
Terms for subject Microsoft containing time | all forms | exact matches only
active timetiempo de actividad (The entire duration of a timeline, including forward and backward iterations. For example, a timeline programmed to play forward and then backward, once, is active for twice the specified duration--once for the forward iteration and once again for the backward iteration)
Add Time StampAgregar marca de tiempo (A button in the Comments section that the user can click to add a date or time stamp)
Adjust Time StampAjustar la marca de hora (A control that allows users to adjust the time an image or a set of images was taken. Particularly useful when a camera was not set to the appropriate time zone)
Administrative TimeTiempo administrativo (" All of a resource's time not devoted to a formal "project" (includes Working and Non-Working Time).")
application exclusive timetiempo exclusivo de aplicación (The time spent in function to kernel mode and Performance Tools probes, excluding time spent in items it calls and excluding time spent in transitions)
application inclusive timetiempo inclusivo de aplicación (The time spent in function and items it calls, excluding time spent in transitions to kernel mode and Performance Tools probes)
application timetiempo de aplicación (The total time after estimated kernel time has been subtracted from elapsed time)
Backlight time outTiempo de retroiluminación (A menu item that sets the amount of time for the device to be idle before the backlight turns off)
begin timetiempo de inicio (The time at which an animation timeline should begin, relative to its parent's BeginTime. If this timeline is a root timeline, the time is relative to its interactive begin time (the moment at which the timeline was triggered))
billable timetiempo facturable (An amount of time in which work or a task is performed. A client/customer can be charged for the time spent performing the task)
binding timetiempo de enlace (The point in a program's use at which binding of information occurs, usually in reference to program elements being bound to their storage locations and values. The most common binding times are during compilation (compile-time binding), during linking (link-time binding), and during program execution (run-time binding))
blackout timetiempo sin disponibilidad (The time that a server is identified as being unavailable, measured in seconds)
borrowed timeperíodo de uso a crédito (A limited amount of usage time provided after all purchased time has been expended. If the user does not add or download more usage time within this remaining amount of time, they will lose access to the computer)
borrowed usage timeperíodo de uso a crédito (A limited amount of usage time provided after all purchased time has been expended. If the user does not add or download more usage time within this remaining amount of time, they will lose access to the computer)
budget cycle time spanintervalo de tiempo del ciclo presupuestario (A time period specified as a number of fiscal calendar periods. The budget period can be different from the accounting period)
computer usage timetiempo de uso del equipo (An amount of time that is used toward computer or software access)
Confirmation time outEspera de confirmación (A menu item that allows the user to set the delay before an unconfirmed action times out)
Coordinated Universal Timehora universal coordinada (The standard time common to every place in the world, coordinated by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures. Coordinated Universal Time is used for the synchronization of computers on the Internet)
Coordinated Universal TimeHora universal coordinada (The standard time common to every place in the world, coordinated by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures. Coordinated Universal Time is used for the synchronization of computers on the Internet)
current time increment eventevento de incremento de tiempo actual (A special punctuation event that indicates the completeness of the existing events)
cycle timetiempo de ciclo (The time taken to complete an activity)
Date/TimeFecha y hora (A data type used to hold date and time information)
demand during lead timerotación diaria (The average daily demand for a product multiplied by the average lead time)
design timetiempo de diseño (The time during which you create and modify the design of the objects and code in your application)
design-time control An ActiveX control that is used while designing or editing a Web page. Design-time controls are installed on the client computercontrol en tiempo de diseño (DTC)
disk access timetiempo de acceso a disco (The time needed for a read/write head in a disk drive to locate a track on a disk. Access time is usually measured in milliseconds and is used as a performance measure for hard disks and CD-ROM drives)
edge timetiempo parcial (The time contributed to the total time of a callee function when called from a specific caller function. The sum of the edge time of all the incoming edges to a function equals this function's total time)
