
Terms containing list | all forms | exact matches only
lawa list of postsla plantilla de personal
gen.a list setting out the names ... shall then be voted on as a wholela lista con los nombres ... será sometida a continuación a votación global
lawa person may be removed from the list of professional representativesse podrá dar de baja a una persona de la lista de representantes autorizados
comp., MSaccess control listlista de control de acceso (In Windows-based systems, a list of access control entries (ACE) that apply to an entire object, a set of the object's properties, or an individual property of an object, and that define the access granted to one or more security principals)
work.fl.accession listlista de adquisiciones
work.fl., commun.accession listlista de nuevas adquisiciones
gen.accession-listíndice de remisión
gen.accession-listacta de entrega
comp., MSaction listlista de acciones (The list that appears when you click the arrow in the Action column of the Macro object tab)
policeactive listescalafón activo
tech.active listescala activa
fin.to add further products to this List to a value not exceeding 2 per centañadir otros productos a esta lista hasta el límite del 2 %
comp., MSAdd to Contacts ListAgregar a la lista de contactos (An item on the shortcut menu that adds a selected person to the user's Contacts list)
comp.add to listagregar a la lista
stat.address control listdirectorio de partida
comp., MSaddress listlista de direcciones (A collection of recipient and other Active Directory objects. Each address list can contain one or more types of objects (for example, users, contacts, groups, public folders, conferencing, and other resources))
comp., MSadvanced listlista ampliada (A type of list task page where the primary action is selecting an entity from the list. Users access the advanced list through the Advanced link on the dropdown list. If the user cannot find the information they need on the simple drop-down list, they may choose to view the more complete advanced list where they can view all the fields for a particular entity)
fin., polit.Agreement on the determination of part of the Common Customs Tariff in respect of the products in List G annexed to the EEC TreatyAcuerdo sobre la colaboración de una parte del arancel aduanero común relativa a los productos de la lista G, prevista en el Tratado constitutivo de la Comunidad Económica Europea = Acuerdo de Roma
comp., MSalbum listlista de álbumes (A page that has a comprehensive list of all the albums in a community)
comp.alignment of list textalineación del texto de la lista
comp., MSAllow listLista de permitidos (A list of users, accounts, Web sites, etc. that are permitted to perform certain actions on a network)
comp., MSallow listlista de permitidos (A list of users, accounts, Web sites, etc. that are permitted to perform certain actions on a network)
comp.alphabetical listlista alfabética
law, life.sc.alphabetical list of ownerslista alfabética de propietarios
environ.Amber list of wastesLista naranja de residuos
work.fl.annotated preliminary listlista preliminar anotada
lawto apply to be entered on the Office's listsolicitar su inscripción en la lista de la Oficina
gen.appointment listlista de citas
gen.Associated List of Social DemocratsLista Unida de los Socialdemócratas
gen.Associated List of Social DemocratsLista Unida de Social Demócratas
gen.attendance listlista de participantes
comp., MSAttendee/Recipient ListLista de asistentes y destinatarios (A special control that shows pictures, names and titles of people who are attending a meeting, or who are the recipients of an e-mail message)
work.fl.authority listlista autorizada de términos
work.fl.authority listlista de autoridades
lawauthorized professional representatives whose names appear on the listrepresentantes autorizados inscritos en una lista
comp.automatic bulleted listslistas automáticas con viñetas
comp.automatic numbered listslistas enumeradas automáticamente
comp.automatic numbered listslistas automáticas de enumeración
social.sc., UNbasic assistance listlista básica de asistencia
comp., MSBasic Block ListLista de bloques básica (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show non-sequential or grouped blocks of information. Maximizes both horizontal and vertical display space for shapes)
comp., MSBending Picture Accent ListLista destacada con círculos abajo (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show non-sequential or grouped blocks of information. The small circular shapes are designed to contain pictures. Works well for illustrating both Level 1 and Level 2 text. Maximizes both horizontal and vertical display space for shapes)
comp., MSBlocked Senders ListLista de remitentes bloqueados (A list of domain names and e-mail addresses that are treated as junk e-mail and are blocked unless the sender is on the Safe Senders List or the recipient is on the Safe Recipients List)
comp., MSBlocked Top-Level Domain ListLista de dominios de nivel superior bloqueados (A list that allows you to block top-level domain names. Blocking country/region top-level domains allows you to filter unwanted e-mail messages you receive from specific countries or regions)
comp., MSbulleted listlista con viñetas (A list in which each item or block of text is preceded by a bullet)
comp.bulleted listviñetas
law, life.sc.cadastral listsregistros catastrales
chem.candidate listlista de sustancias candidatas
lawcase on the cause listcausa pendiente
lawcase on the cause listproceso pendiente
lawcase on the cause listpleito pendiente
lawcase on the cause listasunto pendiente
lawcause listrelación de las vistas
insur.certificate for the registration of members of the employed or self-employed person's family and the updating of listsformulario E109
insur.certificate for the registration of members of the employed or self-employed person's family and the updating of listscertificación para la inscripción de los miembros de la familia del trabajador asalariado o no asalariado y la elaboración de los inventarios
insur.certificate for the registration of pensioners and the updating of listsformulario E121
insur.certificate for the registration of pensioners and the updating of listscertificación para la inscripción de los titulares de pensión o de renta y la elaboración de los inventarios
comp., MScertificate revocation listlista de revocación de certificados (A document maintained and published by a certification authority that lists certificates that have been revoked)
