
Terms for subject Microsoft containing interface | all forms | exact matches only
Active Directory Service Interfacesinterfaces ADSI (A directory service model and a set of Component Object Model (COM) interfaces. ADSI enables Windows applications and Active Directory clients to access several network directory services, including Active Directory)
Advanced Configuration and Power InterfaceInterfaz avanzada de configuración y energía (An open industry specification that defines power management on a wide range of mobile, desktop, and server computers and peripherals. ACPI is the foundation for the OnNow industry initiative that allows system manufacturers to deliver computers that start at the touch of a keyboard. ACPI design is essential to take full advantage of power management and Plug and Play)
air interface protocolprotocolo de interfaz aérea (A protocol that defines the mechanism for communication between an antenna and an RFID tag)
application programming interfaceinterfaz de programación de aplicaciones (A set of routines that an application uses to request and carry out lower-level services performed by a computer's operating system. These routines usually carry out maintenance tasks such as managing files and displaying information)
Belastingdienst application programming interfaceinterfaz de programación de declaraciones de impuestos (The technology that is used to interface with the tax office server for submitting electronic tax declarations in the Netherlands)
Call Level InterfaceInterfaz de nivel de llamada (The interface supported by ODBC for use by an application)
call-level interfaceinterfaz de nivel de llamada (The interface supported by ODBC for use by an application)
command line interfaceinterfaz de la línea de comandos (A form of interface between the operating system and the user in which the user types commands, using a special command language. Although systems with command-line interfaces are usually considered more difficult to learn and use than those with graphical interfaces, command-based systems are usually programmable; this gives them flexibility unavailable in graphics-based systems that do not have a programming interface)
command-line interfaceinterfaz de la línea de comandos (A form of interface between the operating system and the user in which the user types commands, using a special command language. Although systems with command-line interfaces are usually considered more difficult to learn and use than those with graphical interfaces, command-based systems are usually programmable; this gives them flexibility unavailable in graphics-based systems that do not have a programming interface)
common gateway interfaceinterfaz CGI (A server-side interface for initiating software services. For example, a set of interfaces that describe how a Web server communicates with software on the same computer. Any software can be a CGI program if it handles input and output according to the CGI standard)
Component Platform Interface A programming interface used to build and maintain unattended installation answer files and configuration sets by adding security fixes, changing drivers, and so forthInterfaz de plataforma de componentes (CPI)
control interfaceinterfaz de control (The virtual objects and mechanisms that control an application)
Cryptography Application Programming InterfaceInterfaz de programación de aplicaciones criptográficas (An (API) that is provided as part of Microsoft Windows. CryptoAPI provides a set of functions that allow applications to encrypt or digitally sign data in a flexible manner while providing protection for the user's sensitive private key data. Actual cryptographic operations are performed by independent modules known as (CSPs))
demand-dial interfaceinterfaz de marcado a petición (A logical interface that represents a demand-dial connection (a PPP link) that is configured on the calling router. The demand-dial interface contains configuration information such as the port to use, the addressing used to create the connection (such as a phone number), authentication and encryption methods, and authentication credentials)
device driver interfaceinterfaz de controlador de dispositivo (A set of functions that are implemented by the operating system for use by drivers)
Device Service Provider Interface An abstract layer that facilitates device discovery, configuration, communication, and management of various RFID devices in a uniform waycapa DSPI (Device Service Provider Interface)
embedded controller interfaceinterfaz de controladora integrada (A standard hardware and software communications interface between an operating system driver and an embedded controller, such as Smart Battery and AML code. This allows any operating system to provide a standard driver that can directly communicate with an embedded controller in the system, thus allowing other drivers to communicate with and use the resources of the system embedded controllers)
explicit interface implementationimplementación de interfaz explícita (The implementation of a class or structure member that is accessible only through the interface that the class or structure implements)
Extensible Firmware Interface system partition A small portion on a GUID partition table (GPT) disk that is formatted with the file allocation table (FAT) file system and contains the files necessary to start the computer and pass execution to an operating system which resides on another partitionpartición de sistema EFI (Extensible Firmware Interface)
flattened interfaceinterfaz plana (An interface created to combine members of multiple interfaces)
Fluent user interfaceinterfaz de usuario de Fluent (The user interface introduced with the 2007 Microsoft Office suite. It includes components and features such as the Ribbon, Galleries, Live Preview, the Mini Toolbar, and Contextual Tabs)
Generic Security Services Application Programming InterfaceAPI de servicios de seguridad genéricos (A generic API for performing client-server authentication that can be implemented over any authentication system. GSS-API makes it possible for applications to use the same API with different authentication mechanisms)