edge total timetiempo parcial total (The time a particular function takes to run when called from a specific parent function)
elapsed exclusive timetiempo exclusivo transcurrido (Time spent in function, excluding time spent in items it calls)
elapsed inclusive timetiempo inclusivo transcurrido (Time spent in function and items it calls)
elapsed timetiempo transcurrido (The total time after estimated profiling overhead has been subtracted from wall clock time)
employee time recordregistro de horas trabajadas (A record that tracks an employee's time by the day (time entry) or by the week (timesheet))
grace timeperíodo de gracia (The time period during which a product or service will remain functional before the user or customer must license, register, renew, or otherwise (re)activate their product or subscription)
initial usage timetiempo de uso inicial (The amount of time a FlexGo computer can be used before downloading its first packet (adding time))
internal lead timeplazo de entrega interno (The lead time for an intercompany sales order)
internal processing timetiempo de procesamiento interno (The amount of time a function spends doing internal execution, as opposed to calling other functions)
in-transit lead timeplazo en tránsito (The lead time required for an item to leave the shipping party and arrive at the receiving party)
just-in-timeJust-In-Time (Pertaining to something that happens when it becomes necessary)
just-in-time compilationcompilación Just-In-Time (The compilation that converts Microsoft intermediate language (MSIL) into machine code at the point when the code is required at run time)
just-in-time compilercompilador Just-In-Time (A compiler takes the Java bytecode (which is machine-independent) and compiles it on demand into native code for the target machine, giving faster execution. Since JIT compilers operate on the client machine, they preserve the platform-independence of the compiled Java program)
just-in-time debuggingdepuración Just-In-Time (A technique that catches faults that occur while the program is running outside the development environment. You must set this option in the development environment before executing your program)
kernel timetiempo del kernel (The approximate time spent executing in kernel mode during the execution of a user mode application. Includes time spent in disk I/O and waiting for synchronization events)
lag timetiempo de retardo (A delay between tasks that have a dependency. For example, if you need a two-day delay between the finish of one task and the start of another, you can establish a finish-to-start dependency and specify a two-day lag time [has a positive value])
Last Modified Date/Timefecha/hora última modificación (The timestamp of the most recent modification of a Navision entity. The modified entries are retrieved from the Change Log. If the Last Modified Date/Time is older than the last synchronization time, then entities will not be synchronized. If The Last Modified Date/Time is more recent, the synchronization will be performed)
Last Synchronization Timefecha última sincronización (The time when the most recent synchronization process was successfully completed. The last synchronization time determines when the next automatic synchronization will take place. The next automatic synchronization is performed at predefined points in time starting from the last synchronization time)
lead timeplazo (The minimum amount of time required for production of an item)
lease timetiempo de la concesión (The length of time for which a DHCP client can use a dynamically assigned IP address configuration. Before the lease time expires, the client must either renew or obtain a new lease with DHCP)
linear timetiempo lineal (A function that has a run time of O(n); that is, if the function operates on a collection of n items, the function might have to examine each item in the collection, performing up to n comparisons)
Microsoft Time Series algorithmalgoritmo de serie temporal de Microsoft (Algorithm that uses a linear regression decision tree approach to analyze time-related data, such as monthly sales data or yearly profits. The patterns it discovers can be used to predict values for future time steps)
Multipress time outEspera pulsación teclado (A menu item that lets the user set the length of time between key presses when entering text in Multipress mode)
nonworking timeperíodo no laborable (Time devoted to non-work activities. Out-of-office time)
One timePago único (A data limit plan where users purchase upfront a quota of data for a given time. For instance, pre-paid 500MB which expire in 6 months)
One timeBono de datos (A data limit plan where users purchase upfront a quota of data for a given time. For instance, pre-paid 500MB which expire in 6 months)
one-time bypassomisión por única vez (To allow access one-time)
one-time passwordcontraseña de un solo uso (Passwords produced by special password generating software or by a hardware token and that can be used only once)