comp., MScertificate revocation list distribution pointpunto de distribución de lista de revocación de certificados (A certificate extension that indicates where the certificate revocation list for a CA can be retrieved. It can contain none, one, or many HTTP, file, or LDAP URLs)
comp., MScertificate trust listlista de certificados de confianza (A signed list of root certification authority certificates that an administrator considers reputable for designated purposes, such as client authentication or secure e-mail)
tech.chattermark listlista de cotejo
tech.chattermark listlista de comprobación
tech.chattermark listlista de verificación
tech.chattermark listhoja de comprobación
mater.sc.check listhoja de comprobación
work.fl.check-listlista de control
work.fl.check-listlista de verificación
work.fl.check-listlista de comprobación
gen.check listlista de comprobación
mater.sc.check-off listhoja de comprobación
gen.checkoff listlista de comprobación
lawcivil listLista Civil
lawcivil listdotación de la Corona
lawcivil listpresupuesto de la casa real o del jefe del Estado
earth.sc.classified list of thermonuclear machinesclasificación de los dispositivos termonucleares
gen.closed listlista cerrada
fin.closing date for the subscription listscierre de la suscripción
comp., MScode listlista de códigos (A set of abbreviation/explanation pairs that are used as a design-time aid to providing sets of XML Schema Definition language (XSD) enumeration values)
commer.cold listlista fría
immigr.common list of aliens for whom an alert has been issued for the purposes of refusing entrylista común de extranjeros inscritos como no admisibles
tech.common list of dual use goodslista común de productos de doble uso
fin.common list of exemptionslista común de exenciones
commer., polit.common list of military equipmentLista Común Militar
commer., polit.common list of military equipmentlista común de equipo militar
fin.common list of usual forms of handlinglista común de manipulaciones usuales
commer., polit.common military listLista Común Militar
commer., polit.common military listlista común de equipo militar
commer., polit.Common Military List of the European Unionlista común de equipo militar
commer., polit.Common Military List of the European UnionLista Común Militar
comp., MSCommon RSS Feed ListLista de fuentes RSS comunes (A feature of Windows which maintains a common list of the user's subscriptions across all applications. This allows the user to subscribe to a feed once and have all RSS-enabled applications able to access the common list to view the subscriptions)
agric.Community list of approved basic material for the production of forest reproductive materiallista de materiales de base admitidos en la Comunidad para la producción de materiales forestales de reproducción
stat.company skip listskip list de empresas
comp., MScompression exclusion listlista de exclusión de compresión (A list of files that are not compressed when capturing an image using ImageX. Some files do not shrink in size when compressed. When capturing an image, you can identify these files to ImageX to save time. These files will still be captured, but ImageX will not attempt to compress them)
fin.to consolidate a listconsolidar una lista
comp., MScontact listlista de contactos (A list of people, groups, or organizations with whom you communicate)
comp., MSContacts listLista de contactos (A list of people, groups, or organizations with whom you communicate)
work.fl., commun.contents listsumario
work.fl., commun.contents listíndice
work.fl., commun.contents listtabla de materias
work.fl., commun.contents list bulletinboletín de tablas de materias
comp., MSContinuous Picture ListLista de imágenes continua (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show groups of interconnected information. The circular shapes are designed to contain pictures)
auto.controlled parts listlista de partes controlada
work.fl.controlled term listlista autorizada de términos
work.fl.controlled term listlista de términos controlados
stat.core listlista de indicadores fundamentales
environ.Corine-biotopes listinventario Corine-biotopos
work.fl., ITCOSATI subject category listcódigo COSATI
gen.Court of Auditors list of postsorganigrama de los servicios del Tribunal de Cuentas
work.fl.cross-reference listlista de reenvíos recíprocos
agric., industr., construct.cutting listlista de dimensiones
insur.decline listlista de exclusiones de riesgo
gen.delegate listlista de delegados
gen.delivery list of despatchesfactura de entrega de los despachos
work.fl.descriptor association listlista de asociación de descriptores
gen.despatch list for insured letters and boxeshoja de envío de cartas y cajas con valor declarado
fin.detailed list of budgetary posts and number of persons in postorganigrama de los puestos previstos en el presupuesto y del personal en servicio
gov., fin., econ.detailed list of budgetary posts and numbers of persons in postorganigrama de los puestos previstos en el presupuesto y del personal en servicio
baseb.disabled listlista de inhabilitados
baseb.disabled listlista de lesionados
baseb.disabled listlista de incapacitados
comp., MSdiscretionary access control list An access control list that is controlled by the owner of an object and that specifies the access particular users or groups can have to the objectlista de control de acceso discrecional (DACL)
lawdisplay of the cause listfijación de la relación de las vistas
comp., MSdistribution listlista de distribución (A collection of users, computers, contacts, and other groups that is used only for e-mail distribution, and addressed as a single recipient)
comp., MSDo ListLista de tareas pendientes
comp., MS-do listlista de tareas pendientes
lawto draw up the lists of candidateselaborar las listas de candidatos
fin., ITdrawing listlista de depósitos
fin.drawing listlista de sorteo
comp., MSdrop-down listlista desplegable (A list that can be opened to reveal all choices for a given field)
comp., MSdrop-down list boxcuadro de lista desplegable (A control on a menu, toolbar, dialog box, or data access page that displays a list of options when you click the small arrow next to the list box)
agric.dun with dorsal band listcaballo bayo con raya dorsal
agric.dun with dorsal band listcaballo bayo con raya de mulo
gen.Edinburgh listlista de Edimburgo
