns or relationships in databases or other computer repositories through the use of advanced statistical tools)
Събиране на SQM данниSQM Data Collection (A system job that collects quality and performance information and sends it to Microsoft for analysis)
събиране на данниdata collection (The process of gathering information by sending and receiving HTML forms or InfoPath forms from Access)
събиране на данниdata collection (The process of gathering information by sending and receiving HTML forms or InfoPath forms from Access)
Събиране на данни за използваемост и изправностUsage and Health Data Collection (A feature that collects and logs SharePoint health indicators and usage metrics for analysis and reporting purposes)
събиране на данни чрез имейлCollect Data Through E-mail (A feature that allows an end-user to collect data via E-mail using Access, Outlook, and InfoPath)
събиране на думиtext harvesting (A process of extending a handwriting recognizer's lexicon by gathering and storing the user's vocabulary)
събиране на имейл адресиe-mail harvesting (The process of collecting new e-mail addresses, through legitimate or illegitimate means, for the purpose of adding them to a spam database)
Съветник за събиране на данниData Selector Wizard (A wizard that lets users select, configure, and import data from a data source into a Visio diagram)
технология за събиране на информация за работата на приложениятаService Quality Metrics (Technology a user can enable that allows data relating to application use/performance/errors to be collected and sent to Microsoft, thus allowing Microsoft to continue to improve the product based on actual user data)
технология за събиране на информация за работата на приложениятаservice quality metrics (A collection of statistics that indicates the degree to which a service meets performance, usage, and other demands for the service)
услуга за събиране на измерванияmetering aggregation service (A service that collects and processes metering data)