
Terms for subject Procedural law containing persons | all forms | exact matches only
adoption by one personadopción individual
marriage of a seriously ill person who is not expected to recovermatrimonio in articulo mortis
marriage of a seriously ill person who is not expected to recovermatrimonio en peligro de muerte
marriage of persons of different nationalitiesmatrimonio mixto
person empowered to solemnize a marriageautoridad competente para autorizar el matrimonio
person entitled to a reserved shareheredero forzoso
person entitled to a reserved sharelegitimario
person forming part of a couplepersona que mantiene una relación de pareja
person obliged to alimentalimentante
person obliged to alimentdeudor de alimentos
person owed an obligation of alimentacreedor de alimentos
person owed an obligation of alimentalimentista
person with a duty to maintainalimentante
person with a duty to maintaindeudor de alimentos
person with authority to solemnize a marriageautoridad competente para autorizar el matrimonio