comp., MSEdit Field Value ListsEditar listas de valores de campos (A list, accessed on the Business Contact Manager menu, in which the user can manage the format and content of user-defined field values)
lawelectoral listlista electoral
gen.Electronic-Consolidated Targeted Financial Sanctions ListLista consolidada de las personas, grupos y entidades sujetos a sanciones financieras por parte de la Unión Europea
work.fl.errata listfe de erratas
comp., MSError ListLista de errores (A window that helps you speed application development by displaying errors, warnings and messages produced as you edit and compile code)
commer., health., UNessential drugs price listlista de precios de los medicamentos esenciales
comp., MSEU sales listlista de ventas de la UE (A value-added tax (VAT) report required in EU member countries. The EU sales list reports the value of goods that were sold to VAT-registered customers in other EU member countries)
chem.European List of Notified Chemical SubstancesLista europea de sustancias químicas notificadas
chem.European List of Notified Chemical SubstancesLista Europea de Sustancias Químicas Notificadas
chem.European List of Notified Chemical Substanceslista europea de sustancias químicas notificadas
gen.European List of Occupational Diseaseslista europea de enfermedades profesionales
comp., MSexclusion listlista de exclusión (A set of files or processes that will be factored out from a certain command)
agric., econ.expanded list in a censuslista ampliada
comp., MSextended-selection list boxcuadro de lista de selección extendida (A list box that supports multiple selection, but is optimized for a selection of a single object or single range. See also extended selection and list box)
comp., MSExternal Data Related ListLista de datos externos relacionada (A Web Part that displays a list of related external items from a business application)
comp., MSExternal Data Related List Web Partelemento web Lista de datos externos relacionada (A Web Part that displays a list of related external items from a business application)
comp., MSexternal listlista externa (A Windows SharePoint Services or SharePoint Server list from an external content type)
comp., MSexternal list deploymentimplementación de lista externa (Automated deployment of a simple solution for BCS, using ClickOnce technology. An example would be taking an external list offline to Outlook or SharePoint Workspace)
gov., lab.law.failure to include candidate's name on the reserve listno inscripción en la lista de reserva
ed.Federal School Code ListLista de códigos federales para instituciones postsecundarias
comp., MSField List panepanel Lista de campos (A pane that lists all the fields in the underlying record source or database object)
comp., MSFind listlista para Buscar (A section of the Navigation Pane that contains links to various lists of records for specific areas)
econ.fixed party listlista cerrada
gen.fixed party listlista bloqueada
comp., MSflat listlista plana (A result set in which any member hierarchies are ignored and all members are presented as equal. Regardless of how the members are presented however, hierarchical information is always maintained in the member metadata)
comp., MSFolder Listlista de carpetas (A menu option that displays the folders available in your mailbox)
stat.food list method food consumption surveymétodo de la lista
fin.free listlista de mercancías exentas de aranceles
agric.free listlista de productos liberalizados
work.fl.frequency listlista del número de ocurrencias
work.fl.frequency listlista de frecuencia
comp., MSfriends listlista de amigos (A list of people, invited by the user, that includes the display picture, notes, and tags for each friend)
gen.general list of air mail serviceslista general de los servicios aeropostales
pharma.General Sales List medicineespecialidad farmacéutica publicitaria de venta libre
comp., MSgeneric type parameter listlista de parámetros de tipo genérico (The list of generic type parameters of a generic type or method, specified as part of the definition of the generic type or generic method)
comp., MSglobal address listlista global de direcciones (An Address Book that contains entries for every group, user, and contact within an organization's implementation of Exchange Server)
comp., MSglobal address list synchronizationsincronización de la lista global de direcciones (The process of synchronizing the global address list from one Exchange deployment with another)
environ.Green list of wastesLista verde de residuos
environ.grey listlista gris
gen.hand-listbibliografía elemental
comp., MSHardware Compatibility Listlista de compatibilidad de hardware (A registry of products that have been tested by Microsoft Windows Hardware Quality Labs (WHQL). These products passed Windows compatibility testing)
gen.heads of list seatpuesto "cabeza de lista"
anim.husb.heat-expectation listlista de la expectativa de celo
comp., MSHierarchy ListLista de jerarquías (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show hierarchical relationships progressing across groups. Can also be used to group or list information)
comp., MSHistory listhistorial (A list of the last 10 files you jumped to in the current program session using hyperlinks)
comp., MSHorizontal Bullet ListLista de viñetas horizontal (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show non-sequential or grouped lists of information. Works well with large amounts of text. All text has the same level of emphasis, and direction is not implied)
comp., MSHorizontal Picture ListLista horizontal de imágenes (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show non-sequential or grouped information with an emphasis on related pictures. The top shapes are designed to contain pictures)
gen.I need to add two more things to the listNecesito agregar dos cosas más a la lista
gen.index listlista del índice
auto.interchange listlista de intercambio
gen.internal reserve listreserva interna
work.fl.International Union List of Agricultural SerialsCatálogo colectivo internacional de publicaciones seriadas
work.fl.International Union List of Agricultural SerialsIULAS
comp., MSIP Allow listlista de direcciones IP permitidas (" A filtering list that is used by the Connection Filter agent in Exchange Server 2007. IP addresses on the IP Allow list are considered "safe" and are exempted from processing by other anti-spam agents.")
