
Terms for subject Microsoft containing recording | all forms | exact matches only
A recordregistro D (A type of resource record in the Domain Name System that associates a specific IP address with a domain name. This is the record that contains the information that connects your domain name to your actual Web site content when people type your domain name into a browser)
account recordregistro de cuenta (The location for storing account information, including information that is entered on the Account form, linked records, and history items)
action recordinggrabación de acciones (A file in which the user's input and actions in one or many applications for each step in a test are recorded. You can then play back this action recording to automatically run specific test steps)
action recording sectionsección de grabación de acciones (A part of an action recording that is based on the steps that you mark as passed or failed in a test. Each time you mark the outcome of a test step, a new section of the action recording is created)
address recordregistro de dirección (A type of resource record in the Domain Name System that associates a specific IP address with a domain name. This is the record that contains the information that connects your domain name to your actual Web site content when people type your domain name into a browser)
boot recordregistro de arranque (The section of a disk that contains the operating system)
call detail recordingregistro detallado de llamadas (A function of the Monitoring Server for collecting information such as when a user signs in or out; starts, joins, leaves, or ends a conference or IM session; transfers a file; or places or answers a VoIP call. CDR captures only usage data; it does not archive the content of any communication activity)
canonical name recordregistro de nombre canónico (A type of resource record in the Domain Name System that associates a computer's true (canonical) name with any alias names also used by the computer. Some domain registrars use CNAME records to redirect or redelegate domain names)
child recordregistro secundario (A work item that is subordinate to a parent)
CNAME recordregistro CNAME (A type of resource record in the Domain Name System that associates a computer's true (canonical) name with any alias names also used by the computer. Some domain registrars use CNAME records to redirect or redelegate domain names)
continuity of care recordregistro de asistencia continua (A standard format used to transfer patient health information between systems)
current recordregistro actual (The record in a recordset that you can modify or retrieve data from. There is only one current record in a recordset, but a recordset may have no current record, for example, after a record has been deleted from a dynaset-type recordset)
data discovery recordregistro de detección de datos (The file format (.ddr) and the actual file that is used by Configuration Manager to report discovery data to a Configuration Manager site database)
data recordregistro de datos (A data structure that is a collection of fields (elements), each with its own name and type. Unlike an array, whose elements all represent the same type of information and are accessed using an index, the elements of a record represent different types of information and are accessed by name. A record can be accessed as a collective unit of elements, or the elements can be accessed individually)
discovery data recordregistro de datos de detección (The file format (.ddr) and the actual file that is used by Configuration Manager to report discovery data to a Configuration Manager site database)
employee time recordregistro de horas trabajadas (A record that tracks an employee's time by the day (time entry) or by the week (timesheet))
ghost recordregistro fantasma (Row in the leaf level of an index that has been marked for deletion, but has not yet been deleted by the database engine)
GxP critical recordregistro crítico GxP (An electronic record considered critical by the FDA)
health recordregistro médico (A chronological written record of a patient's examination and treatment, including the patient's medical history)
Link to RecordVincular a registro (A button, located in the Business Contact Manager group, that enables the user to link an item to a record)
logical recordregistro lógico (A merge replication feature that allows you to define a relationship between related rows in different tables so that the rows are processed as a unit)
mail exchange recordregistro Mail eXchange (A type of resource record in the Domain Name System (DNS) specifying how Internet e-mail should be routed using the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP). Each MX record contains a preference and a host name, so that the collection of MX records for a given domain name point to the servers that should receive e-mail for that domain, and their priority relative to each other)
master boot recordregistro de arranque maestro (The first sector on a hard disk, which begins the process of starting the computer. The MBR contains the partition table for the disk and a small amount of executable code called the master boot code)
medical recordhistoria clínica (A chronological written record of a patient's examination and treatment, including the patient's medical history)
MX recordregistro MX (A type of resource record in the Domain Name System (DNS) specifying how Internet e-mail should be routed using the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP). Each MX record contains a preference and a host name, so that the collection of MX records for a given domain name point to the servers that should receive e-mail for that domain, and their priority relative to each other)
parent recordregistro primario (The highest-level container of one or more work items that includes new and changed configuration items)
person recordregistro de persona (The record that contains person-specific information (age, height, etc) in CRM)
problem recordregistro de problemas (A record that tracks the identification, investigation, and resolution of a root cause)
Publish RecordingPublicar la grabación (A UI element that allows a user to save a meeting to the conference center)
Record KeyframeRegistrar fotograma clave (To set a property change to occur at a certain time in an animation storyboard)
Record Linkenlace a registro (A feature that allows you to associate one or more links (URLs) with a specific record in Dynamics NAV)
record sourceorigen de registros (The underlying source of data for a form, report, or data access page)
record statusestado del registro (The condition, at a particular time, of a record)
Record WallMuro de registros (A part of the Activity Feeds solution, where the posts about records are displayed)
relationship recordregistro de relaciones (An instance of a relationship in the Operations Manager database. Relationships are defined between classes to indicate an association between a particular instance of one class and a particular instance of another class)
resource recordregistro de recursos (A standard DNS database structure containing information used to process DNS queries. For example, an address (A) resource record contains an IP address corresponding to a host name. Most of the basic resource record types are defined in RFC 1035, but additional RR types have been defined in other RFCs and approved for use with DNS)
service recordregistro de servicios (A category of data in the Internet Domain Name System that specifies information on available services. The SRV record is used to locate domain controllers for Active Directory)
service resource recordregistro de recurso de servicio (A resource record used in a zone to register and locate well-known TCP/IP services. The SRV resource record is specified in RFC 2782, and it is used to locate domain controllers for Active Directory)
SRV recordregistro SRV (A category of data in the Internet Domain Name System that specifies information on available services. The SRV record is used to locate domain controllers for Active Directory)
SRV resource recordregistro de recurso SRV (A resource record used in a zone to register and locate well-known TCP/IP services. The SRV resource record is specified in RFC 2782, and it is used to locate domain controllers for Active Directory)
subordinate recordregistro subordinado (A record, such as a contact, that you designate as subordinate to a master record)
time entry recordregistro de horas trabajadas (A record of an employee's work hours for one day)
tracking recordregistro de seguimiento (Data emitted by the Windows Workflow Foundation (WF) runtime when certain milestones are reached within a workflow instance, for example, when an instance or activity is completed)