
Terms for subject Microsoft containing resource | all forms | exact matches only
animation resourcerecurso de animación (An animation storyboard that is encapsulated in such a way that it can be reused elsewhere in your application)
brush resourcerecurso de pincel (A brush that is encapsulated in such a way that it can be reused elsewhere in your application)
budget resourcerecurso de presupuesto (A resource that captures the maximum capacity for a project to consume money, work, or material units for a project. Budgets can only be applied at the project level by assigning a budget resource to the project summary task)
cloud resource mappingasignación de recursos de nube (A mapping created by an App Controller administrator with all the cloud resources)
cluster disk resourcerecurso de disco de clúster (A disk on a cluster storage device)
committed resourcerecurso comprometido (A resource that is formally allocated to any task assignments they have within a project)
Configuration Manager resourcerecurso de Administración de configuración (An object (such as a computer, a router, or a user group) that can be discovered and potentially become a Configuration Manager client and be managed by Configuration Manager. Resources and clients can be organized into collections)
cost resourcerecurso de costo (A resource that doesn't depend on the amount of work on a task or the duration of a task, such as airfare or lodging)
dedicated resourcerecurso dedicado (A resource that is committed to or reserved for a specific purpose)
driving resourcerecurso esencial (The resource whose assignment to a task determines the finish date of the task)
dynamic resource consumption for Searchconsumo de recursos dinámico para la Búsqueda (The ability of Search to automatically consume fewer server resources such as memory and CPU when server resources are constrained due to transient load)
economic resourcerecurso económico (A resource that is consumed, produced, and used to add value to an organization's product delivery activities)
embedded resourcerecurso incrustado (The files used by an application that are stored in binary format in the compiled application)
enterprise resourcerecurso de empresa (A resource that is part of an organization's entire list of resources. Enterprise resources can be shared across projects)
enterprise resource managementadministración de recursos de empresa (The business area related to managing the financial, human, and physical assets and resources of a company. Software solutions are designed and implemented specifically to manage these assets and resources)
executive resourcerecurso ejecutivo (A resource that is designed for use with data structures that require exclusive access for writing, but that can be read by several threads concurrently. Executive resources are not maintained in the system's dispatcher database, so they usually are faster and more efficient than kernel dispatcher objects)
File Server Resource ManagerAdministrador de recursos del servidor de archivos (A suite of tools that allows administrators to understand, control, and manage the quantity and type of data stored on their servers)
generic resourcerecurso genérico (A placeholder resource that is used to specify the skills required for a specific task)
global resource pointerpuntero de recurso global (A resource object exposed at the site level that serves to reference a global resource being used by that site)
heaviest resourcerecurso más pesado (The resource call or calls that exceeded its threshold more than other resources)
local storage resourcerecurso de almacenamiento local (A reserved directory in the file system of a virtual machine that is running an instance of a cloud service role)
Make Brush ResourceCrear recurso de pincel (A tool that is used to make a re-usable brush from an existing brush)
material resourcerecurso material (A supply or other consumable item that is used to complete tasks in a project)
media resourcerecurso multimedia (Any media item that can be transferred over any network as a binary stream. One media item could have multiple binary streams depending on the encoding features. For example, some media items could have three streams (or resources): WMV encoded stream for a 2 Mbps throughput, WMV encoded stream for a 500 Kbps throughput, and MPEG-2 encoded stream for a 5 Mbps throughput)
Microsoft Windows Resource Exhaustion DetectorDetector de agotamiento de recursos de Microsoft Windows (A tool in Windows that detects when resources are low)
Microsoft Windows Resource Exhaustion ResolverSolucionador de agotamiento de recursos de Microsoft Windows (A tool in Windows that resolves problems with low resources)
Multilanguage MUI Resource Management A centralized mechanism for managing language resources, helping developers create contextually tailored and consistent experiences by reducing code complexity and fragilityAdministración de recursos multilingües (MUI)
Network Name resourcerecurso Nombre de red (In a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC), a logical server name that is managed as a cluster resource. A network name resource must be used with an IP address resource)
