
Terms for subject Microsoft containing programme | all forms
active programprograma activo (The program currently in control of a microprocessor)
Advanced Program-to-Program Communication File Transfer Protocol A file transfer protocol used in IBM host systems, the IBM Advanced Program-to-Program Communications equivalent to the TCP/IP File Transfer ProtocolAFTP (Advanced Program-to-Program Communication File Transfer Protocol)
advertised programprograma anunciado (A program that has been advertised to a collection)
antimalware programprograma antimalware (A computer program designed to detect and respond to malicious software, such as viruses and worms. Responses may include blocking user access to infected files, cleaning infected files or systems, or informing the user that an infected program was detected)
antispyware programprograma antispyware (A program used to detect spyware and sometimes remove it)
antivirus programprograma antivirus (A computer program designed to detect and respond to malicious software, such as viruses and worms. Responses may include blocking user access to infected files, cleaning infected files or systems, or informing the user that an infected program was detected)
assigned programprograma asignado (A program that has been advertised to a collection and is mandatory to run)
batch programprograma por lotes (An ASCII (unformatted text) file that contains one or more operating system commands. A batch program's file name has a .cmd or .bat extension. When you type the file name at the command prompt, or when the batch program is run from another program, its commands are processed sequentially)
Block Programs ListLista de programas bloqueados (Tab on the User Settings tool used to block a given user from accessing listed programs)
calendar programprograma de calendario (An application or tool in the form of an electronic calendar, commonly used for scheduling)
client-side programprograma del lado cliente (A program that is run on a client computer rather than on a server computer)
computer programprograma (A set of instructions in some computer language intended to be executed on a computer so as to perform some task. The term usually implies a self-contained entity, as opposed to a routine or a library)
Customer Experience Improvement ProgramPrograma para la mejora de la experiencia del usuario (A Microsoft program that invites customers to provide Microsoft with more detailed information about how the software is used including the type and frequency of errors, software and hardware performance, and feature usage. This information is anonymous and voluntary, and is used strictly for the purposes of software development)
customer loyalty programprograma de fidelización de clientes (A structured program that rewards customers with incentives or other benefits for loyal buying behavior)
dependent programprograma dependiente (A program that requires that another program run first)
desktop programprograma de escritorio (An application that is meant to run on a desktop computer)
elevated programprograma con privilegios elevados (A program that is run in a privileged administrator security context that allows actions that would normally be restricted. Without elevation, programs in Windows Client and Windows Server run in a restricted state)
familiar Office programconocido programa de Office (One of the classic Microsoft applications that can be considered to be easily recognizable by consumers. For example, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint)
file sharing programprograma de uso compartido de archivos (A peer-to-peer file sharing client used to connect to file sharing networks in order to download or share files)
foreground programprograma en primer plano (The program that runs in the active window (the uppermost window with the highlighted title bar). The foreground program responds to commands issued by the user)
full-screen programprograma en pantalla completa (A program that displays in the entire computer screen)
generic programmingprogramación genérica (Programming using parametric polymorphism)
Help Improvement programprograma de mejora de la Ayuda (A feature that helps Microsoft identify trends in the way Help is used so that Microsoft can improve the search results and the relevancy of the content)
joke programprograma de virus (A program designed to amuse or scare a user, for example by imitating the actions of a virus, without actually harming the computer)
Language for non-Unicode programsIdioma para programas no Unicode (A Regional and Language Options setting that specifies the default code pages and associated bitmap font files for a specific computer that affects all of that computer's users. The default code pages and fonts enable a non-Unicode application written for one operating system language version to run correctly on another operating system language version)
loyalty programprograma de fidelización (A structured program that rewards customers with incentives or other benefits for loyal buying behavior)
loyalty programprograma de fidelidad (A structured program that rewards customers with incentives or other benefits for loyal buying behavior)
memory-resident programprograma residente en memoria (A program that remains loaded in memory even when it is not running, so that it can be quickly invoked for a specific task performed while another program is operating)
Microsoft Hosting Program Newsletterboletín Microsoft Hosting Program (A regular newsletter sent to members of the Microsoft Hosting specialization)
Microsoft Program LauncherSelector de programas de Microsoft (A program that lets users easily find and open programs, accessories, control panel settings, and Web sites using their fingers on a touch-screen Tablet PC)
MS-DOS-based programprograma basado en MS-DOS (A program that is designed to run with MS-DOS and therefore may not be able to take full advantage of all Windows features)
network control programprograma de control de redes (In a communications network that includes a mainframe computer, a program that usually resides in a communications controller and takes over communications tasks such as routing, error control, line control, and polling (checking terminals for transmissions), leaving the main computer free for other functions)
Organization Chart Add-in for Microsoft® Office programsComplemento Organigrama para programas de Microsoft® Office (Microsoft supplemental software that enables users to create and edit organization charts in Microsoft Office programs)
per-program IP virtualizationvirtualización de IP por programa (A Remote Desktop IP Virtualization mode that is configured on the remote desktop server in which specified programs are assigned unique virtual IP addresses, while all other programs use the IP address of the remote desktop server)
program anniversary datefecha de aniversario del programa (The calendar date which marks the enrollment of a partner into the Microsoft Partner Program, including payment of any applicable membership fees)
program codecódigo de programa (A five-digit code that identifies which of the solution provider's program offerings the customer's computer belongs to)
Program Compatibility AssistantAsistente para la compatibilidad de programas (A tool that provides a discoverable and generic solution to allow end users resolve compatibility issues at runtime, just after the user completed running a program with problems. This is accomplished by monitoring programs for compatibility issues through heuristics and whenever a potential issue is detected, provide the user with interface to re-run the program with solutions)
