
Terms containing run,to | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
transp.authority to run ahead of scheduled timingcirculación con adelanto
comp., MSClick-to-RunHacer clic y ejecutar (A streaming technology that quickly installis Office over the Internet, internal networks, local file systems, or from offline media)
mech.eng.crane with wheels able to run on railsgrúa sobre ruedas que pueda circular sobre carriles
lawevent from which the period is to runcomienzo del plazo
gen.It is difficult to run a business in this countryEs complicado gestionar una empresa en este país
transp.order to run at reduced speedorden de marcha a velocidad reducida
transp.order to run at sightorden de marcha a la vista
ITrun a program, toejecutar un programa
fin.to run counter to the general trendestar contrario a la tendencia general
meteorol.run parallel totener una trayectoria paralela a
meteorol.run parallel tola trayectoria de ABC es paralela a
agric.run to land of the ploughapoyo contra la muralla
agric.run to land of the ploughempuje contra la muralla
construct.run to spoiltransporte a vertedero
lawthe service of a judicial document causes time to begin to runla notificación de un acto judicial hace correr los plazos
transp.unable to runinútil para circular