
Terms for subject Patents containing parties | all forms | exact matches only
countries parties to the present Actpaíses partes de la presente Acta
countries which are not parties to the Conventionpaíses que no hayan tomado parte en el Convenio
facts, evidence and arguments provided by the partiesmedios alegados por las partes
to have effect vis-à-vis third partiessurtir efectos frente a terceros
to have effect vis-à-vis third partiesoponibilidad frente a terceros
instruction given to interested parties on their rightsinforme de los interesados sobre sus derechos
interference between applications of different partiesinterferencia entre solicitudes de diferentes partes
legally material declarations of the parties concerneddeclaraciones jurídicamente importantes de las partes
negotiation and settlement of commercial transactions for third partiesnegociación y acuerdo de transacciones comerciales para terceros
novelties for partiesbaratijas para fiestas
opposing partyoponente
order the personal appearance of the partiesordenar la comparecencia personal de las partes
parties to the proceedinglitigantes
parties to the proceedingpartes contendientes
rights acquired by third partiesderechos adquiridos por terceros
settlement between two parties in a lawsuitarreglo entre dos partes litigantes
settlement between two parties in a lawsuittransacción entre dos partes litigantes
Statements of the partiesalegaciones de las partes
summon and hear the interested partiescitar y oir a los interesados
the amount payable by the States parties to this Conventionel importe que tendrán que pagar los Estados que son parte en el presente Convenio
the appeal may be filed by the parties to the proceedingsel recurso puede ser presentado por cada una de las partes en el procedimiento
the consent of the partiesel consentimiento de las partes
the cost incurred by the partieslos gastos que fueron cubiertos por las partes
the parties sentenced shall be liable as joint debtorslas personas condenadas responden solidariamente de la multa
the parties shall be given leave to speakla palabra está concedida a las partes
third partiestercera parte
third partiesterceros