comp., MSIP Allow List providerproveedor de listas de direcciones IP permitidas (" In Exchange Server 2007, the feature that the Exchange administrator configures to enable functionality provided by IP Allow List Provider services that compile lists of IP addresses that are known not to have sent spam in the past. The Connection Filter agent queries the service to determine if a given IP address is "safe.")
comp., MSIP Allow List provider configurationconfiguración de proveedor de listas de direcciones IP permitidas (Configuration that is used by the Connection Filter agent to query an IP Allow List provider)
comp., MSIP Allow List provider serviceservicio proveedor de listas de direcciones IP permitidas (A business that compiles and distributes lists of IP addresses that are known not to have sent spam in the past)
comp., MSIP Block listlista de direcciones IP bloqueadas (A filtering list that is used by the Connection Filter agent in Exchange Server 2007. IP addresses on the IP Block list are considered spam. Messages originating from an IP address that is on the IP Block list are stopped from entering the Exchange organization)
comp., MSIP Block List providerproveedor de listas de direcciones IP bloqueadas (In Exchange Server 2007, the feature that the Exchange administrator configures to enable functionality provided by IP Block List Provider services that compile lists of IP addresses from which spam has originated in the past)
comp., MSIP Block List provider configurationconfiguración de proveedor de listas de direcciones IP bloqueadas (The configuration that is used by the Connection Filter agent to query an IP Block List provider)
comp., MSIP Block List provider serviceservicio proveedor de listas de direcciones IP bloqueadas (The business that compiles and distributes lists of IP addresses from which spam has originated in the past)
comp., MSitem identifier listlista de identificadores de elementos (An ordered sequence of one or more item identifiers. Each item in the list corresponds to a namespace object)
gen.Joint ListLista Unida para Bosnia-Herzegovina
immigr.joint list of States whose citizens are required to have a visalista común de Estados cuyos ciudadanos están sometidos a la obligación de visado
immigr.joint list of States whose citizens are required to have a visalista de países cuyos nacionales deben estar provistos de un visado
commer.liberalisation listlista de liberalización
gen.linking of listsalianza electoral
law, fin., tech.list Alista A
law, fin., tech.list Blista B
gen.list-based proportional votingvotación de listas según un sistema proporcional
gen.list-based proportional votingsistema de votación proporcional por listas
comp., MSlist boxcuadro de lista (A control in Windows that enables the user to choose one option from a list of possibilities)
comp.list boxventana casilla de lista
comp.list boxcuadro de listas
comp., MSList Builder Subscribersuscriptor de List Builder (An individual who has indicated his or her desire to be on a mailing list)
comp., MSlist controlcontrol de lista (A control on a form, that repeats as needed, into which users can enter text. The control can be formatted as a bulleted, numbered, or plain list)
stat.list framelista de unidades estadísticas
comp., MSlist indexíndice de lista (The sequence of numbers for items in a list, starting with 0 for the first item, 1 for the second item, and so forth)
comp., MSlist itemelemento de lista (" An option that constrains the values that users can enter for a specific list. For example, "Redmond" might be a list item for "Location.")
comp., MSList ManagerAdministrador de listas (A feature that maintains lists as simple databases consisting of rows and columns contained within a list frame. This makes it easy to keep lists separate, maintain data integrity, and find the data you want)
fin.list money ordergiro-lista
fin., commun.list money ordergiro de lista
gen.List of "A" items for ... meeting of the Councillista de puntos "A" de la sesión n.º ... del Consejo de ...
gen.list of accessionslista de ingresos
environ.list of accredited verifierslista de verificadores acreditados
work.fl.list of acquisitionslista de adquisiciones
econ., fin.list of assets transferredlista de los compromisos transferidos
fin.list of bank securitiesfactura de valores bancarios
h.rghts.act.list of basic rightscatálogo de derechos fundamentales
gen.list of beneficiarieslista de beneficiarios
gen.list of candidateslista de candidatos
patents.list of classes and subclasseslista de las clases (y subclases)
lawlist of classes of insurancelista de los ramos de seguros
commer., polit.list of competent national authoritieslista de las autoridades nacionales competentes
fin.List of customs offices authorized to deal with Community transit operationsLista de oficinas de aduana competentes para las operaciones de tránsito comunitario
gen.list of delegateslista de delegados
econ.list of deregulation requestslista de solicitudes de desregulación
fin., ITlist of drawingslista de depósitos
gen.list of emergency signalslista de señales de alarma
industr., construct.List of European Standard Qualities of Waste PaperRelación europea de calidades normalizadas de papeles recuperados
fin.list of exceptionslista de exclusiones
gen.list of exhibitorslista de expositores
econ., hobbylist of EYT eventslista de manifestaciones del AET
h.rghts.act.list of fundamental rightscatálogo de derechos fundamentales
patents.list of goodslista de los productos
chem.list of harmonised classification and labellingLista de clasificación y etiquetado armonizados
gen.list of kilometric distanceslista de las distancias kilométricas
fin.list of large containersrelación de grandes contenedores
gen.List of Memberslista de los diputados
lawlist of national candidateslista de candidatos nacionales
fin.list of non-eligible goodslista negativa
fin.list of non-eligible goodslista de bienes que no cumplen los requisitos
lawlist of non-national candidateslista de candidatos no nacionales
lawlist of official holidayslista de los días feriados legales
gen.list of officials considered most deserving of promotionlista de funcionarios considerados más aptos para una promoción
gen.list of officials most worthy of promotionlista de los funcionarios considerados con más méritos
law, immigr.list of persons subject to a visa banlista de personas a las que no se concederá visado
lawlist of persons to be refused entrylista de personas no admisibles
