
Terms for subject Environment containing report | all forms | exact matches only
Assessment ReportInforme de Evaluación del Grupo Intergubernamental de Expertos sobre el Cambio Climático
Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate ChangeInforme de Evaluación del Grupo Intergubernamental de Expertos sobre el Cambio Climático
Committee on the standardisation and rationalisation of reports on the implementation of certain directives relating to the environmentComité de normalización y de racionalización de los informes relativos a la aplicación de determinadas directivas referentes al medio ambiente
Environmental issue reportEnvironmental issue report Informe sobre cuestiones medioambientales
environmental reportinformes ambientales
environmental report An account or statement, usually in writing, describing in detail events, situations or conditions pertaining to the ecosystem, its natural resources or any of the external factors surrounding and affecting human lifeinformes ambientales
implementation report on complianceinforme de las medidas adoptadas para cumplir las disposiciones de la decisión
implementation report on effectivenessinforme sobre la eficacia de la aplicación
indicator reportinforme indicativo
measurement, reporting and verificationseguimiento, notificación y verificación
monitoring, reporting and verificationseguimiento, notificación y verificación
national inventory reportinforme sobre el inventario nacional
national inventory reportinforme del inventario nacional
parliamentary reportinforme parlamentario
parliamentary report A written account describing in detail observations or the results of an inquiry into an event or situation and presented to an official, deliberative body with legislative powersinforme parlamentario
Report on the Environmental Dimensioninforme sobre la dimensión ambiental
report on the state of the environmentinforme sobre el estado del medio ambiente
report on the state of the environment A written account on the level of integrity and conditions of the ecosystem and natural resources in a given region, usually presented by an official person or body mandated to protect human health and the environment in that regioninforme sobre el estado del medio ambiente
report to the ministerinforme para el Ministro
report to the minister A written account or statement describing in detail observations or the results of an inquiry into an event or situation and presented to any person appointed or elected to a high-level position within some political entityinforme para el Ministro
reporting processinformación del proceso
"State of the Environment" reportinforme sobre el "Estado del medio ambiente"
"State of the Environment" reportEvaluación Dobris+3
transparency in reportingtransparencia de la presentación de informes
weather reportboletín metereológico