
Terms for subject Microsoft containing test | all forms | exact matches only
Hardware Compatibility Test kitKit de pruebas de compatibilidad de hardware (A collection of tests that verify hardware and device driver operations under a specific operating situation on Microsoft Windows operating systems. The tests exercise the combination of a device, a software driver, and an operating system under controlled conditions and verify that all components operate properly)
Load Test AnalyzerAnalizador de prueba de carga (A Visual Studio window that displays results of any load test run, after it has run. It is used to examine any load test results that have already ended)
Load Test EditorEditor de prueba de carga (The Visual Studio editor in which a .loadtest file is opened. It displays a tree structure of nodes)
Load Test MonitorMonitor de prueba de carga (A Visual Studio window that displays results during a load test run)
load test scenarioescenario de prueba de carga (A scenario used to model how a group of users interacts with a server application. A scenario consists of a test mix, a load profile, a network mix, and a browser mix. A load test can have more than one scenario)
Load Test WizardAsistente para prueba de carga (A wizard that guides you through the process of creating a load test)
manual test templateplantilla de prueba manual (A template used by the system to give the tester a consistent experience when documenting a manual test)
Object Test Benchherramienta de prueba de objetos (A tool that creates instances of a project's objects, calls their methods, and evaluates the results)
query-based test suiteconjunto de pruebas basado en consulta (The set of test cases that are returned when a specific query is run. If new test cases that meet the criteria in this query are added to the test suite, the new test cases will automatically appear in the query-based test suite)
test adapteradaptador de prueba (The code assembly that is responsible for loading a particular type of test)
test agentagente de prueba (A background process that receives, runs, and reports on tests and collects data on a single computer. The test agent communicates with test agent controller, usually located on another computer)
test agent controllercontrolador del agente de prueba (A background process that manages a set of machines with the test agent software installed)
test approachenfoque de prueba (The test goals, coverage, techniques, and data for the project and each of the iterations)
test casecaso de prueba (A specification that describes the goals of a test, the results that the test might produce, the circumstances in which it will be run, and how it should be implemented)
test classclase de prueba (Any class that is marked with the TestClass attribute)
test conditioncondición de prueba (In a database unit test, a set of frequently used validation functions that test whether a unit test returns the expected results)
test configurationconfiguración de prueba (A set of configuration variables that specify the correct setup required for testing an application)
test deploymentimplementación de pruebas (The deployment of tests and all dependent files noted by the user or the system from their default location (for example, bin/debug) to the execution directory)
test developerdesarrollador de pruebas (A tester typically assigned to authoring coded tests)
Test Driveversión de prueba (A scaled-down version of a product where a user can try out different features before buying it)
Test EffectivenessEficacia de la prueba (A report that communicates the amount of code covered or exercised for a particular test run)
test environmententorno de prueba (An environment that corresponds as closely as possible to the production environment and within which system and user acceptance tests can be carried out)
test fakeemulación para pruebas (A mechanism that allows you to isolate part of an application so that it can be tested separately from another part on which it would be dependent in typical operation. During testing, a test fake executes instead of the methods and properties of the other part. The actions and return values of the test fake are under the control of the test. Within Visual Studio, a test fake takes the form of either a test stub or a test shim)
test filearchivo de prueba (A file used as part of a testing process to check the validity or correctness of a program or procedure)
test harnessagente de prueba (An application that loads test adapters and owns the process that executes tests)
test listlista de pruebas (A list of tests that can be selected and managed from Test Manager)
Test List EditorEditor de lista de pruebas (The window in Visual Studio Team System that is used to manage, execute, and control large numbers of tests and test lists)
test methodmétodo de prueba (Any method that is marked with the TestMethod attribute. You cannot run a unit test if its test method is not in a test class)
test metricmétrica de pruebas (A unit of measure for testing)
test metric thresholdumbral de métrica de pruebas (A goal for the project, measured using a test metric)
test mixcombinación de pruebas (A formula that defines the probability of a virtual user running a given test in a load test scenario)
Test modemodo Prueba (A Directory Services option on the Accounts page. When a customer is running in Test mode, all e-mail for recipients who are not on the user list is redirected to a separate e-mail address after filtering (thus this mail is not rejected))
Test Mode/Live ModeModo de prueba-Modo real (The modes on the Accounts page for a custom spam filter policy rule to run in. A rule can be run in test mode to monitor what would happen if rule were deployed, or in live mode, where the rule is actually deployed)
test planplan de pruebas (A set of test cases and their associated test configuration information and the iteration when it is planned to run these tests. The test cases can be organized into a test suite hierarchy)
test pointpunto de prueba (A pairing of a test case and a test configuration)
test projectproyecto de prueba (A project created specifically to hold test types)
test resultresultado de la prueba (The verdict from executing a test: pass, fail, or inconclusive)
Test ResultsResultados de pruebas (A window which displays the current status of every test in the test run)
Test Results windowventana Resultados de pruebas (A window which displays the current status of every test in the test run)
test runserie de pruebas (A set of pairings of test cases and test configurations to be run. The results of this set of pairings can be viewed together. Test runs are either automated or manual)
test scriptscript de prueba (A defined requirement that is checked against a product and yields either a pass or a fail result. Pass indicates meeting the requirement and fail indicates not meeting the requirement)
test settingsconfiguración de pruebas (A set of variables that define how tests are going to be run and any data to be collected or system actions taken while tests are run. For example, collect code coverage data or emulate a specific network)
test shimclase shim para pruebas (A type of test fake that works by introducing a detour to the entry point of methods or properties that are called by a unit under test. The shim is executed instead of the existing code, and is under the control of the tests. A shim can be applied to any code, even if it was not designed to be isolated during testing)
test steppaso de prueba (An action to be taken when the test is run, and possibly the expected result from that action)
test stubclase stub para pruebas (A type of test fake that is an alternative implementation of an interface or class that is called by a unit under test. The test stub is under the control of the unit tests. Designing a system so that its parts can be replaced by test stubs results in more flexible code)
test suiteconjunto de pruebas (A set of selected test cases. A test suite can contain other test suites, but each test suite can be contained in only one other test suite)
test tasktarea de prueba (An assignment to create test cases and test a specific area of the product, usually in the context of a scenario or quality of service requirement)
test typetipo de prueba (A set of functionality and/or a template to help expose parts of the underlying test framework)
Test ViewVista de pruebas (A window that allows you to navigate to your tests for editing (authoring))
Test View windowventana Vista de pruebas (A window that allows you to navigate to your tests for editing (authoring))
Web Performance Test EditorEditor de prueba de rendimiento web (The Visual Studio editor in which a Web test is edited. It displays a tree structure of request nodes)
Web Performance Test Result ViewerVisor de resultados de pruebas de rendimiento web (A Visual Studio window where Web tests are run and results are displayed)
Web Test RecorderGrabadora de prueba web (A feature in Visual Studio Team Edition that records the actions you perform while you browse a Web site. As you move through the site, recorded requests are added to the Web test)