
Terms containing unified | all forms | exact matches only
commun.configurable unified search enginesistema de búsqueda unido configurable
fin.ECSC unified tariffarancel unificado CECA
nat.sc.grand unified theoriesTeorías de Gran Unificación
comp., MSMicrosoft Exchange Unified Messaging ServiceServicio de mensajería unificada de Microsoft Exchange (A service that implements Unified Messaging (UM) capabilities for UM-enabled users)
ITunified architecturearquitectura unificada
ITunified architecturearquitectura de red de sistemas
phys.unified atomic mass constantconstante de masa atómica unificada
nucl.phys.unified atomic mass unitunidad de masa atómica modificada
phys.unified atomic mass unitdalton
industr.unified atomic mass unitunidad de masa atómica unificada
UN, account.unified budget and work planpresupuesto y plan de trabajo unificados
UN, AIDS.Unified Budget and Workplanpresupuesto y plan de trabajo unificados
mech.eng.Unified Coarse threadroscado unificado basto
mech.eng.Unified coarse threadroscado unificado basto
mech.eng.Unified Coarse Threadroscado unificado basto
comp., MSunified communicationscomunicaciones unificadas (A system that integrates platforms for communications including e-mail, voice mail, telephony, instant messaging, and voice and video conferencing)
comp., MSUnified Communications SIP phoneteléfono SIP para comunicaciones unificadas (A SIP phone that integrates with the Communicator client)
comp., MSUnified Connection ManagerAdministrador de conexiones unificadas (A Windows service that is designed to aggregate network information (connection availability/status, profiles lists, radio state/strength, etc) from infrastructure networks so that it can be presented to the user in a meaningful way. The main function of the UCM service includes making connection decisions (connect/disconnect) based on policy across multiple media types. The UCM service also allows for third-party media types to be seamlessly integrated into the system making the UCM expandable with future media types)
phys.sc.unified electromagnetic-weak forcefuerza electrodébil unificada
phys.sc.unified electroweak forcefuerza electrodébil unificada
mech.eng.Unified fine threadroscado unificado fino
mech.eng.Unified Fine threadroscado unificado fino
mech.eng.Unified Fine Threadroscado unificado fino
mech.eng.unified fuel controlcontrol unificado de combustible
lawunified Germanyla Alemania unificada
comp., MSUnified Logging ServiceServicio de registro unificado (An instrumentation and logging platform that provides monitoring, reporting and log viewing capabilities for Office servers and services)
busin., labor.org., account.unified managementdirección única
gen.Unified Mariáteguista PartyPartido Unificado Mariateguista
comp., MSUnified MessagingMensajería unificada (An application that consolidates a user's voice mail, fax, and e-mail into one mailbox, so that the user only needs to check a single location for messages, regardless of type. The e-mail server is used as the platform for all types of messages, making it unnecessary to maintain separate voice mail and e-mail infrastructures)
comp., MSUnified Messaging languageidioma de Mensajería unificada (One of the languages in which Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Unified Messaging (UM) functionality is supported by the availability of UM language packs)
comp., MSUnified Messaging server rolerol del servidor Mensajería unificada (A set of components and services that enable voice, fax, and e-mail messages to be stored in a user's single mailbox. Users can also access their Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 mailbox from a telephone or a computer)
environ.Unified National System for Observation, Control and Information on the Environment's StateSistema Nacional Unificado de Observación, Control e Información sobre la Situación del Medio Ambiente
commun.unified networkred homogénea
commun.unified networkred unificada
commun.unified networkred de ordenadores homogénea
meteorol.Unified Oscillator Theoryteoría de oscilador unificada
polit., law, patents.Unified Patent CourtTribunal Unificado de Patentes
commer., polit., patents.Unified Patent Litigation SystemSistema Unificado de Resolución de Litigios sobre Patentes
earth.sc.unified procedure to assess noise emission valuesprocedimiento unificado de evaluación de los valores correspondientes a las emisiones sonoras
UNUnified Resident CoordinatorOficina Unificada del Coordinador Residente
transp., mater.sc.unified resilienceresiliencia unificada
life.sc., construct.unified river basin developmentdesarrollo unificado de una cuenca fluvial
commun.unified S-band systemsistema unificado en banda S
mech.eng.Unified Screw threadroscado unificado
mech.eng.Unified screw threadroscado unificado
mech.eng.Unified Screw Threadroscado unificado
lawunified secretariatsecretaría unificada
gen.unified serviceservicio unificado
gen.Unified Socialist Party of CataloniaPartido Socialista Unificado de Cataluña
gen.Unified Space Commandmando espacial unificado
isol.unified specific creepage distancelinea de fuga específica unificada
tech.unified standardsnormas unificadas
meteorol.Unified Surface Analysisanálisis de superficie unificado
commun., social.sc., transp.unified systemsistema unificado
lawunified taximpuesto unificado
lawunified taxtributo unificado
mech.eng.Unified threadroscado unificado
mech.eng.Unified Threadroscado unificado
comp., MSUnified Tracing ModelModelo de traza unificado (The name given to the processes that define how to receive tracing information from both the IIS request-processing pipeline and related technologies like ASP.NET through a single tracing infrastructure)
stat.unified wood energy terminologyterminología unificada sobre dendroenergía
comp., MSunified work listlista de trabajo unificada (A list of all tasks, approvals, and alerts assigned to the current user)
unions.Unified Workers CentralCentral Unitaria de Trabajadores
unions.Unified Workers CentralCentral Unica de Trabajadores
lawto unify the term of protectionuniformizar el plazo de la protección
mater.sc.unifying conceptconcepto unificador