
Terms for subject Environment containing transport | all forms | exact matches only
airborne transporttransporte atmosférico
atmospheric transporttransporte atmosférico
coal slurry transporttransporte de carbón en suspensión en el agua
combined transport Transport in which more than one carrier is used, e.g. road, rail and seatransporte combinado
Committee of Inquiry into the handling and transport of nuclear materialComisión de investigación sobre la manipulación y el transporte de material nuclear
dangerous materials transporttransporte de materiales peligrosos
dangerous materials transport Type of transport regulated by special safety rulestransporte de materiales peligrosos
destination of transportlocalización del transport
destination of transport The targeted place to which persons, materials or commodities are conveyed over land, water or through the airlocalización del transport
environmental impact of transportimpacto ambiental del transporte
environmental impact of transport Impact of transportation-related activities on the environment, in particular, those impacts dealing with air pollution, noise, displacement of people and businesses, disruption of wildlife habitats, and overall growth-inducing effectsimpacto ambiental del transporte
food transporttransporte de alimentos
freight transport Transportation of goods by ship, aircraft or other vehiclestransporte de mercancías
inland waterways transporttransporte por vías navegables interiores
inland waterways transporttransportes fluviales
inland waterways transport Transportation of persons and goods by boats travelling on rivers, channels or lakestransportes fluviales
long range transport of air pollutantstransporte a larga distancia de los contaminantes atmosféricos
long-distance transporttransporte a larga distancia
long-distance transporttransporte de larga distancia
long-distance transport The conveyance of materials or commodities over land, water or through air in which a great distance is coveredtransporte de larga distancia
long-distance transport of air pollutantstransporte a larga distancia de los contaminantes atmosféricos
long-range transporttransporte a larga distancia
long-range transport of air pollutantstransporte a larga distancia de los contaminantes atmosféricos
long-range transport of air pollutiontransporte a larga distancia de los contaminantes atmosféricos
long-range transport of airborne pollutantstransporte a larga distancia de los contaminantes atmosféricos
long-range transport of atmospheric pollutantstransporte a larga distancia de los contaminantes atmosféricos
maritime transport Transportation of goods or persons by means of ships travelling on the seatransporte marítimo
mass transport physics, The movement of matter in a mediumtransporte de masa
passenger transport The conveyance of people over land, water or through air by automobile, bus, train, airplane or some other means of traveltransporte de pasajeros
prior notification for hazardous waste transportnotificación preliminar para el transporte de residuos peligrosos
prior notification for hazardous waste transport A formal announcement and, often, a request for permission to the proper governmental authorities of the intention to convey across political borders potentially harmful materials that have been left over from manufacturing or testing processesnotificación preliminar para el transporte de residuos peligrosos
private transport Transport performed with private meanstransporte privado
public transport The act or the means of conveying people in mass as opposed to conveyance in private vehiclestransporte público
public transport vehicle Vehicle for conveying large numbers of paying passengers from one place to anothervehículo de transporte público
rail transport Transportation of goods and persons by railwaytransporte ferroviario
river transporttransporte fluvial
river transport Transportation of goods or persons by means of ships travelling on riverstransporte fluvial
road transport Transportation of goods and persons by vehicles travelling on a road networktransporte por carretera
Scientific and Technical Advisory Committe in the field of the environment and trans-European transport infrastructure networksComité consultivo científico y técnico en los sectores del medio ambiente y de las redes transeuropeas de infraestructuras de transportes
sediment transporttransporte de sedimientos
sediment transport The movement and carrying- away of sediment by natural agents; especially the conveyance of a stream load by suspension, saltation, solution or tractiontransporte de sedimientos
transport biofuelagrocarburante
transport biofuelbiocarburante
transport costprecio del tranporte
transport cost The outlay or expenditure involved in moving goods from one place to anotherprecio del tranporte
transport lawley de transporte
transport law Rules concerning the movement of goods or persons by sea, railway or roadley de transporte
transport modelmodelo de transporte
transport numbernúmero de transporte
transport of radionuclides in a model aquatic systemtransporte de radionúclidos en diferentes sistemas representativos fluviales
transport packagingenvase terciario
transport packaging or tertiary packagingenvase terciario o envase de transporte
transport planning A programme of action to provide for present and future demands for movement of people and goods. Such a programme is preceded by a transport study and necessarily includes consideration of the various modes of transportplanificación del transporte
transport priceprecio del tranporte
Transport Processes in the Atmosphere and OceansProcesos de transporte en la atmósfera y los océanos
transport regulationreglementación del transporte
transport regulation A rule or order prescribed by government or management for the safe and orderly conveyance of persons, materials or commodities over land, water or through the airreglementación del transporte
transport systemsistemas de transporte
transport system System of lines of movements or communication by road, rail, water or airsistemas de transporte
transport windspeedvelocidad del viento
waste from marine transport tank cleaning, containing chemicalsResiduos de la limpieza de cisternas de transporte marítimo de productos químicos
waste from marine transport tank cleaning, containing oilResiduos de la limpieza de cisternas de transporte marítimo de hidrocarburos
waste from railway and road transport tank cleaning containing chemicalsResiduos de la limpieza de cisternas de transporte por ferrocarril y carretera de productos químicos
waste from railway and road transport tank cleaning containing oilResiduos de la limpieza de cisternas de transporte por ferrocarril y carretera de hidrocarburos
waste from transport and storage tank cleaning except 05 00 00 and 12 00 00Residuos de la limpieza de cisternas de transporte y almacenamiento excepto las categorías 05 00 00 y 12 00 00
waste from transport and storage tank cleaning except 05 00 00 and 12 00 00residuos de la limpieza de cisternas de transporte y almacenamiento excepto las categorías 05 00 00 y 12 00 00
waste transporttransporte de residuos
waste transport Transportation of wastes by means of special vehiclestransporte de residuos
wastes from transport tank, storage tank and barrel cleaning except 05 and 13residuos de la limpieza de cisternas de transporte y almacenamiento excepto las categorías 05 00 00 y 12 00 00