graphical user interfaceinterfaz gráfica de usuario (A display format, like that of Windows, that represents a program's functions with graphic images such as buttons and icons. GUIs enable a user to perform operations and make choices by pointing and clicking with a mouse)
Graphics Device InterfaceInterfaz de dispositivo gráfico (An executable program that processes graphical function calls from a Windows-based application and passes those calls to the appropriate device driver, which performs the hardware-specific functions that generate output. By acting as a buffer between applications and output devices, GDI presents a device-independent view of the world for the application while interacting in a device-dependent format with the device)
hardware interfaceinterfaz de hardware (A card, plug, or other device that connects pieces of hardware with the computer so that information can be moved from place to place. For example, standardized interfaces such as RS-232-C standard and SCSI enable communications between computers and printers or disks)
high-definition multimedia interfaceInterfaz multimedia de alta definición (A digital interface specification for delivering digital content and connecting consumer electronic devices)
Hyper-V Guest Interface ServiceServicio de interfaz de invitado para Hyper-V (The service that provides a mechanism to interact with a virtual machine from the management interfaces on a host system)
interface definition languagelenguaje de definición de interfaz (In object-oriented programming, a language that lets a program or object written in one language communicate with another program written in an unknown language. An IDL is used to define interfaces between client and server programs. For example, an IDL can provide interfaces to remote CORBA objects)
interface flappingoscilación de interfaz (In computer networking and telecommunications, a situation that occurs when an interface on a router experiences a hardware failure that causes the router to announce itself alternately as available or unavailable)
interface implicationimplicación de interfaz (If an interface implies another interface, then any class that implements the first interface must also implement the second interface. Interface implication is used in an information model to get some of the effects of multiple inheritance)
Internet Server Application Programming Interface An application programming interface (API) that resides on a server computer for initiating software services tuned for Windows operating systems. In Microsoft Provisioning System, ISAPI resides on the Web serverInterfaz de programación de aplicaciones para servidores de Internet (ISAPI)
Language Interface PackPaquete de interfaz de idiomas (Add-in software that provides partially localized user interfaces for particular computer programs in languages not supported by localized versions of those programs)
lollipop interfacecírculo de interfaz (In a UML Static Structure or UML Component diagram, one of two types of interfaces that can be connected to class or component shapes and has a lollipop shape)
Messaging Application Programming InterfaceInterfaz de programación de aplicaciones de mensajería (A messaging architecture that enables multiple applications to interact with multiple messaging systems across a variety of hardware platforms. MAPI is built on the Component Object Model (COM) foundation)
Microsoft Office Fluent interfaceinterfaz de Microsoft Office Fluent (The user interface introduced with the 2007 Microsoft Office suite. It includes components and features such as the Ribbon, Galleries, Live Preview, the Mini Toolbar, and Contextual Tabs)
Microsoft Office Fluent user interfaceinterfaz de usuario de Microsoft Office Fluent (The user interface introduced with the 2007 Microsoft Office suite. It includes components and features such as the Ribbon, Galleries, Live Preview, the Mini Toolbar, and Contextual Tabs)
Microsoft Windows User Interface UI AutomationAutomatización de la interfaz de usuario de Microsoft® Windows® (The accessibility model for Microsoft Windows that programmatically gathers information about an application's User Interface (UI) elements and exposes it to assistive technology products and automated test scripts)
Multilingual User InterfaceInterfaz de usuario multilingüe (A technology that allows for the installation and use of multiple user-interface languages)
Multilingual User Interface Packpaquete de Interfaz de usuario multilingüe (A set of language-specific resources for multiple supported languages. MUI technology enables users to set the user-interface language according to their preferences, provided the required language resource files are present on the computer. It is designed to enable large corporations to deploy a single version of Windows worldwide, while enabling their local users to select the user-interface language)
Multimedia Content Description InterfaceInterfaz de descripción de contenido multimedia (A standard of video compression and file format developed by the Moving Pictures Experts Group for description and search of multimedia content data)
multiple-document interfaceinterfaz de múltiples documentos (A specification according to which documents are opened into windows (sometimes called child windows) that are constrained to a single primary (parent) window)
Musical Instrument Digital InterfaceInterfaz digital de instrumentos musicales (A specification of the MIDI Manufacturers Association (MMA). The specification defines a protocol for describing music data, such as note on and note off messages; a file format for storing music data, called Standard MIDI; and a standard hardware interface)
NetBIOS Extended User InterfaceInterfaz de usuario mejorada de NetBios (A network protocol native to Microsoft Networking. It is usually used in small, department-size local area networks (LANs) of 1 to 200 clients. NetBEUI can use Token Ring source routing as its only method of routing. NetBEUI is the Microsoft implementation of the NetBIOS standard)
network interface layernivel de interfaz de red (A layer of the TCP/IP DARPA model that is responsible for placing TCP/IP packets on the network medium and receiving TCP/IP packets off the network medium. The network interface layer is also called the network access layer)
