
Terms containing yellowing | all forms | exact matches only
agric.lethal yellowing of coconutamarillez letal del cocotero
pest.contr.vein yellowingamarilleo de las venas
nat.sc.yellow bedstrawcuajaleche (Galium verum)
social.sc., health.yellow capsorange
nat.sc., agric.yellow chamomileabiar (Anthemis tinctoria L.)
nat.sc., agric.yellow clovervulneraria (Anthyllis vulneraria)
social.sc., health.yellow dropsorange
nat.sc.yellow galiumcuajaleche (Galium verum)
food.ind., chem.yellow gingerE100
food.ind., chem.yellow gingercurcumina
chem.yellow iron oxideE172
nat.sc., agric.yellow underwingnoctuido de la acedera (Agrotis pronuba, Triphaena pronuba)
nat.sc., agric.yellow vetchlingafaca (Lathyrus aphaca L.)
chem.yellowing in darknessamarilleamiento en la oscuridad
industr., construct.yellowing of juteamarilleo del yute
textileyellowing resistanceresistencia al amarilleo
chem.yellowing resistanceresistencia a amarillearse