agric.list of plant protection productsRegistro Fitosanitario
agric.list of plant protection productsregistro fitosanitario
gov., fin.list of postsplantilla de personal
gov.list of postsrelación de puestos de trabajo
fin.list of priceshoja de las cotizaciones
patents.list of publicationslista de las publicaciones impresas
fin.list of quotationshoja de las cotizaciones
tech.list of resourceslista de recursos
tech.list of resourceslista de materiales de consulta
chem.list of restricted substanceslista de sustancias restringidas
lawlist of shareholderslista de los accionistas
lawlist of shareholdersregistro de acciones
lawlist of shareholdersregistro de los socios
lawlist of shareholdersregistro de socios
lawlist of shareholdersregistro de accionistas
lawlist of shareholderslibro de accionistas
lawlist of shareholderslibro de los accionistas
lawlist of shareholderslibro mayor de los accionistas
lawlist of shareholderslibro de acciones
construct.list of sitesinventario de sitios
construct.list of sitesinventario de emplazamientos
patents.list of sourceslista de fuentes
gen.list of staff members entitled to votelista de agentes electores
lawlist of stockholderslibro de accionistas
lawlist of stockholderslibro de los accionistas
lawlist of stockholderslibro mayor de los accionistas
lawlist of stockholdersregistro de acciones
lawlist of stockholdersregistro de los socios
lawlist of stockholdersregistro de accionistas
lawlist of stockholderslista de los accionistas
lawlist of stockholderslibro de acciones
lawlist of stockholdersregistro de socios
gen.list of suitable candidateslista de aptitud
gen.list of suitable candidateslista descriptiva de los candidatos
law, construct.list of titlesregistro inmobiliario urbano
med.list of varietiescatálogo de variedades
tech.list of vessels available to MSOs and COTPslista de naves disponibles a los MSO y COTP
lawlist of voterslista electoral
comp., MSlist placeapartado lista (A navigation place that contains a list in the content area and where the user can search, filter, select and perform actions on multiple entities)
real.est.list priceprecio de lista
econ.list-priceprecio de lista
fin.list priceprecio anunciado
econ.list-priceprecio de catálogo
comp., MSList RelationshipsRelaciones entre listas (A feature that supports referential integrity between two lists via the lookup field)
stat.list samplemuestra de la lista
math.list samplemuestra de una lista
stat.list samplingmuestreo por lista
stat.list samplingmuestreo de listas
comp., MSlist separatorseparador de lista (A character that separates items in a list)
comp., MSlist-separator charactercarácter separador de listas (A character, usually a comma or semicolon, that separates elements in a list)
comp., MSlist sheethoja de lista (A worksheet that is dedicated to a single list, which is maintained by the List Manager)
comp., MSList viewVista de lista (A UI element that enables a user to display Works tasks in list format)
econ.list voting systemelección por listas
law, immigr.lists of persons to whom visas will be refusedlista de personas a las que no se concederá visado
fin., econ.lists of posts in the departmentsorganigramas de los servicios
gen.lists of regulated marketslista de mercados regulados
fin.lists of tariff headingslistas de las partidas arancelarias
work.fl.literature listlista de publicaciones
insur.Lloyd's listlista de Lloyd's
commer.mailing listfichero de direcciones
auto.mailing listlista de direcciones
comp., MSmailing listlista de distribución de correo (A list of names and e-mail addresses that are grouped under a single name. When a user places the name of the mailing list in a mail client's To: field, the client sends the message to the machine where the mailing list resides, and that machine automatically sends the message to all the addresses on the list (possibly allowing a moderator to edit it first))
environ.mailing list A series of addresses or e-mail addresses to which solicited or unsolicited mass mailings can be sentlista de envío
environ.mailing listlista de envío
commer.mailing listdirectorio
comp., MSMailing List ManagerAdministrador de listas de distribución de correo (A feature that allows a user to organize and control mails from the mailing lists that they may have joined)
tech.make autotext entry available to listhaga una entrada de autotexto disponible para listar
comp., MSManaged Computers listlista Equipos administrados (A list of computers matching the Managed Computer rule for an Agent Manager)
comp., MSmarketing listlista de marketing (A group of accounts contacts or leads who are identified through their demographics as people or businesses who might be the most receptive to a campaign. For example to introduce a new product you can create a marketing list of accounts that have previously purchased similar products and send them brochures about the new product)
comp., MSMaster Category ListLista principal de categorías (The list of categories that you can use to group items or to find items. This list contains general categories such as Business, Personal, and Phone Calls. You can add categories to and delete categories from this list)
tech.master equipment authorization listlista maestra de autorización de equipo
tech.material requiring repair listlista de materiales que requieren reparación
agric., tech.measurement listlista de mediciónes
agric., tech.measurement listformulario de conteo de pies
agric., tech.measurement listestadillo de conteo de pies
gen.Member States shall supply the Commission with listslos Estados miembros notificarán a la Comisión sus listas
gen.message listlista de mensajes
comp., MSMFU listlista P+U (A list of applications that the end user has recently used or uses frequently)
gen.Military Goods ListRelación de Material de Defensa
tech.mobilization reserve authorization listlista de reservistas autorizados para ser movilizados
comp., MSMost Frequently Used List A list of applications that the end user has recently used or uses frequentlylista de programas más usados (P+U)
comp., MSmultiple-selection list boxcuadro de lista de selección múltiple (A list box that is optimized for making multiple, independent selections)
gen.Munitions ListLista Militar
immigr.national list of alertslista nacional de personas no admisibles
immigr.national list of alertslista nacional de no admisibles
fin.national list of eligible tier-two assetslista nacional de los activos del tipo 2
