
Terms containing operators | all forms | exact matches only
insur.airport owners'and operators'insuranceseguro de responsabilidad de capitanes y operadores de aeropuerto
comp., MSBackup Operators groupgrupo Operadores de copia de seguridad (A type of local or global group that contains the user rights you need to back up and restore files and folders. Members of the Backup Operators group can back up and restore files and folders regardless of ownership, permissions, encryption, or auditing settings)
gen.Convention on the Liability of Operators of Nuclear ShipsConvenio relativo a la responsabilidad de los operadores de buques propulsados por energía nuclear
lawConvention on the liability of operators of nuclear ships, and Additional Protocol, signed at Brussels on 25 May 1962Convenio relativo a la responsabilidad de los utilizadores de buques nucleares y el Protocolo adicional celebrados en Bruselas el 25 de mayo de 1962
market., commun.cross-border interconnection between operators of established networksinterconexión transfronteriza entre operadores de redes establecidas
transp., avia.EGNOS Operators and Infrastructure Groupgrupo de operadores e infraestructura de EGNOS
el.European Network of Transmission System Operators for ElectricityRed Europea de Gestores de Redes de Transporte de Electricidad
commun., industr., polit.European Public Telecommunications Network Operators' AssociationAsociación de Operadores Públicos Europeos de Telecomunicación
commun., industr., polit.European Telecommunications Network Operators' AssociationAsociación de Operadores Públicos Europeos de Telecomunicación
fin., hobbyGroup of National Travel Agents and Tour Operators Associations within the EECAsociación de agentes de viajes y operadores turísticos de la Comunidad Europea
met., el.multi-operators welding transformers with chokes all in one casingtransformador para soldeo de puestos múltiples con dispositivos de regulación incluidos en una envoltura común
tech.operators' inspection guide and trouble reportguía de inspección e informe de fallas del operador
hobby, transp., mil., grnd.forc.operators of cable-cars, chair-lifts an other such mechanical unitsexplotadores de teleféricos y aparatos de remonte mecánico
transp.operators standpuesto de conducción
comp., MSServer Operators groupgrupo Operadores de servidor (A group whose members can manage all domain controllers in a single domain. This group does not exist on workstations, stand-alone servers, or member servers. Administrative tasks that can be performed by members of this group include logging on locally, creating and deleting network shared resources, starting and stopping services, backing up and restoring files, formatting the hard disk of the computer, and shutting down the computer)
UNTour Operators Initiative for Sustainable Tourism DevelopmentIniciativa de Empresas de Viajes en Grupo para el Desarrollo del Turismo Sostenible