network resourcerecurso de red (An individual computer on an internal corporate or private network that users can connect to through an RD Gateway server. The computer can be either a remote desktop server running RemoteApp programs or a computer with Remote Desktop enabled)
ODBC resource dispenserdistribuidor de recursos ODBC (A DLL that manages pools of database connections for COM+ components that use the standard open database connectivity (ODBC) programming interfaces)
operations resourcerecurso de operaciones (An economic resource provided by products that flow into or flow out of operations activities)
orphaned resourcerecurso huérfano (A Virtual Machine Manager library resource on a library server that has been removed from VMM, but the resource is still used in a virtual machine template or a service template)
package resource index filearchivo de índice de recursos del paquete (A binary file used in Windows Store apps to store resources for all languages, cultures, and scale factors)
Package Resource IndexerIndexador de recursos de paquete (The Windows tool that indexes your resources and their contexts. By doing so, it supports tailoring for language and for getting the best assets for different scale (DPI), selecting assets for high-contrast accessibility modes, or getting the best asset to fit a given target size)
Performance and Resource Optimization pack A type of System Center pack that provides classes, monitors, alerts, and tasks for Performance and Resource Optimization (PRO) in Virtual Machine Managerpaquete Optimización de rendimiento y recursos (Performance and Resource Optimization)
physical disk resourcerecurso de disco físico (A disk on a cluster storage device. Physical disks are supported as cluster resources by a Resource DLL)
physical resourcerecurso físico (A file (for example, .vhd files or script) that can be imported into or exported from the Virtual Machine Manager library)
Print Spooler resourcerecurso de trabajo de impresión (Printer queues providing access to a network printer connected to the network by an IP address rather than by an individual name. Print spoolers are supported as cluster resources by a Resource DLL)
proposed resourcerecurso propuesto (A resource with a pending resource allocation to a task assignment that has not yet been authorized. This resource assignment does not detract from the availability of the resource to work on other projects)
Publishing ResourcesRecursos para publicación (A web site collection feature that creates all artifacts that must be present for the web-level publishing feature to function. These include item profiles, web parts, workflow definitions, workflow bindings, site templates, events, actions, etc)
quorum resourcerecurso de quórum (For a server cluster, the quorum-capable resource selected to maintain the configuration data necessary for recovery of the cluster. This data contains details of all of the changes that have been applied to the cluster database. The quorum resource is generally accessible to other cluster resources so that any cluster node has access to the most recent database changes. By default there is only one quorum resource per server cluster)
Remote Desktop resource authorization policydirectiva de administración de recursos de Escritorio remoto (A policy that allows an administrator to specify the network resources that users can connect to through an RD Gateway server. Administrators can configure RD RAPs by using the Add Roles Wizard during installation of the RD Gateway role service, or by using RD Gateway Manager after installation)
remote resourcerecurso remoto (A computing resource or application that is offered in a remote workspace. Remote Desktop Server provides applications and desktops as remote resources. Other types of remote resources can be defined through extensibility)
resource accountcuenta del recurso (A single security principal-usually a user account-that is created in Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) and used to map to a single federated user)
Resource Booking AttendantOperador de reserva de recursos (A calendaring feature that automatically manages resources. Resource requests are automatically accepted or denied depending on availability and policies)
Resource Breakdown Structureestructura detallada de los recursos (The structure that describes an organization's hierarchy. The RBS code defines the hierarchical position that a resource holds in the organization)
resource budgetlímite de recursos permitidos (The amount of system resources that are allowed to be used by a block of code. Usage that exceeds this amount results in an error)
resource calendarcalendario de recursos (A calendar that specifies working and nonworking time for an individual resource. A resource calendar differs from a base calendar, which specifies working and nonworking time for more than one resource)
resource current setconjunto actual de recursos (The collection of target resources at the time the request is received. Applies to "read", "delete" and "modify" operation types)
resource datadatos del recurso (The data structures, templates, definition procedures, management routines, icon maps, and so forth associated with a particular resource, such as a menu, window, or dialog box)
