
Terms containing section | all forms | exact matches only
polit.Bulgarian SectionBugarski odsjek
comp., MScaption sectionsekcija s opisima (The section on a grouped data access page that displays captions for columns of data. It appears immediately before the group header)
polit.Croatian SectionHrvatski odsjek
environ.Croatian Society of Natural Sciences, Section for the Protection of NatureHrvatsko Prirodoslovno Drustvo
polit.Czech SectionČeški odsjek
polit.Danish SectionDanski odsjek
comp., MSDeclarations sectionsekcija s deklaracijama (The section of a module containing declarations that apply to every procedure in the module. It can include declarations for variables, constants, user-defined data types, and external procedures in a dynamic-link library)
comp., MSDetail sectionsekcija s pojedinostima (A report section used to contain the main body of a form or report. This section usually contains controls bound to the fields in the record source, but can also contain unbound controls, such as labels that identify a field's contents)
polit.Dutch SectionNizozemski odsjek
econ.EAGGF Guarantee SectionOdsjek EAGGF-a za pružanje jamstva
obs., fin., agric.EAGGF Guarantee Sectionkomponenta za jamstva EFSJP-a
econ.EAGGF Guidance SectionOdsjek EAGGF-a za usmjeravanje
polit.English SectionEngleski odsjek
polit.Estonian SectionEstonski odsjek
polit.Finnish SectionFinski odsjek
polit.French SectionFrancuski odsjek
polit.German SectionNjemački odsjek
polit.Greek SectionGrčki odsjek
polit.Hungarian SectionMađarski odsjek
polit.Irish SectionIrski odsjek
polit.Italian SectionTalijanski odsjek
polit.Latvian SectionLatvijski odsjek
polit.Lithuanian SectionLitavski odsjek
polit.Maltese SectionMalteški odsjek
comp., MSoptional sectionneobavezna sekcija (A control on a form that contains other controls and that usually does not appear by default. Users can insert and remove optional sections when filling out the form)
polit.Polish SectionPoljski odsjek
polit.Portuguese SectionPortugalski odsjek
comp., MSrecursive sectionrekurzivna sekcija (A control that contains other controls, can be inserted within itself, and is bound to nested reference fields)
comp., MSrepeating sectionponavljajuća sekcija (A control on a form that contains other controls and that repeats as needed. Users can insert multiple sections when filling out the form)
comp., MSrepeating section content controlkontrola sadržaja za ponavljanje sekcije (​A content control that enables a user the repeat its contents as many times as the user wants to repeat it)
transp.road sectioncestovna dionica
polit.Romanian SectionRumunjski odsjek
austrianSection 1 - General Matters and EU Affairs, Technical SupervisionDecernat 1 - Opća pitanja, pitanja EU, stručni tehnički nadzor
transp., mil., grnd.forc.section heightvisina presjeka gume
anim.husb.section honeymed u saću
law, econ., ITsection of the budgetdio proračuna
NGOSection 2 - Technical Management Tools and Public TenderingDecernat 2 - Osnove tehničkog menadžmenta i dodjeljivanje javnih naloga
gen.section widthširina presjeka gume
polit.Slovak SectionSlovački odsjek
polit.Slovene SectionSlovenski odsjek
polit.Spanish SectionŠpanjolski odsjek
gen.Specialized Sectionspecijalizirani odjel
polit.Swedish SectionŠvedski odsjek
comp., MSwriteable sectiondio za pisanje (A data section in a module, such as a data section containing a module's global variables, that can be written to at run time)