immigr.national list of persons banned from entering the countrylista nacional de prohibición de entrada
gen.National Strategic Target Listrelación de objetivos estratégicos nacionales
fin.negative listlista negativa
fin.negative listlista de bienes que no cumplen los requisitos
gen.Non-sectarian ListCoalición Laica
comp., MSnotify listlista de notificación (A list maintained by the primary master for a zone of other DNS servers that should be notified when zone changes occur. The notify list is made up of IP addresses for DNS servers configured as secondary masters for the zone. When the listed servers are notified of a change to the zone, they will initiate a zone transfer with another DNS server and update the zone)
commer., polit., nucl.phys.NSG trigger listlista inicial del GNS
commer., polit., nucl.phys.NSG trigger listlista inicial del Grupo de Suministradores Nucleares
commer., polit., nucl.phys.NSG trigger listlista inicial
comp., MSnumbered listlista numerada (A list in which each item or block of text is preceded by a number)
work.fl.occurrence listlista del número de ocurrencias
work.fl.occurrence listlista de frecuencia
environ.OECD classification list of wastes destined for recovery operationslista de clasificación de la OCDE de residuos destinados a operaciones de valorización
lawOffice's list of postsplantilla de personal de la Oficina
fin., commun.official listboletín de cotización oficial
math.organized listlista organizada
pack.packing listespecificaciones de embalaje
pack.packing listlista de envases
fin.packing listlista de embalaje
fin.packing listdesglose de equipaje
tech.packing listlista de contenidos
pack.packing listlista de bultos
comp., MSparticipant listlista de participantes (In a conversation window, this is the list of people who are currently participating in the conversation)
gen.passenger listlista de pasajeros
comp., MSpercent of listporcentaje del precio de lista (A pricing method that determines the unit price of the product as a percent of the price that was entered in the List Price field on the Product form)
comp., MSPerformancePoint Content ListLista de contenido de PerformancePoint (A list that stores the elements that are used to construct a PerformancePoint dashboard)
fin.period during which the subscription lists are openperíodo de apertura de la suscripción
comp., MSphrase listlista de frases (" A list of possible values for a particular Input Scope to enhance voice/handwritten recognition. For example, if you're sure the textbox only has months represented numerically, you can include "6" or "12" in the phrase list, so that the handwritten numbers are not misinterpreted as "G" or "IZ", respectively.")
auto.pick listlista a surtir de pedido
auto.pick listlista a surtir de partes
comp., MSpicking listlista de picking (A list of the items, along with their quantities and locations, that are required to fill a manufacturing order or shipping order)
comp., MSpicking listlista de selección (A list of the items, along with their quantities and locations, that are required to fill a manufacturing order or shipping order)
comp., MSPin this listAnclar esta lista (To fix a list in a given area of the UI, so it is always accessible in that area)
comp., MSPivotTable listlista de tabla dinámica (A Microsoft Office Web Component that allows you to create a structure similar to an Excel PivotTable report. Users can view the PivotTable list in a Web browser and change its layout in a manner similar to an Excel PivotTable report)
obs.Please send the Conference Organisation Department a list of your delegates to this meeting as soon as possible. E-mail address: ... fax ....Sírvanse comunicar lo antes posible al Servicio de Conferencias y Organización la lista de los miembros de su Delegación que participarán en la reunión. Correo electrónico: ... Fax: ...
gen.positive listlista positiva
chem.positive list of sweetenerslista positiva de edulcorantes
work.fl.preliminary listlista preliminar
mater.sc.pre-operational check-off listhoja de comprobación previa
comp., MSprice listlista de precios (A compilation of the specific prices that can be charged for each unit in the unit group of a product)
econ.price listlista de precios
agric.price list for grainlista de precios de cereales
comp., MSprice list itemelemento de lista de precios (The individual elements that represent the product and properties that compose a price list)
gen.principle of closed listsprincipio de listas cerradas
comp., MSProcess ListLista de procesos (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show multiple groups of information or steps and sub-steps in a task, process, or workflow. Level 1 text corresponds to the top horizontal shapes, and Level 2 text corresponds to vertical sub-steps under each related top-level shape)
gen.Prodcom listlista Prodcom
comp., MSProduct and Service Items listLista de productos y servicios (A tabulation of goods and services that one purchases or sells, or offers for purchase or sale)
lawprofessional representatives whose names appear on the list maintained for this purpose by the Officelos representantes autorizados inscritos en una lista que a tal efecto llevará la Oficina
stat.program for address list supplementationprograma para complementar el listado de direcciones
mil.promotion listlista de ascensos
mil.promotion listescalafón de ascensos
comp., MSpublication access listlista de acceso a la publicación (The primary mechanism for securing the Publisher. It contains a list of logins, accounts, and groups that are granted access to the publication)
comp., MSPyramid ListLista en pirámide (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show proportional, interconnected, or hierarchical relationships. Text appears in the rectangular shapes on top of the pyramid background)
tech., mater.sc.qualified product listlista de productos calificados
comp., MSReading ListLista de lectura (The app where users can save links to content (such as articles or videos) and then quickly return to them later)
comp., MSRecipient Block listlista de destinatarios bloqueados (An administrator-defined list of recipients for which mail coming in from the Internet should never be accepted)
comp., MSrecipient listlista de destinatarios (A file that contains the unique information for each data-merged document)
environ.red listlista roja
