
Terms for subject Microsoft containing team | all forms | exact matches only
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NIC TeamingNIC 小組 (A feature that enables users to group two or more physical network adapters into a single logical network device)
pursuit team追隨團隊 (People who are members of the group that is assigned to follow up on a particular lead)
support team支援小組 (An organization or group that is responsible for providing technical support)
Team Call小組通話 (The feature that forwards a call from a team leader to an entire team according to a hunt group algorithm)
team-call group小組通話群組 (A group of people who can answer calls on behalf of someone else)
Team Management團隊管理 (The Duet end-user application that enables users to view up-to-date information about other users, open positions across divisions, and organizational structures in Microsoft Office Outlook. Users can view these in Outlook in the form of Outlook Contact items or Office documents that are integrated with and retrieved from SAP systems)
team of peers同儕小組 (An organizational work model that emphasizes the use of small, cohesive teams of role specialists who communicate on an equal basis in the accomplishment of their individual and group tasks. This work model contrasts to that of the traditional top-down, linear-structure work model, and has been functionally proven in a variety of different organizations, cultures, and project sizes)
Team Planner團隊規劃 (A view that shows all of the resources on a project and their work over time. This makes it easy to rearrange work, schedule new work, and manage a team's load)
team projectTeam 專案 (The named collection of work items, code tests, work products, metrics, and so forth used by a defined team to track a common set of related work)
team project collection host groupTeam 專案集合主機群組 (A Virtual Machine Manager host group that has been bound to a team project collection)
team project collection library shareTeam 專案集合程式庫共用 (A Virtual Machine Manager library share that has been bound to a team project collection)
team project host groupTeam 專案主機群組 (A project collection host group that has been further bound to a TFS team project for the purpose of deploying virtual environments)
team project library shareTeam 專案程式庫共用 (A project collection library share that has been further bound to a TFS team project for storage of virtual environment templates and virtual machine templates)
team project portalTeam 專案入口網站 (The Windows SharePoint Services (WSS) site for each team project. A team project portal allows team members to store and share documents, reports, and information related to a specific team project)
Team Resources小組資源 (A feature that allows task work to be assigned to a group at the resource level to rather than to an individual. The total work load of the team resource includes both each individual's and the team's. These are not project teams)
team Web site小組網站 (A customizable Web site with features that help a team work together. The default site has pages for document libraries, announcements, and team events. Only members, specified by the site creator, can use the site)
Team Work Center小組工作中心 (​A Web Part that combines a search list of projects in a site collection along with a timeline that shows how those projects relate to one another)
triage team分級小組 (The team that performs the process of reviewing newly reported or reopened bugs and assign a priority and iteration for working on them)