
Terms containing person concerned | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
gen.a decision which is of direct and individual concern to a personuna decisión que afecte a una persona directa e individualmente
lawaccept the choice of the person concernedaceptar la elección del interesado
law, ITconsent of the person concernedpermiso del interesado
immigr.guarantees that the person concerned can return to his countrygarantías de repatriación
lawin the same way persons should be able to invoke rules of exorbitant jurisdiction in the same way as the nationals of the State concernedde la misma manera
lawlawyer appointed to act for the person concernedAbogado designado para asistir al interesado
lawnatural or legal person directly and individually concernedpersona física o jurídica afectada directa e individualmente
law, ITperson concerned warranting protectionpersona fichada
law, ITperson concerned warranting protectionpersona registrada
law, el.person concernedinteresado
law, ITprotective interests of the person concernedintereses legítimos de la persona registrada
law, ITprovision to inform the person concernedinformación a la persona registrada
polit.the person concernedel interesado
fin.undertaking by the person concernedcompromiso del interesado