environ.red list The series of publications produced by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN). They provide an inventory on the threat to rare plants and animal species. Information includes status, geographical distribution, population size, habitat and breeding rate. The books also contain the conservation measures, if any, that have been taken to protect the species. There are five categories of rarity status: endangered species; vulnerable organisms, which are those unlikely to adapt to major environmental effects; rare organisms, which are those at risk because there are few of them in the world, such as plants which only grow on mountain peaks or on islands; out of danger species, which were formerly in the above categories, but have had the threat removed because of conservation actions; and indeterminate species, which are the plants and animals probably at risk, although not enough is known about them to assess their statuslista roja
environ., nat.res.Red List of Threatened AnimalsLista Roja de Animales Amenazados
environ.Red list of wastesLista roja de residuos
patents.reduce the list of goodsreducir la lista de productos
comp., MSRemove from Contact ListQuitar de la lista de contactos (An item on a contact's context menu to remove a contact from the contact list)
comp., MSresource listlista de recursos (The resources that are available for assignments to tasks. The resource list may be stored in a single project file or shared with a resource pool)
lawto restrict the list of goods contained in the applicationlimitar la lista de los productos que la solicitud contenga
baseb.restricted listlista de restringidas
chem.restricted substances listlista de sustancias restringidas
lawrevoked license listlista de licencias permisos revocados
lawrevoked license listlista de licencias revocadas revocados
gen.rooming listlista de huéspedes
comp., MSsafe list collectioncolección de listas seguras (The combined data from an Office Outlook user's Safe Senders List, Safe Recipients List, Blocked Senders List, and external contacts, that is stored in Outlook and in the Exchange mailbox)
comp., MSSafe Recipients Listlista de destinatarios seguros (A list that includes the e-mail addresses of mailing lists for which you want to be a recipient. Messages sent to such a mailing list and received by you will not be treated as junk e-mail)
comp., MSSafe Senders Listlista de remitentes seguros (A list of domain names and e-mail addresses that you want to receive messages from. E-mail addresses in Contacts and in the Global Address Book are included in this list by default. People you sent messages to will be added to the list)
agric.sales listlibreta de señalamiento
food.serv.sample listrelación de muestras
comp., MSscatter/gather listlista de dispersión o recopilación (A list of one or more paired base addresses and lengths that describe the physical locations from which to transfer data in scatter/gather direct memory access)
immigr.Schengen exclusion listlista de exclusión de Schengen
econ.to secure uniformity as regards the liberalisation listsuniformizar las listas de liberalización
fin.securities listcotización oficial
fin., life.sc.security admitted to the Official Listvalor mobiliario admitido a cotización oficial
fin.security quoted on the Official Listtítulo admitido a cotización oficial
fin.security quoted on the Official Listtítulo cotizado oficialmente
fin.selected listlistado selectivo
fin.selected listlista selectiva
econ., market.Services Sectoral Classification ListLista de Clasificación Sectorial de los Servicios
fin.share listlista de acciones con sus cotizaciones
comp., MSSharePoint list indicatorindicador de lista de SharePoint (The title of a dialog page that enables the user to set up a SharePoint list indicator by setting name, description, list URL, indicator value, indicator appearance, etc. The indicator value can be specified based on number or percentage of certain column values, or certain aggregate data)
work.fl., commun.shelf listcatálogo topográfico
agric., econ.short list in a censuslista mínima
gen.short listlista final de selección
comp., MSsingle-selection list boxcuadro de lista de selección única (A list box that supports only selection of a single item in the list)
comp., MSStacked ListLista apilada (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show groups of information or steps in a task, process, or workflow. Circular shapes contain Level 1 text, and the corresponding rectangles contain Level 2 text. Works well for numerous details and minimal Level 1 text)
stat.Standard Statistical Establishment Listdirectorio estadístico de empresas y establecimientos
mil.station listlista del personal de la estación
mil.station listguía del personal de la estación
fin.stock exchange listcotización oficial
tech.stock listcatálogo de existencias
econ., commun., earth.sc.summary listcarta de envío
gen.summary listinventario descriptivo
comp., MSsupervision listlista de supervisión (The list of e-mail addresses or users that are subject to or excepted from the actions of the closed campus supervision policy or anti-bullying supervision policy)
comp., MSsupervision list entryentrada de la lista de supervisión (" An individual item on the list of e-mail addresses or users that are subject to or excepted from the actions of the closed campus supervision policy or anti-bullying supervision policy. For example, a bully's e-mail address would be an entry on the supervision list of a "victim", and a parent's e-mail address might be added as an entry on the supervision list of their child, who is a student subject to the closed campus supervision policy. ")
work.fl.supplementary listlista suplementaria
insur.syndicate listlista de sindicatos de Lloyd's
comp., MSsystem access control listlista de control de acceso del sistema (An ACL that controls the generation of audit messages for attempts to access a securable object. The ability to get or set an object's SACL is controlled by a privilege typically held only by system administrators)
comp., MSTable ListTabla con lista (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show grouped or related information of equal value. The first Level 1 line of text corresponds to the top shape and its Level 2 text is used for the subsequent lists)
gen.TACIS mailing listdirectorio de proveedores TACIS
comp., MSTarget ListLista de objetivo (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show interrelated or overlapping information. Each of the first seven lines of Level 1 text appears in the rectangular shape. Unused text does not appear, but remains available if you switch layouts. Works well with both Level 1 and Level 2 text)