overhead timetiempo de sobrecarga (The estimated total time spent in instrumentation overhead)
page timehora de página (The time that a OneNote page was created)
pause usage timepausar la medición del tiempo de uso (To stop metering computer usage time by putting the computer into standby)
peak timehoras pico (The period of time during the day in which the user experiences high e-mail volume, typically during regular business hours)
ping time outtiempo de espera de ping (The amount of time after which a ping attempt fails)
point-in-time planplan a partir de un momento específico (A compensation plan that is calculated against a base figure taken at a particular point in time. Long-term incentives, such as stock option awards, are often calculated in this way)
point-in-time recoveryrecuperación a un momento dado (The process of recovering only the transactions within a log backup that were committed before a specific point in time, instead of recovering the whole backup)
preshutdown time-outtiempo de espera de aviso de apagado (A specified time the service control manager will wait before preceding with other shutdown actions)
production lead timeplazo de producción (The lead time required to produce an item, starting from the time the order is released to production until the item is moved to inventory)
queue timetiempo en cola (The number of hours spent waiting for an operation to begin)
queue time aftertiempo en cola posterior (The part of queue time spent waiting for the next operation)
queue time beforetiempo en cola anterior (The part of queue time spent waiting for the current operation to begin)
quiet timetiempo de espera (A timeframe someone specifies to suppress notifications from Windows Live Alerts)
RADIUS One-Time Password An authentication method that supports the authentication to RADIUS server using passwords that change, based on time or on an authentication request counterContraseña RADIUS de un solo uso (OTP)
real-timetiempo real (Of or relating to a time frame imposed by external constraints. Real-time operations are those in which the computer's activities match the human perception of time or those in which computer operations proceed at the same rate as a physical or external process. Real-time operations are characteristic of aircraft guidance systems, transaction-processing systems, scientific applications, and other areas in which a computer must respond to situations as they occur (for example, animating a graphic in a flight simulator or making corrections based on measurements))
real timeen tiempo real (The actual time in which events occur)
real-time block listlista de bloqueo en tiempo real (A dynamic list that is maintained inside an organization or by a remote third-party organization that contains a list of known unsolicited e-mail sources. The receiving mail server may refuse connections from addresses that are on a RBL)
real-time block list serviceservicios de listas de bloqueo en tiempo real (The business that compiles and distributes lists of IP addresses from which spam has originated in the past)
real-time clockreloj en tiempo real (In PCs, circuits or other hardware elements that provide the system with real-world time)
Real-time Co-authoringCo-autoría en tiempo real (The ability of multiple authors, who are editing a shared document, to simultaneously see text and formatting changes made by co-authors as they add them)
Real-Time Object-Oriented Modeling diagramdiagrama ROOM (A graphical model of a system's components and their relationships (the structure), and of the system's response to events (its behavior))
Real-time protectionProtección en tiempo real (An option in Windows AntiSpyware that, when selected, provides spyware protection in real time)
real-time streamingstreaming en directo (The process of delivering a streaming media file via a specialized streaming media server using real-time streaming protocol (RTSP). With real-time streaming, the file itself actually plays on the streaming media server, even though it is viewed on the computer that opened the file. Real-time streaming transmits at a higher bandwidth than HTTP streaming. It is often used to broadcast live events, such as concerts or keynote conference addresses. See also HTTP streaming)
Real-Time Streaming ProtocolProtocolo RTSP (A network protocol, defined in RFC 2326, for controlling one or more digital media streams or a presentation (the aggregate of related media streams))
Real-Time Transport ProtocolProtocolo de transporte en tiempo real (An Internet-standard network transport protocol used in delivering real-time data, including audio and video. The Real-Time Protocol, or RTP, works with both unicast (single sender, single recipient) and multicast (single sender, multiple recipients) services. RTP is often used in conjunction with the Real-Time Control Protocol (RTCP), which monitors delivery)
reserve timeper odo de reserva (A limited amount of usage time provided after all purchased time has expired or been expended. If the user does not add or download more usage time within this remaining amount of time, they will lose access to the computer)
