
Terms for subject Microsoft containing side | all forms | exact matches only
acrylic side panelpanel acrílico lateral (The side panel of a Surface commercial unit that is covered with a colored acrylic finish. In contrast, developer units have metal side panels)
add-in-side adapteradaptador de conversión (In the .NET Framework add-in programming model, an assembly that contains one or more classes, and converts data to and from the add-in view and the contract. Depending on the direction of the call, the adapter is either converting from a view to a contract or from a contract to a view)
client-sidedel lado cliente (Occurring on the client side of a client-server system. For example, on the World Wide Web, JavaScript scripts are client-side because they are executed by your browser (the client). In contrast, CGI scripts are server-side because they run on the Web server. Java applets can be either server-side or client-side depending on which computer (the server or the client) executes them)
client-side image mapimagen interactiva del lado cliente (An image map that directly encodes in a Web page the destination URL of each hot spot in that image map. Client-side image maps do not require processing from a server when a site visitor follows the hyperlinks in the image map)
client-side monitoringsupervisión de cliente (The monitoring perspective that receives events and statistics from end user browser sessions)
client-side programprograma del lado cliente (A program that is run on a client computer rather than on a server computer)
client-side renderingrepresentación del lado cliente (Technology that enables rendering operations to be handled by the client)
client-side sessionsesión del lado cliente (The Windows PowerShell session on a user's local computer, which has the basic Windows PowerShell commands available to it)
front side busbus frontal (The bus within a microprocessor that connects the CPU with main memory. It is used to communicate between the motherboard and other components in a computer system)
Group Policy client-side extensionextensión del lado cliente de Directiva de grupo (A component responsible for implementing a specific portion of Group Policy on the client computer. For example, Registry client-side extension processes registry-specific information within Group Policy)
Office Side-by-SideOffice en paralelo (A Click-to-Run feature that enables two versions of Office to exist on the same computer to provide a seamless transition for users in supported scenarios)
Scroll, Up Side-by-SideDesplazamiento hacia arriba en paralelo (A credit animation in Windows Movie Maker)
server-side image mapimagen interactiva del lado servidor (An image map that passes the coordinates of the mouse pointer to a CGI handler routine on the server. Server-side image maps require the Web server to compute the target URL of the hyperlink based on the mouse pointer coordinates)
server-side includeInclusión del lado servidor (A mechanism for including dynamic text in World Wide Web documents. Server-side includes are special command codes that are recognized and interpreted by the server; their output is placed in the document body before the document is sent to the browser. Server-side includes can be used, for example, to include the Date and Time stamp in the text of the file)
Server Side IncrementalImportación incremental en el servidor (A feature that must be enabled in Active Directory to run incremental import of profiles)
server-side sessionsesión del lado del servidor (The runspace on the datacenter (host) server, which contains the commands used by the remote user in a client-side session)
Side by SideEn paralelo (Pertaining to a type of layout that displays the contents of windows one next to another on the screen)
side-by-side executionejecución en paralelo (The ability to install and use multiple versions of an assembly in isolation at the same time. Side-by-side execution can apply to applications and components as well as to the .NET Framework. Allowing assemblies to coexist and to execute simultaneously on the same computer is essential to support robust versioning in the common language runtime)
side-by-side hostinghospedaje en paralelo (The loading and activation of multiple versions of the common language runtime within the same process)
Side-fold cardTarjeta plegada vertical (One of the page size options available in Publisher for printing a folded card. This option prints four pages per sheet of paper, with fold on left)
side panepanel lateral (A pane displayed on the left side of the Project and Project Web Access interfaces. In Project, the side pane contains Project Guide information; in Project Web Access, the side pane contains links)
side panelpanel lateral (The panel that covers a long side of a central processing unit or Surface unit)