
Terms for subject Microsoft containing region | all forms | exact matches only
cache regionregión de caché (A container of data, within a cache, that co-locates all cached objects on a single cache host. Cache Regions enable the ability to search all cached objects in the region by using descriptive strings, called tags)
chart data regionregión de datos de gráfico (A report item on a report layout that displays data in a graphical format)
chart data regionsección de gráficos de datos (A report item on a report layout that displays data in a graphical format)
client regionárea de cliente (The portion of a window where an application displays output such as text or graphics)
Country/RegionPaís o región (A label for a geographic selection)
country/region-specificespecífico del país/región (Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of hardware or software that uses characters or conventions unique to a particular country/region or group of countries/regions. Country/region-specific does not necessarily refer to spoken languages, although it does allow for special characters (such as accent marks) that are language-specific. Generally, the features considered country/region-specific include keyboard layout (including special-character keys), time and date conventions, financial and monetary symbols, decimal notation (decimal point or comma), and alphabetic sorting order. Such features are handled either by a computer's operating system or by application programs that offer options for tailoring documents to a particular set of national/regional or international conventions)
current regionregión actual (The block of filled-in cells that includes the currently selected cell or cells. The region extends in all directions to the first empty row or column)
data regionregión de datos (A report item that provides data manipulation and display functionality for iterative data from an underlying dataset)
editable regionárea modificable (A defined region in a template that is editable by the user)
form regionárea del formulario (A customizable extension to Microsoft Office Outlook forms)
graphic regionárea gráfica (The area on a Web page where graphics overlap)
in-country/region number formatformato de número nacional (The string that is used to define how to create an in-country/region number to use when making calls from a dial plan)
live regionregión activa (A perceivable region of a webpage that is typically updated as a result of an external event when user focus may be elsewhere)
matrix data regionsección de datos en matriz (A report item on a report layout that displays data in a variable columnar format)
matrix data regionregión de datos de matriz (A report item on a report layout that displays data in a variable columnar format)
network regionsregiones de red (The network hubs or backbones that are used in the configuration of call admission control, E9-1-1, and media bypass. They interconnect parts of a network across multiple geographic areas, and every network region must be associated with a central site)
nonprinting regionárea no imprimible (The area along the edges of a page that cannot be printed on. Different printers have different nonprinting regions)
region selectionselección de área (A selection technique that involves dragging out a bounding outline (also referred to as a marquee) to define the selected objects)
scrolling regionzona de desplazamiento (A control that contains other controls and that can display vertical or horizontal scroll bars. Scrolling regions are used for layout purposes only and are not bound to fields or groups in the data source)
State/RegionProvincia o región (A label for a geographic selection)
table data regionsección de datos tabulados (A report item on a report layout that displays data in a columnar format)
table data regionregión de datos de tabla (A report item on a report layout that displays data in a columnar format)
Tablix data regionregión de datos Tablix (A data region that can render data in table, matrix, and list format. It is intended to convey the unique functionality of the data region object and the users' ability to combine data formats)