
Terms for subject Environment containing municipal | all forms | exact matches only
anaerobic treatment sludges of municipal and similar wastesLodos del tratamiento anaeróbico de residuos municipales y asimilados
mixed municipal wasteresiduos urbanos mezclados
mixed municipal wasteResiduos municipales mezclados
municipal cleansinglimpieza municipal
municipal cleansing The aggregation of services offered by a town or city in which streets and other public areas are kept clean, such as through trash pick-ups, street sweeping and decontamination of water, soil and other natural resourceslimpieza municipal
municipal cleansing serviceservicio de limpieza municipal
municipal cleansing service Removal for treatment or disposal of those residues that can be regarded as waste including removal of litter from public places, public thoroughfares or the countrysideservicio de limpieza municipal
municipal dumping Place where a town's refuse is disposed of after it has been collectedvertidos urbanos
municipal engineeringingeniería municipal
municipal engineering Branch of engineering dealing with the form and functions of urban areasingeniería municipal
municipal environment plan A formulated or systematic method for the management of a city or town's natural or ecological resourcesplan municipal de medio ambiente
municipal environmental policypolítica ambiental municipal
municipal environmental policy The guiding procedure, philosophy or course of action regarding the protection of natural resources in local settings, cities or townspolítica ambiental municipal
municipal heating network System of heating all houses in a urban district from a central source (as from hot springs in Iceland or by cooling water from a power station)red de calefacción municipal
municipal heating networkred de calefacción municipal
municipal lawley municipal
municipal law Broadly, a law or body of laws that pertains solely to the citizens and inhabitants of a state; narrowly, a law or body of laws pertaining to towns, cities, villages and their local governmentsley municipal
municipal levelnivel municipal
municipal level The jurisdiction, position or status of city, town or local governmentnivel municipal
municipal refuse disposal areazona municipal de eliminación de las basuras domésticas
municipal sewageaguas de alcantarillas municipales
municipal sewage systemsaneamiento urbano de aguas residuales
municipal sewage systemsistema municipal de alcantarillado
municipal sewage systemsaneamiento
municipal solid wasteresiduo sólido municipal
municipal solid wastesresiduos sólidos municipales
municipal utilitydistribuidor municipal
municipal wasteresiduos urbanos
municipal wasteresiduos municipales
municipal waste The combined residential and commercial waste materials generated in a given municipal areadesechos municipales
municipal waste incineratorincinerador municipal
municipal waste wateraguas residuales urbanas
municipal waste water treatment plantplanta de tratamiento de aguas residuales municipales
Municipal wastes and similar commercial, industrial and institutional wastes including separately collected fractionsResiduos municipales y residuos asimilables procedentes del comercio, industrias e instituciones incluyendo fracciones recogidas selectivamente
municipal wastes and similar commercial, industrial and institutional wastes including separately collected fractionsresiduos municipales y residuos asimilables procedentes del comercio, industrias e instituciones incluyendo fracciones recogidas selectivamente
municipal wastes household waste and similar commercial, industrial and institutional wastes including separately collected fractionsresiduos municipales y residuos asimilables procedentes del comercio, industrias e instituciones incluyendo fracciones recogidas selectivamente
municipal waterresiduos urbanos
municipal waterresiduos municipales
municipal water distribution systemacueducto municipal
municipal water distribution system Any publicly or privately organized setup in which water is processed at a central plant and delivered to homes and businesses via water pipesacueducto municipal
municipal water managementgestión del agua municipal
municipal water management Municipal water management deals with aspects of water supply and water technology concerning planning, processing, building and producing. It also concerns the problems of waste water collection, sewage disposal, waste water treatment in rural areas, water economising measures, water body quality managementgestión del agua municipal
non-composted fraction of municipal and similar wastesFracción no compostada de residuos municipales y asimilados
other municipal wasteOtros residuos municipales
other municipal wastesotros residuos municipales
Regulatory Committee on Municipal Waste Water TreatmentComité de reglamentación sobre el tratamiento de las aguas residuales municipales
wastes from incineration of pyrolysis of municipal and similar commercial, industrial and institutional wastesresiduos de la incineración o pirólisis de residuos municipales y asimilables de origen comercial, industrial e institucional
wastes from incineration or pyrolysis of municipal and similar commercial, industrial and institutional wastesResiduos de la incineración o pirólisis de residuos municipales y asimilables de origen comercial, industrial e institucional