response timetiempo de respuesta (The amount of time required to do work from start to finish. In a client/server environment, this is typically measured on the client side)
round-trip timetiempo de ida y vuelta (The time required for a single packet to leave one machine, reach the other, and return)
run timetiempo de ejecución (The time it takes for a physical manufacturing operation, excluding setup time, queue time, and move time)
run-time errorerror en tiempo de ejecución (A software error that occurs while a program is being executed, as detected by a compiler or other supervisory program)
run-time librarybiblioteca en tiempo de ejecución (A file that contains one or more prewritten routines to perform specific, commonly used functions. Programmers use an RTL primarily in high-level languages such as C to avoid rewriting these routines)
screen time-outapagar pantalla (A setting that specifies an amount of time before the screen turns off and the phone locks itself)
service level agreement timetiempo de contrato de nivel de servicio (The amount of time an alert can remain in an alert resolution state before it becomes a service level exception)
setup timetiempo de preparación (The number of hours needed to prepare the work area prior to an operation)
Show me as away when my computer is idle for this time period:"Mostrarme como ""Ausente"" cuando mi equipo esté inactivo durante:" (The option in the Options dialog box, on the Rules tab, that changes the user's status to Away after the computer has been idle for the selected time period)
Show Time AsMostrar hora como (The field name for the confirmation status used to categorize how firmly a service activity has been scheduled. The options include Requested, Tending, Pending, Reserved, In Progress, and Arrived)
simple timeperíodo simple (The duration of a single section of forward progress for a given node)
split timetiempo fraccionado (The time recorded for an interval or a segment of a race)
takt timeritmo de producción (The time that it takes to produce one unit of a product)
think timetiempo de reflexión (The elapsed time between the receipt of a reply to one request and the submission of the next request. For example, if it takes about 60 seconds for a user to enter all the information required for a Web-based time-entry form, 60 seconds is the think time for this scenario)
time allowancetiempo permitido (The number of hours or minutes per day that a child is allowed to use the computer)
time and material projectproyecto de tiempo y material (An external project that is invoiced as work progresses based on the consumption of hours, expenses, items, fees, and on-account transactions)
time and materialstiempo y materiales (A type of contract in which the final price paid is based on the amount of time it took to complete the project and the cost of the materials used)
time and materials jobtrabajo a jornal y materiales (A job for which a customer is charged actual costs plus a profit margin)
time and materials projectproyecto tiempo y materiales (A project where the vendor invoices the customer based on work completed on the job. There is a direct relationship between the invoice lines and the usage already performed on the job)
Time Attack ModeModo contrarreloj (A menu item on the Purble Place menu that allows the user to select a timed mode for their game)
Time-Based In-Place HoldConservación local con duración definida (A feature that provides the ability to keep SharePoint items on In-Place Hold for a specific time period)
Time BrokerAgente de eventos de tiempo (A feature that provides time events that can be used to initiate background work in suspended apps)
time codecódigo de tiempo (A digital signal applied to a stream. The signal assigns a number to every frame of video, representing hours, minutes, seconds, and frames)
time dimensiondimensión de tiempo (A dimension that breaks time down into levels such as Year, Quarter, Month, and Day)
time entryhoras trabajadas (A record of an employee's work hours for one day)
time entry recordregistro de horas trabajadas (A record of an employee's work hours for one day)
time eventevento de tiempo (An event that occurs after a designated period of time or on the occurrence of a given date or time. A time event is indicated by the keyword after, followed by an expression that evaluates to an amount of time)
Time Event BrokerAgente de eventos de tiempo (A feature that provides time events that can be used to initiate background work in suspended apps)
time fencehorizonte, límite de tiempo (A time interval, specified in days, that defines and limits which data are included in a master scheduling calculation)
time formulafórmula de tiempo (An expression that is created following the Simple Time Period Syntax. It takes the form of a time unit plus or minus a whole number, such as Year-1 or Month-6. It is the formula that is applied when you are using time intelligence on a dashboard)
