
Terms for subject Patents containing subject | all forms | exact matches only
additional relation between the subject matters of two applicationsrelación de adición entre el objeto de dos solicitudes
be subject to a feesometerse a un derecho
conditions to which the acts of exploitation are subjectcondiciones a las cuales los actos de explotación son sometidos
consent subject to conditionsconsentimiento sometido a condiciones
deliver subject to a feeexpedir mediante una tasa
express o.s. on the subjectpronunciarse sobre la causa
... is subject to duties... está sujeta a derechos
... is subject to duties... está sujeto a derechos
... is subject to taxes... está sujeta a derechos
... is subject to taxes... está sujeto a derechos
non-obvious subject matterobjeto no evidente de la invención
patentable subject mattermateria patentable
sole subject matter of the divisional applicationsolo objeto de la solicitud divisional
subject matterobjeto
subject matter of the applicationobjeto de la solicitud
subject matter of the inventionobjeto de invención
subject matter of the patented inventionobjeto de la patente
subject to appealsusceptible de un recurso
subject to appealser susceptible de recurso
subject to appealapelable
subject to denunciationrevocable
subject to denunciationdenunciable
subject to denunciationrescindible
subject to special rulescon el beneficio de las reglas especiales
subject to the condition thatcon tal que
subject to the condition thata condición que
subject to the payment of feessujeto a derechos
subject to the payment of feessujeto a tasas
subject to the payment of instalmentssometido a la obligación del pago parcial
subject to the reservations indicated in the present Articlebajo las reservas indicadas en el presente artículo
subject to the reservations of paragraphcon las reservas del párrafo
the decision shall not be subject to interlocutory appealla decisión no es susceptible de un recurso separado
the decision shall not be subject to interlocutory appealla decisión no es susceptible de un recurso distinto
the prior art as pertinent to the subjectel estado correspondiente de la técnica
the remaining part of the subject matterla parte que queda del objeto de la solicitud
the sale of the patented product is subject to restrictions or limitationsla venta del producto patentado está sometida a restricciones o limitaciones
the subject matter consists only in a new field of application of a known methodel objeto de la solicitud consiste puramente en un dominio nuevo de aplicación de un procedimiento conocido
the subject-matter of the patent is not patentableel objeto de la patente no es patentable
title indicating the subject to which the invention relatestítulo de la invención