
Terms containing bottle | all forms | exact matches only
forestr.aerosol bottleaerosolová fľaša
food.ind.baby-bottle mouth piecececok
chem.borosilicate glass bottlefľaša z borokremičitého skla
environ.bottle cap No definition neededuzáver fľaše
life.sc.closed bottletest v uzavretej fľaši
life.sc.closed bottle testtest v uzavretej fľaši
gen.Convention concerning the Reduction of Hours of Work in Glass-Bottle WorksDohovor o skrátení pracovného času v sklárňach na výrobu fliaš
mun.plan., construct.hot water bottlefľaša na teplú vodu
mun.plan., construct.hot-water bottlefľaša na teplú vodu
food.ind.neck of the bottlehrdlo fľaše
agric.wash bottlepremývačka
lab.law., industr., construct.water bottlefľaša na vodu