comp., MStask listlista de tareas (A list of tasks that appears in the Tasks folder and in the TaskPad in Calendar)
comp., MSTask ListLista de tareas (A list of tasks that appears in the Tasks folder and in the TaskPad in Calendar)
comp., MSTask Workspace Locator ListLista de localización del área de trabajo de la tarea (A list that is used to look up the location of a task workspace, given the details of the task type)
fin.telegraph list money ordergiro-lista telegráfico
fin., commun.telegraph list money ordergiro de lista telegráfico
comp., MStest listlista de pruebas (A list of tests that can be selected and managed from Test Manager)
comp., MSTest List EditorEditor de lista de pruebas (The window in Visual Studio Team System that is used to manage, execute, and control large numbers of tests and test lists)
lawthe applicant may restrict the list of goods or services contained in the applicationel solicitante podrá limitar la lista de los productos o servicios que la solicitud contenga
lawthe attendance listla lista de participantes
patents.the list of goods has been reduced as necessaryla lista de productos ha sido reducida en la medida necesaria
lawthe list of the goods and services in respect of which the registration is requestedla lista de productos o de servicios para los que se solicite el registro
patents.the lists communicatedlas listas notificadas
gen.these products are added to the list Alos productos serán añadidos a la lista A
gen.They mentioned my name on the winners listMencionaron mi nombre en la lista de ganadores
comp., MSTo Do ListLista de tareas pendientes (A list of To Do items associated with a particular project)
comp., MSto-do listlista de tareas pendientes (A list of tasks that are not associated with a project schedule)
environ.toxic and dangerous waste check listdocumento de control y seguimiento de residuos tóxicos y peligrosos
gen.transnational listlista transnacional
gen.transverse listinclinación
comp., MSTrapezoid ListLista de trapezoides (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show grouped or related information of equal value. Works well with large amounts of text)
lawtrial listlista de causas
comp., MStrust listlista de confianza (A signed list of root certification authority certificates that an administrator considers reputable for designated purposes, such as client authentication or secure e-mail)
comp., MSUID listlista UID (A list of Unique Identifier alphanumeric values)
work.fl.union listcatálogo colectivo
work.fl.union list of periodicalscatálogo colectivo de periódicos
work.fl.union list of serialscatálogo colectivo de publicaciones seriadas
gen.United Arab ListLista Árabe Unida
gen.United List of Social DemocratsLista Unida de Social Demócratas
gen.United List of Social DemocratsLista Unida de los Socialdemócratas
gen.United List of Social Democrats of SloveniaLista Unida de Social Demócratas
gen.United List of Social Democrats of SloveniaLista Unida de los Socialdemócratas
comp., MSupdate listlista de actualización (A list that includes the name of the person who originally sent a task request plus the names of everyone who received the task request, reassigned the task to someone else, or chose to keep an updated copy of the task in their task list)
med.vaccination listlista de vacunación
comp., MSVertical Arrow ListLista vertical de flechas (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show a progression or sequential steps in a task, process, or workflow that move toward a common goal. Works well for bulleted lists of information)
comp., MSVertical Block ListLista vertical de bloques (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show groups of information or steps in a task, process, or workflow. Works well with large amounts of Level 2 text. A good choice for text with a main point and multiple sub-points)
comp., MSVertical Box ListLista vertical de cuadros (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show several groups of information, especially groups with large amounts of Level 2 text. A good choice for bulleted lists of information)
comp., MSVertical Bullet ListLista vertical de viñetas (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show non-sequential or grouped blocks of information. Works well for lists with long headings or top-level information)
comp., MSVertical Chevron ListLista vertical de cheurones (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show a progression or sequential steps in a task, process, or workflow, or to emphasize movement or direction. Emphasizes Level 2 text over Level 1 text, and is a good choice for large amounts of Level 2 text)
comp., MSVertical Picture Accent ListLista con círculos a la izquierda (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show non-sequential or grouped blocks of information. The small circles are designed to contain pictures)
comp., MSVertical Picture ListLista vertical de imágenes (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show non-sequential or grouped blocks of information. The small shapes on the left are designed to contain pictures)
law, immigr.visa ban listlista de personas a las que no se concederá visado
gen.vote-splitting between listscombinación en una papeleta de candidatos de listas distintas
gen.vote-splitting between lists"panachage"
gen.voting listlista de votación
environ.wastes not otherwise specified in the listresiduos no especificados en otra categoría del catálogo
fin.watch listlista en observación
fin.watch listlista vigilada
comp., MSwatch listlista de observación (A list of connection attempts by federated partners that may require the administrator to take action to effectively monitor and control domain usage. Such attempts can include potentially suspicious activity or a higher volume of usage than the current trust relationship supports)
gen.watch listlista de alerta temprana
gen.watch listlista de alerta rápida
gen.whip listlista de los whips
gen.white listlista blanca
earth.sc., el.wire listlista de conductores
comp., MSworkflow list formformulario de lista de flujos de trabajo (A form that displays a list of workflows for a particular module, along with the versions of the workflow)
zool.world watch listlista mundial de vigilancia
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