
Terms for subject Law containing receipts | all forms | exact matches only
acknowledge receiptacusar recibo
bail receiptrecibo de fianza
cash receipts basis of accountingcriterio de caja
certified mail, return receipt requestedcorreo certificado con acuse de recibo
date of receiptfecha de recepción
date of receipt of the amount of the cash paymentfecha de cobro del importe del pago en efectivo
declaration of intent which becomes complete on receipt by the other partyacto de carácter recepticio
give a receiptponer el recibí
give a receiptsaldar
2. customs receiptrecibo
2. customs receiptcarta de pago
receipt and other proof of paymentrecibo o prueba de transferencia
receipt of benefitsconcesión de prestaciones
receipt of benefitsconcesión de una prestación
receipt of benefitsdisfrute de prestaciones
receipt of benefitsbeneficio de prestaciones
receipt of benefitspago de prestaciones
receipt of benefitsabono de una prestación
receipt of copies of secret or confidential documentstraslado de documentos secretos o confidenciales
registered letter with a form for acknowledgment of receiptcarta certificada con acuse de recibo
the rule relating to the receipt of the considerationcriterio de caja
within one month after receipt of the statement of groundsen el plazo de un mes después de recibido el escrito motivado