
Terms for subject Environment containing solar | all forms | exact matches only
concentrating solar powerenergía solar de concentración
desalination by solar refrigerationdesalación por congelación solar
diminution of solar radiationdisminución de la radiación solar
novel modular water treatment system by combination of solar photooxidation and air ionisationnuevo sistema modular de tratamiento de recursos hídricos mediante la combinación de la fotooxidación solar y la ionización del aire
passive solar housevivienda con técnica solar pasiva
passive solar housecasa solar pasiva
photovoltaic solar energyenergía fotovoltaica
solar cellcélula solar
solar cell A device for converting sunlight into electrical power using a semiconductor sensitive to the photovoltaic effect. Solar cells are used on space satellites to power electronic equipment, and as their price falls they may come to be used to provide energy on the Earthcélula solar
solar collectorcaptador solar de calentamiento líquido
solar collectorcaptador solar térmico
solar collector Device which converts the energy from light into electricity. The collector system contains a concentrator and a receiver. The concentrator redirects and focuses sunlight on the receiver by using mirrors or lenses, and the receiver absorbs solar radiation and converts it to heatcolector solar
solar concentratorcolector solar
solar desalinationdesalinación solar
solar desalinationdesalación solar
solar energy The energy transmitted from the sun in the form of electromagnetic radiation. The most successful examples of energy extraction from the sun are so far solar cells used in satellites and solar collectors used to heat waterenergía solar
solar energy technology Solar energy can be converted to useful work or heat by using a collector to absorb solar radiation, allowing much of the sun's radiant energy to be converted to heat. This heat can be used directly in residential, industrial, and agricultural operations; converted to mechanical or electrical power; or applied in chemical reactions for production of fuels and chemicalstecnología de energía solar
solar fluxflujo solar
solar heating A domestic or industrial heating system that makes direct use of solar energy. The simplest form consists of a collector through which a fluid is pumped. The circuit also contains some form of heat storage tank and an alternative energy source to provide energy when the sun is not shining. The collector usually consists of a black surface through which water is piped, the black surface being enclosed behind glass sheets to make use of the greenhouse effectcalefacción solar
solar housecasa solar
solar panelplaca solar
solar panelpanel solar
solar power stationcentrales solares
solar power station Plant where energy is generated using radiation from the suncentrales solares
solar-powered water-heatercalentador de agua solar
solar radiationinsolación
solar radiationradiación
solar radiationasoleamiento
solar radiation The electromagnetic radiation and particles emitted by the sunradiación
solar sea water desalinationdesalinización del agua marina mediante energía solar
solar spectral fluxflujo solar espectral
solar thermal collectorcaptador solar térmico
solar thermal collectorcaptador solar de calentamiento líquido
solar thermal collectorcolector solar
solar trap housecasa solar pasiva
solar trap housevivienda con técnica solar pasiva
solar water heatercalentador de agua solar
ultraviolet solar radiationradiación solar ultravioleta
wavelength-resolved solar fluxflujo de radiación solar expresado en longitud de onda