resource datadatos de recurso (A type of data that is characterized by shared, concurrently read and written into operations, and accessed by many transactions. Examples of resource data include user accounts and auction items)
resource dictionarydiccionario de recursos (A collection of resources into a single XAML document)
resource discoverydetección de recursos (The process of detecting and acquiring information about resources on the network)
resource DLLDLL del recurso (A dynamic-link library (DLL) that contains instructions for managing one or more types of cluster resources in a failover cluster or server cluster)
resource domaindominio de recursos (A Windows NT 4.0 domain that is used for hosting file, print, and other application services)
resource exhaustion detectordetector de agotamiento de recursos (A tool in Windows that detects when resources are low)
resource exhaustion resolversolucionador de agotamiento de recursos (A tool in Windows that resolves problems with low resources)
Resource ExplorerExplorador de recursos (An SMS/Configuration Manager Administrator console feature that displays the hardware and software inventory that has been collected from clients)
resource federation serverservidor de federación de recursos (The federation server in the resource partner organization. The resource federation server typically issues security tokens to users based on a security token that is issued by an account federation server. The server receives the security token, verifies the signature, transforms the organizational claims based on its trust policy, generates a new security token based on information in the incoming security token, and signs the new token to return to the user and ultimately to the Web application)
resource federation server proxyproxy del servidor de federación de recursos (The federation server proxy that is located in the perimeter network of the resource partner organization. The resource federation server proxy performs account partner discovery for Internet clients, and it redirects incoming security tokens to the resource federation server)
resource filearchivo de recursos (A file that consists of resource data and the resource map that indexes it)
resource final setconjunto final de recursos (The collection of target resources after the request has been processed. Applies to "create" and "modify" operation types only)
resource groupgrupo de recursos (In AD FS, a single security group, which is created in Active Directory, that incoming group claims (AD FS group claims from the account partner) are mapped to)
Resource Hosting SubsystemSubsistema de hospedaje de recursos (A cluster software component that provides a communication, monitoring, and processing layer between the Cluster service and one or more clustered resources)
resource informationinformación de recursos (The categories of information shown in the Resource Sheet view that specify details about a resource, such as name, type, group, maximum units, and standard rate)
resource-intensive tasktarea con uso intensivo de recursos (A process, thread, or set of related processes or threads that requires significant system resources or time, or requires exclusive access to large amounts of data)
resource leakpérdida de recursos (A type of software bug that can occur in Windows-based applications developed in Visual C++ if the application is not programmed to release a system resource in the source code)
resource levelingredistribución de recursos (The process of adjusting over- or underallocation of a resource within a project)
resource linkvínculo de recursos (A text link in the results pane that takes user to informational material such as Help, Web content, etc)
resource listlista de recursos (The resources that are available for assignments to tasks. The resource list may be stored in a single project file or shared with a resource pool)
resource mailboxbuzón de recursos (A mailbox that represents conference rooms and company equipment. Resource mailboxes can be included as resources in meeting requests, providing a simple and efficient way to utilize resources for an organization. The user account that is associated with a resource mailbox is disabled)
Resource Management SystemSistema de administración de recursos (A technology that enables developers to localize their apps based on each user's preferred language and current resolution)
Resource ManagerAdministrador de recursos (A system service that manages durable data. A server application uses a resource manager to maintain the durable state of the application, such as the record of inventory on hand, pending orders, and accounts receivable. The resource manager works in cooperation with the transaction manager to provide the application with a guarantee of atomicity and isolation, using the two-phase commit protocol)
resource maximizationmaximización de recursos (One of two placement goals during virtual machine placement. When resource maximization is the goal, the suitability of each virtual machine host is rated based on the purpose of consolidating multiple low-utilization workloads on a single host. Virtual machine placement in these cases involves determining the capacity limits for a particular host and placing virtual machines on that host until the limits are reached)
