
Terms containing network architecture | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
commun., ITarchitecture of a communications networkarquitectura de una red de comunicaciones
commun., ITarchitecture of a communications networkarquitectura de red de comunicacion
telecom.architecture of a telecommunication networkarquitectura de una red de telecomunicación
commun.digital network architecturearquitectura de red digital
comp.distributed network architecturearquitectura de red distribuida
ITlocal network architecturearquitectura de red local
ITlocal network architecturearquitectura de la red local
commun., ITnetwork architecturearquitectura de red
commun., ITnetwork architecturearquitectura de la red
commun., ITnetwork architecture functional modelmodelo funcional de arquitectura de la red
ITnetwork architecture in the customer looparquitectura de red en el circuito del abonado
commun.network functional architecturearquitectura funcional de la red
ITneural network architecturearquitectura de red neural
commun.Open Network Architecturearquitectura de redes abiertas
commun., ITopen network architecturearquitectura de red abierta
commun., ITparallel architecture for networking gateways linking OSI systemsarquitectura paralela para formar redes con pasarelas que interconecten sistemas ISA
commun., ITsystems network architecturearquitectura de redes de sistemas
ITsystems network architecturearquitectura de red de sistemas
ITsystems network architecturearquitectura unificada
IT, industr.Systems Network ArchitectureArquitectura de redes de sistemas
comp., MSSystems Network ArchitectureArquitectura de redes de sistemas (A network model devised by IBM to enable IBM products, including mainframes, terminals, and peripherals, to communicate and exchange data)
commun.Systems Network Architecture protocolprotocolo SNA
polit.Systems Network Engineering and ArchitectureIngeniería y Arquitectura de Redes