
Terms for subject Environment containing park | all forms | exact matches only
agricultural parkparque agrícola
amusement park An open-air entertainment area consisting of stalls, side shows etc.parque de atracciones
Australian National Parks and Wildlife ServiceServicio australiano de parques nacionales y fauna
car parkaparcamientos
car park Area of ground or a building where there is space for vehicles to be parkedaparcamientos
central park areazona central de parque
central park area The core area of a park or of a reserve where there can be no interference with the natural ecosystemzona central de parque
country parkparque nacional
Department of Wildlife and National ParksMinisterio de la Fauna y Parques Naturales
European Alpine ParkParque europeo de los Alpes
Federation of European Nature and National ParksFederación de Parques naturales y nacionales de Europe
garden and park waste including cemetery wasteResiduos de parques y jardines incluidos residuos de cementerios
green park wasteresiduos de parques
Latin American Committee on National ParksComité Latinoamericano de Parques Nacionales
marine parkvivero marino
marine parkparque marino
marine park A permanent reservation on the seabed for the conservation of speciesparque marino
national historic parksitio histórico nacional
national parkreserva nacional
national parkparques nacionales
national park Areas of outstanding natural beauty, set aside for the conservation of flora, fauna and scenery, and for recreation, if this does not conflict with the conservation objectives of the parks and their landscapes. Hunting, logging, mining, commercial fishing, agriculture and livestock grazing are all controlled within national parks, as is industrial activityparques nacionales
National Park of the Northern Sporadesparque nacional de las Esporadas Septentrionales
natural parkparque natural
natural parkparque regional
natural parkparque rural
natural parkparques naturales
natural park A designation of project lands which preserves natural resources for their scientific, scenic, cultural and/or educational value by limiting development and management practices. Land managed to protect rare and endangered species of flora and fauna will be designed as natural areasparques naturales
nature parkparque regional
nature parkparque rural
nature parkparque natural
parking provisionárea de aparcamiento
parking provision Area where a vehicle can be left for a period of timeárea de aparcamiento
peripheral park areaárea periférica de parque
peripheral park area A zone of the park where scientific research is allowed. Beyond this there is a buffer zone which protects the whole reserve from agricultural, industrial and urban developmentárea periférica de parque
public parkparques públicos
public park Park with big trees, ornamental plants, alleys bordered by trees or bushes, fountains and statues situated in a town and whose access is freeparques públicos
regional natural parkparque natural regional
regional natural park A park operated and managed by a regionparque natural regional
state parkreserva