Resource MonitorMonitor de recursos (A component of Windows Reliability and Performance Monitor that displays real-time CPU, memory, disk, and network performance information collected from the Windows Kernel Trace provider and performance counters)
resource partnerasociado de recurso (A federation partner that trusts the Federation Service to issue claims-based security tokens for Web-based applications (that is, applications in the resource partner organization) that users in the account partner can access)
Resource PlansPlaneamiento de recursos (A feature that allows users to allocate resources or document resource requirements, in the absence of a detailed project plan containing resource assignments)
resource poolgrupo de recursos (A set of resources that is available for assignment to project tasks. A resource pool can be used exclusively by one project or can be shared by several projects)
resource recordregistro de recursos (A standard DNS database structure containing information used to process DNS queries. For example, an address (A) resource record contains an IP address corresponding to a host name. Most of the basic resource record types are defined in RFC 1035, but additional RR types have been defined in other RFCs and approved for use with DNS)
resource reportinforme de recursos (Printed information about a project's resources, which usually includes information about costs and the allocation of resources)
resource typetipo de recurso (A class of resources, such as print spooler, physical disk, or file share)
resource usageuso de recursos (An account of how many hours a resource is scheduled to work within a given time period, and thus an indicator of resources allocation within that time period)
resource utilizationuso de recursos (Statistics from Application Diagnostics for users to see how their computers perform, for example, how many users are logged on to an application at a given time, how many errors they are encountering, and how quickly the application is performing for them)
Resource ViewVista de recursos (A window in the Visual Studio Resource Editor that displays the resource files included in your projects)
resource viewvista de recursos (A view that displays resource information. Resource views include the Resource Sheet, the Resource Graph, the Resource Usage, and the resource forms views)
Resources toolbarbarra de herramientas Recursos (A toolbar that contains tools that meeting participants can use to manage resources during a meeting)
Resources & Training pagepágina Formación y recursos (The page that contains classes and education resources for Exchange Hosted Services)
service resource recordregistro de recurso de servicio (A resource record used in a zone to register and locate well-known TCP/IP services. The SRV resource record is specified in RFC 2782, and it is used to locate domain controllers for Active Directory)
shared resourcerecurso compartido (Any information, file, folder, program, device, etc., that is available to multiple users on a network)
Shared Resource ProviderProveedor de recursos compartidos (A logical unit consisting of shared servies and shared resources. A farm could have multiple SRPs)
SRV resource recordregistro de recurso SRV (A resource record used in a zone to register and locate well-known TCP/IP services. The SRV resource record is specified in RFC 2782, and it is used to locate domain controllers for Active Directory)
Team ResourcesRecursos del equipo (A feature that allows task work to be assigned to a group at the resource level to rather than to an individual. The total work load of the team resource includes both each individual's and the team's. These are not project teams)
theme resourcerecurso de tema (A file of supported type used in a theme)
Uniform Resource IdentifierIdentificador uniforme de recursos (A character string used to identify a resource (such as a file) from anywhere on the Internet by type and location. The set of Uniform Resource Identifiers includes both Uniform Resource Names (URNs) and Uniform Resource Locators (URLs))
Uniform Resource LocatorLocalizador uniforme de recursos (An address that uniquely identifies a location on the Internet. A URL is usually preceded by http://, as in http://www.microsoft.com. A URL can contain more detail, such as the name of a page of hypertext, often with the file name extension .html or .htm)
Uniform Resource NameNombre de recursos uniforme (A scheme for uniquely identifying resources that may be available on the Internet by name, without regard to where they are located)
Web resourcerecurso web (Web content that can be stored on the server and executed in the browser)
Windows Resource Leak DiagnosticDiagnóstico de pérdida de recursos de Windows (A tool in Windows that detects and diagnoses resource leaks)
Windows Resource ProtectionProtección de recursos de Windows (A feature in Windows that attempts to block the replacement of necessary system files to improve reliability and security)
Windows System Resource ManagerAdministrador de recursos del sistema de Windows (A feature of Microsoft® Windows® Server 2003, Enterprise Edition and Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition. With Windows System Resource Manager, administrators can control and account for the how CPU and memory resources allocated to applications, services, and processes)