
Terms for subject Medical containing island | all forms | exact matches only
cartilage islandscartílago enchondral
convolutions of the island of Reilcircunvoluciones de la ínsula de Reil (gyri operti)
convolutions of the island of Reilcircunvoluciones insulares (gyri operti)
island diseaseenfermedad de tsutsugamushi
island diseasetifus scrub
island diseaseenfermedad de kedani
island diseasefiebre fluvial japonesa
island feverenfermedad de kedani
island feverenfermedad de tsutsugamushi
island fevertifus scrub
island feverfiebre fluvial japonesa
island flapinjerto de colgajos separados
island graftinjerto de colgajos separados
island of Panderislotes de Pander
island of Reilisla de Reil (insula)
island of Reilínsula (insula)
islands of Langerhansislas de Langerhans
islands of Langerhansislotes de Langherans
olfactory islandsislas olfatorias
Pander blood islandisla de Pander
tone islandsislote auditivo