
Terms for subject International Monetary Fund containing recording | all forms | exact matches only
accrual basis for recordingregistro en base devengado
accrual basis of recordingregistro en base devengado
basis of recordingbase de registro
due-for-payment basis of recordingregistro en base vencimiento de pago
establish a positive track record IMF overdue financial obligations, HIPC Initiativeestablecer una trayectoria positiva
establish a positive track record IMF overdue financial obligations, HIPC Initiativedemostrar un buen historial
establish a positive track record IMF overdue financial obligations, HIPC Initiativeestablecer un historial positivo
establish a proven recordestablecer una trayectoria positiva
establish a proven recorddemostrar un buen historial
establish a proven recordestablecer un historial positivo
exchange recordregistro de cambios
exchange recordregistro de operaciones cambiarias
foreign exchange recordregistro de cambios
foreign exchange recordregistro de operaciones cambiarias
gross recordingregistro en cifras brutas (MBP5, MBP6)
gross recordingregistro bruto (MBP5, MBP6)
holder of recordtitular
holder of recordtenedor
lender of recordprestamista titular
net recordingregistro en cifras netas (MBP5)
net recordingregistro neto (MBP5)
net recordingcontabilización en valores netos
record-keeping systemsistema de contabilización
record-keeping systemmétodo de registro (MBP5)
record-keeping systemsistema de registro
Recording OfficerRedactor de Actas
recording systemsistema de contabilización
recording systemmétodo de registro (MBP5)
timing of recordingmomento de registro