time frameplazo de tiempo (A period of time during which something takes place or is planned to take place)
time intelligenceinteligencia de tiempo (Functionality that is used to show dynamic time periods relative to the current date)
time intelligence filterfiltro de inteligencia de tiempo (A dynamic dashboard filter that can be linked to scorecards and reports so that they will update automatically relative to the current time)
Time ManagementAdministración del tiempo (The Duet end-user application that enables users to view, create, and maintain their data for time recording activities in Microsoft Office Outlook. Users can add time-reporting data in Outlook in the form of Calendar items, which are integrated with time-reporting-compliance guidelines defined in SAP systems)
Time OffIndisponibilidad (A menu item on the Set Up menu that opens the Time Off dialog, which defines how much of the user's schedule is affected by a schedule change)
Time-only entry pointpunto de entrada de sólo tiempo (An entry point where only the processing time will be captured, without any runtime variables)
time-outtiempo de espera (An event that occurs when a predetermined amount of time has elapsed without some other expected event or activity taking place)
time picker controlcontrol de selector de hora (A control that developers use to allow a user to select a time)
time projectproyecto de tiempo (An internal project for which only hour transactions are registered)
time rangeintervalo de tiempo (A period of time during which a setting or other functionality is in effect)
time serverservidor horario (A computer that periodically synchronizes the time on all computers within a network. This ensures that the time used by network services and local functions remains accurate)
time slipregistro del tiempo (An area in the product that keeps track of how much time a project takes and allows you to analyze all the time that is spent working on a task or a project)
time sourceorigen de la hora (The system that provides the time for another system)
time stampmarca de hora (A record of the time that a document was created and modified)
time stampmarca de tiempo (A certification specifying that a particular message existed at a specific time and date. In a digital context, trusted third parties generate a trusted time stamp for a particular message by having a time stamping service append a time value to a message and then digitally signing the result)
time stamp authorityautoridad de marca de tiempo (A service acknowledging that the data existed before a particular time. The service is typically a trusted third party)
Time Stamp CounterContador de marca de tiempo (A program that tally and records the number of cycles that occurs on a central processing unit)
Time Synchronization Packetpaquete de sincronización de hora (A packet that instructs the Lower Provisioning Module (LPM) what time it is (in UTC format))
Time to Liveperíodo de vida (A timer value included in packets sent over TCP/IP-based networks that tells the recipients how long to hold or use the packet or any of its included data before expiring and discarding the packet or data)
time travelviajar en el tiempo (The process of moving between time frames)
time valuevalor de tiempo (The number of minutes, hours, days, etc)
time zonezona horaria (A geographical area that observes the same local time. The local time has a positive, zero, or negative offset from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The offset can be different during standard time and daylight saving time)
time zonezona horaria (A geographical area that observes the same local time. The local time has a positive, zero, or negative offset from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The offset can be different during standard time and daylight saving time)
total timetiempo total (The time that is elapsed between the time a function starts execution until the time it terminates execution. This is the sum of this function's internal processing time and all its callees total time)
transport timetiempo de transporte (The amount of time it takes to transfer items between two warehouses)
transport timehora de transporte (The amount of time it takes to transfer items between two warehouses)
usage timetiempo de uso (An amount of time that is used toward computer or software access)
valid time state tabletabla de estado durante tiempo válido (A table that tracks the state of an entity over time using a valid-from and a valid-to column)
wall-timetiempo real (The total time taken by a computer to complete a task which is the sum of CPU time, I/O time, and the communication channel delay)
Working Timetiempo de trabajo (The time that a resource is in the office, and that is not dedicated to project tasks or effort. Represents a resource's true availability)
working time calendarcalendario de horas de trabajo (A calendar that defines the capacity and work time in a production system, for use in managing work centers or work center groups)