Program Compatibility troubleshooterSolucionador de problemas de compatibilidad de programas (An easy-to-use troubleshooter that helps find and fix program compatibility issues)
Program, Evaluation and Review Technique analysisanálisis PERT (A process by which you evaluate a probable outcome based on three scenarios: best-case, expected-case, and worst-case)
Program Evaluation and Review Technique chartdiagrama PERT (A project optimization tool that enables scheduling and tracking of tasks, goal setting, and timelines)
program eventevento de programa (An action or occurrence to which a program might respond. Examples include state changes, data transfers, key presses, and mouse movements)
program infector virusvirus de programa (A virus that attaches itself to executable programs. Once the original infected program is run the virus transfers to the computer memory and may replicate itself further, spreading the infection. This type of virus can be spread beyond one's system as soon as the infected file or program is passed to another computer. The simplest form of these viruses work by overwriting part of the program they are infecting. More sophisticated versions hide their presence by saving the program or file's original instructions so that these are executed even after infection)
program information filearchivo PIF (A file that provides information to Windows about how best to run MS-DOS-based programs. When you start an MS-DOS-based program, Windows looks for a program information file to use with it.program information files contain such items as the name of the file, a start-up directory, and multitasking options)
Program LauncherSelector de programas (A program that lets users easily find and open programs, accessories, control panel settings, and Web sites using their fingers on a touch-screen Tablet PC)
program restrictionsrestricciones en los programas (Settings that limit customer use of, or access to, specific program attributes and features)
program stream formatformato secuencias de programas (A file format that supports the multiplexing of audio, video, and data. Program streams are exclusive to MPEG-1 and MPEG-2-compressed files and use variable-sized packets that have a common time base. Program streams are designed to be played back from reliable media, such as hard drives and DVDs)
programming eventevento de programación (The occurrence of a programming action in a software system)
send-to programenviar a programa (The program that a specific XML style sheet is used to export data to. You use the XML data export feature to send data from Microsoft Dynamics NAV to a send-to program. A style sheet applies to one send-to program)
Server Virtualization Validation ProgramPrograma de validación de virtualización del servidor (A certification program for Microsoft vendors that enables them to validate various virtualization configurations so that Microsoft customers can receive technical support for Windows Server in virtualized environments)
service programprograma de servicio (A program that uses Service Broker functionality. A service program may be a Transact-SQL stored procedure, a SQLCLR stored procedure, or an external program)
setup programprograma de instalación (A program whose function is to install another program, either on a storage medium or in memory. An installation program, also called a setup program, might be used to guide a user through the often complex process of setting up an application for a particular combination of machine, printer, and monitor)
source programprograma origen (The program used to create a linked object or embedded object. To edit the object, you must have the source program installed on your computer)
Spam Fighters programprograma Combatir correo no deseado (" The spam-fighting program that Hotmail runs where actual customers classify e-mail messages as "junk" or "not junk." Because the program is by invitation only, customers who participate are highly engaged. The Hotmail team reported in 2010 that more than half of the spam fighters participate daily. Invitations to the program are extended to a cross-section of customers who reflect the broad population of Hotmail customers in several dimensions, including age of account and country or region. Under the program, Hotmail resends an actual message that was addressed to the spam fighter. One message per day at the most is sent.")
spreadsheet programprograma de hoja de cálculo (An application commonly used for budgets, forecasting, and other finance-related tasks that organizes data values using cells, where the relationships between cells are defined by formulas. A change to one cell produces changes to related cells. Spreadsheet programs usually provide graphing capabilities for output and a variety of formatting options for text, numeric values, and graph features)
Syncing folders and program settingsConfiguración del programa y de sincronización de carpetas (The list item for reporting that the syncing folders and program settings feature is problematic. The list is displayed in the problem reporting utility built in to beta versions of Windows Live Sync)
Technology Adoption Program A Microsoft program designed to provide a consistent experience for Microsoft partners to obtain real-world customer feedback on Microsoft pre-release productsPrograma de adopción de tecnología (TAP)
terminal programprograma de terminal (Software that allows a modem in one computer to connect to another computer by using phone lines. Terminal programs are also used to troubleshoot modem problems)
Unique Program Identifieridentificador único de programa (A 21-character identifier used to identify computers enabled by FlexGo technology product models and locales for a specific solution provider)
utility programutilidad (A computer program that performs a specific support function required by the operating system, by other programs, or by system users)
Visual Studio Industry Partner Programprograma Visual Studio Industry Partner (A program that assists partners in building, integrating, and selling applications, tools, components, and even entire programming languages with Visual Studio 2005 and Visual Studio 2005 Team System. The VSIP program offers unique benefits to all its members-developers, tools ISVs, and line of business and infrastructure ISVs)
VSIP Programprograma VSIP (A program that assists partners in building, integrating, and selling applications, tools, components, and even entire programming languages with Visual Studio 2005 and Visual Studio 2005 Team System. The VSIP program offers unique benefits to all its members-developers, tools ISVs, and line of business and infrastructure ISVs)
Windows Certification ProgramPrograma de certificación de Windows (A certification program to ensure that devices, systems, and apps are compatible, reliable, and can perform to meet Windows standards)
Windows Certification Program for HardwarePrograma de certificación de hardware en Windows (A certification program to ensure that systems and hardware are compatible and reliable and can perform to meet Windows standards)
Windows 7 Logo ProgramPrograma del logotipo de Windows 7 (A program designed to identify compatible and reliable systems, software, and hardware products that have passed Microsoft-designed tests for compatibility and reliability on Windows 7)