
Terms for subject Microsoft containing sessions | all forms
client-side sessionsesión del lado cliente (The Windows PowerShell session on a user's local computer, which has the basic Windows PowerShell commands available to it)
data-sharing sessionsesión para compartir datos (A conversation that is used to share data between conversation members using a non-Communicator application or plug-in)
dormant sessionsesión inactiva (" Session in pre-login state. Sessions can be initiated or ended to modify their state, but they generally remain in either a "sleep/idle" state, such as when the session has been initiated and is open at the server for client use; or a "dormant" state, such as when the session has been ended and the session is not currently available at the server for client use.")
instant message sessionsesión de mensajería instantánea (A real-time communication over the Internet in which a sender types a message to one or more recipients and the recipient(s) immediately receives the message in a pop-up window)
instant messaging sessionsesión de mensajería instantánea (A real-time communication over the Internet in which a sender types a message to one or more recipients and the recipient(s) immediately receives the message in a pop-up window)
Live Meeting sessionsesión de Live Meeting (A meeting that is conducted by using Live Meeting, whether a scheduled meeting or a Meet Now meeting)
live sessionsesión en directo (A session in which multiple users can work together and see each other's changes immediately)
Live Sharing Sessionsesión compartida en directo (A session in which multiple users can work together and see each other's changes immediately)
Lock SessionBloquear sesión (A button on the conference leader's Conference Controls that prevents anybody else from joining the current sharing session)
logon sessionsesión de inicio (A period of time when one user is logged on to a computer. When a user logs on to a computer, the session is created. When that user logs off, the session is ended)
maximum concurrent sessionsmáximo de sesiones simultáneas (A configuration setting that represents the maximum number of client sessions that can be active at the same time for service instances in memory)
multi session-capable discdisco multisesión (A recordable media to which you can write several times without reformatting)
Multiple Connected SessionSesión con varias conexiones (A feature that allows multiple TCP/IP connections from the initiator to the target for the same iSCSI session)
per-session IP virtualizationvirtualización de IP por sesión (A Remote Desktop IP Virtualization mode that is configured on the remote desktop server in which all programs in a client session use the same virtual IP address. Each client session is assigned a unique virtual IP address)
RD Session Hosthost de sesión de Escritorio remoto (A Remote Desktop Services role service that enables a computer that is running Windows Server to host Windows-based programs or the full Windows desktop)
RD Session Host serverservidor host de sesión de Escritorio remoto (A server running the RD Session Host role service that hosts Windows-based programs or the full Windows desktop for Remote Desktop Services clients)
RD Session Host server running in redirection modeservidor host de sesión de Escritorio remoto en modo de redireccionamiento (An RD Session Host server running in redirection mode)
Remote Desktop Services session-based desktop deploymentimplementación de escritorio basada en sesión de Servicios de Escritorio remoto (A session-based deployment that allows users to connect to collections that include published RemoteApp programs and session-based desktops)
Remote Desktop Session Hosthost de sesión de Escritorio remoto (A Remote Desktop Services role service that enables a computer that is running Windows Server to host Windows-based programs or the full Windows desktop)
Remote Desktop Session Host ConfigurationConfiguración de host de sesión de Escritorio remoto (An MMC management snap-in for Remote Desktop Services. You can use Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration to configure settings for new connections, modify the settings of existing connections, and delete connections. You can configure settings on a per connection basis, or for the server as a whole)
Remote Desktop Session Host serverservidor host de sesión de Escritorio remoto (A server running the RD Session Host role service that hosts Windows-based programs or the full Windows desktop for Remote Desktop Services clients)
remote sessionsesión remota (A connection to another computer on a network)
RemoteFX for RD Session HostRemoteFX para host de sesión de Escritorio remoto (RemoteFX running on an RD Session Host server)
server-side sessionsesión del lado del servidor (The runspace on the datacenter (host) server, which contains the commands used by the remote user in a client-side session)
session-based desktop deploymentimplementación de escritorio basada en sesión (A session-based deployment that allows users to connect to collections that include published RemoteApp programs and session-based desktops)
session cookiecookie de la sesión (A cookie that is deleted at the end of the browser session)
Session CountdownCuenta regresiva de sesión (A feature on the General tab of the User Settings tool that allows the administrator to display the session countdown interface to alert users of how much time is left before the end of their sessions)
Session Initiation ProtocolProtocolo de inicio de sesión (A standard signaling protocol for establishing multi-media communications sessions between two or more users over an IP network)
Session Initiation Protocol trunkingenlace troncal de Protocolo de inicio de sesión (A mechanism for connecting the voice network of an enterprise to a service provider that offers public switched telephone network (PSTN) origination, termination, and emergency services without deploying PSTN gateways)
session keyclave de sesión (The key used for encrypting data during a communication session)
session layernivel de sesión (Layer five of the OSI model. A network layer that allows two applications on different computers to establish, use, and end a session. This layer establishes dialog control between the two computers in a session, regulating which side transmits, as well as when and how long it transmits)
session stateestado de sesión (In ASP.NET, a variable store created on the server for the current user; each user maintains a separate Session state on the server. Session state is typically used to store user-specific information between postbacks)
Session TimersMedidores de tiempo de sesión (A feature on the General tab of the User Settings tool that allows the administrator to set session limits and display attributes)
sharing sessionSesión compartida (A collaborative meeting or formal presentation in which a participant has chosen to share an application or desktop)
single session-only discdisco monosesión (A recordable media (such as CD-RW) to which you can only write once without reformatting)
support sessionsesión de soporte (An interactive session between a support professional and a customer)
synchronization sessionsesión de sincronización (A unidirectional synchronization in which the source provider enumerates its changes and sends them to the destination provider, which applies them to its store)
Unlock SessionDesbloquear sesión (The button in Conference Controls that unlocks the current conference so that additional participants can now join)
VOIP-enabled Live Meeting trial conference center sessionSesión de prueba Live Meeting mediante VoIP en el centro de conferencia (A Live Meeting session conducted using VoIP to transmit data and conducted on a Live Meeting conference center accessed with a trial account)