
Terms containing монти́ране | all forms | exact matches only
construct.контролно монтиранеtrial assembly
beekeep.монтиране на восъчни основи към рамкитеembedding (comb foundation)
construct.монтиране на изолаториinsulator assembling
construct.монтиране на крепежtimbering assembly
construct.монтиране на облицовкаlining assembly
construct.монтиране на открита шинна системаmounting of open bus
construct.монтиране на предпазни устройстваsafety-device mounting
electr.eng.монтиране на ролкиknob mounting
electr.eng.монтиране на ролкиroller mounting
construct.монтиране на скоби с ролкиmounting of cramps with knobs
comp., MSмонтиране на снимкиPhoto Montage (Feature of the Expression Graphic Designer, Windows illustration tool, that allows user to create a single image composed of multiple photos stitched together)
construct.монтиране на столарски елементиinstallation of joinery
construct.монтиране на съоръженияequipment installation
construct.монтиране на шинна системаmounting of buses
construct.монтиране на шинна системаbusbar mounting
construct.окончателно монтиранеfinal assembly
comp., MSтвърдо монтиранеhard mount The processes during which an NFS client will infinitely try to mount a file system to make it available for access. NFS clients which hard mount a file system could encounter problems if the NFS server becomes unavailable (на файлова система)
comp., MSточка за монтиране на томvolume mount point (A point of access to a volume (or multiple volumes) that users and applications can use to unify disparate file systems into one logical system)
comp., MSточка на монтиранеmount point (" A directory on one volume that an application can use to mount a different volume, that is to set it up for use at the location a user specifies. In other words, you can use a mount point as a gateway to the volume. When a volume is mounted at a mount point, users and applications can refer to the mounted volume by the path of the mount point or a drive letter. For example, with a mount point set the user might refer to drive D as "C:\mnt\Ddrive" as well as "D:".")