
Terms for subject Microsoft containing singles | all forms
application single-threaded apartmentcontenedor uniproceso de aplicación (A single-threaded apartment the thread of which is the core UI thread for an application window)
single-byte character setjuego de caracteres de byte único (A character encoding in which each character is represented by 1 byte. Single byte character sets are mathematically limited to 256 characters)
single clickun solo clic (One mouse click (usually with the left mouse button))
single copy clusterclúster de copia única (A clustered Exchange deployment that uses shared storage and can have multiple active and passive servers (referred to as nodes) dedicated to a clustered mailbox server)
single-document interfaceinterfaz de un único documento (A specification according to which each open document occupies its own window in the UI, though only a single instance of the program application is running)
Single Euro Payments AreaZona Única de Pagos en Euros (A European banking industry initiative that enables secure electronic payment transfers between bank accounts within and across euro areas)
single instancinginstanciación única (A technique used within the file-based imaging process that allows you to store two or more copies of a file for the space cost of one copy)
single-label domaindominio de una sola etiqueta (" A domain, website, or other directory whose name consists of a single chunk, such as "contoso," without a suffix such as .com, .corp, .net, .org.")
single-pane viewvista de sección única (A window in which only one view appears, such as the Task Sheet, Network Diagram view, Resource Graph view, or Calendar view)
single-photon emission computed tomographytomografía computarizada por emisión de fotón único (A type of computed tomography (CT) scan in which a small amount of a radioactive drug is injected into a vein)
single-precisionprecisión sencilla (Of or pertaining to a floating-point number having the least precision among two or more options commonly offered by a programming language, such as single-precision versus double-precision)
single-root I/O virtualizationvirtualización de E/S de raíz única (Functionality that enables SR-IOV–capable devices, e.g. network adapters, to be assigned directly to virtual machines)
single session-only discdisco monosesión (A recordable media (such as CD-RW) to which you can only write once without reformatting)
single sign-oninicio de sesión único (An authentication process that permits a user to log on to a system once with a single set of credentials to access multiple applications or services)
single sign-on daemondemonio de inicio de sesión único (A daemon on a Windows-based computer that receives an encrypted password and decrypts it before requesting a password change on the UNIX host)
single switch devicedispositivo de conmutador único (An assistive computer technology for people with mobility impairments. A single switch device allows users to interact with a computer by using slight body movements)
single-use codecódigo de un solo uso (A code, which can be used only once, that can be used in place of a password to sign in)
single use kanbankanban de un solo uso (A type of kanban that is used with a fixed quantity kanban rule to meet exceptionally high demand. A single use kanban does not trigger a new kanban when it is discarded)
Windows 8 Single LanguageWindows 8 Edición de un Solo Idioma (An edition of Windows 8 designed to make Windows affordable to mainstream consumers in emerging markets)