
Terms for subject Microsoft containing parties | all forms
dependent partyparte dependiente (A party who assumes a dependent role when it participates in a relationship with another party)
party enlistmentalta de entidad (The mechanism that ties a party to a role. Enlisting a party in a role enables the orchestration to interact with the party)
relying party applicationaplicación de usuario de confianza (An application, Web site, or service that relies on claims)
third partytercero (A company that manufactures and sells accessories or peripherals for use with a major manufacturer's computer or peripheral, usually without any involvement from the major manufacturer)
third-party drivercontrolador del fabricante (A driver created or provided by an entity outside Microsoft (distributed by a developer or an OEM))
third-party logisticslogística de terceros (A party that provides logistics services to customers)
third-party updateactualización de terceros (An update published by a company other than Microsoft)