
Terms for subject Environment containing leather | all forms | exact matches only
leather-back turtletortuga laúd (Dermochelys coriacea)
leather-back turtle, luth turtle, leathery turtletortuga laúd
leather-back turtlestortuga laúd (Dermochelyidae)
leather industry Industry for the production of leather goods such as garments, bags, etc.industria del cuero
waste tanned leather blue sheetings, shavings, cuttings, buffing dust containing chromiumResiduos del curtido de piel láminas azules, virutas, recortes, polvo que contienen cromo
wastes from the leather and fur industryresiduos de la industria de la piel
Wastes from the leather and textile industriesResiduos de las industrias textil y de la piel
wastes from the leather and textile industriesresiduos de las industrias textil y de la piel
wastes from the leather, fur and textile industriesresiduos de las industrias textil y de la piel
wastes from the leather industryResiduos de la industria de la piel
wastes from the leather industryresiduos de la industria de la piel