Network Store InterfaceInterfaz de almacenamiento en red (A service that is responsible for delivering kernel mode networking related notifications to user mode applications)
new Windows user interfacenueva interfaz de usuario de Windows (The new way of interacting with Windows introduced in Windows 8)
Office Fluent user interfaceinterfaz de usuario de Office Fluent (The user interface introduced with the 2007 Microsoft Office suite. It includes components and features such as the Ribbon, Galleries, Live Preview, the Mini Toolbar, and Contextual Tabs)
on-object user interfaceinterfaz de usuario orientada a objetos (A user interface that appears near a selected object, usually after the user right-clicks a selection, for example, a context menu that pops up above or beside a selected object and displays a list of commands that fit the selection)
Open Prepress InterfaceInterfaz abierta de preimpresión (A format for preparing digital publication text and graphics for printing, introduced by Aldus (now Adobe), creating a low-resolution graphic for layout and a high-resolution graphic for print. Depending on the method used, the OPI process creates a single file that allows for color layer extraction though a desktop color separation program or creates multiple color-separated files when using DCS (Desktop Color Separation))
physical presence interfaceinterfaz de presencia física (An interface to run device operations that require physical presence)
restricted interfaceinterfaz restringida (A device interface that can only be accessed from a specific set of privileged apps which are declared in the Device Metadata for the device. That interface may be provided natively by Windows 8 or by custom driver access. The interface is marked as restricted via a property on the instance)
Role-Based InterfaceInterfaz basada en rol (A feature that customizes the contents of the user interface depending on the security permissions of the user. For example, if the user does not have permission to edit an item, the edit button will not be displayed)
Security Support Provider Interfaceinterfaz del proveedor de compatibilidad para seguridad SSPI, SSPI (A common interface between transport-level applications, such as Microsoft Remote Procedure Call (RPC), and security support providers (SSPs), such as Windows Distributed Security. SSPI allows a transport application to call one of the SSPs to obtain an authenticated connection. These calls do not require extensive knowledge of the security protocol's details)
Service Provider Interfaceinterfaz del proveedor de servicios (Calling conventions that back-end services use to make themselves accessible to front-end applications)
Settings Management Interface An interface used to retrieve and apply settings for Windows components. Windows System Image Manager and the CPI API use SMI to define the available settings in a Windows imageinterfaz de administración de configuración (SMI)
single-document interfaceinterfaz de un único documento (A specification according to which each open document occupies its own window in the UI, though only a single instance of the program application is running)
small computer system interfaceinterfaz estándar de equipos pequeños (A standard high-speed parallel interface defined by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). A SCSI interface is used for connecting microcomputers to peripheral devices, such as hard disks and printers, and to other computers and local area networks (LANs))
Sony/Philips Digital InterfaceInterfaz digital Sony/Philips (A standard for digital transfer of audio)
system-preferred interface languageidioma de interfaz definido por el sistema (The language that displays on a system when the user has not selected a user-preferred interface language)
Telephone User InterfaceInterfaz de usuario de teléfono (An interface that is used to navigate the menus of a Unified Messaging (UM) system using DTMF or touchtone inputs)
touchtone interfaceinterfaz de marcación por tonos (An interface that is used to navigate the menus of a Unified Messaging (UM) system using DTMF or touchtone inputs)
user interfaceinterfaz de usuario (The portion of a program with which a user interacts)
User InterfaceInterfaz de usuario (An API for user interface)
user interface languageidioma de la interfaz de usuario (The language in which all software (including the operating system) displays its menus, help files, error messages, and dialog boxes)
user-interface objectobjeto de interfaz de usuario (An object that provides functionality to the user-interface. For example, menu items, toolbar buttons, and accelerator keys are all user-interface objects)
User Interface Privilege IsolationAislamiento de privilegios en interfaz de usuario (A window manager subsystem that blocks applications at a lower UI privilege level from sending messages to or hooking threads belonging to processes with a higher UI privilege level)
user interface privilege levelnivel de privilegios en interfaz de usuario (The integrity level that is stored in the access token of a process and that is used by the UI Privilege Isolation (UIPI) feature to determine if an application or process is permitted to send Windows messages to another application or process)
user interface virtualizationvirtualización de la interfaz de usuario (In Windows Presentation Foundation and Silverlight, a technique by which a subset of UI elements are generated from a larger number of data items based on which items are visible on the screen. Virtualization is a performance enhancement, because it is intensive, both in terms of memory and processor, to generate a large number of UI elements when only a few may be on the screen at a given time)
user-preferred interface languageidioma de interfaz definido por el usuario (A language selected by the user for viewing menus, dialog boxes, messages, and Help files. If none is selected, the system-preferred language is displayed)
visual interfaceinterfaz visual (A display format, like that of Windows, that represents a program's functions with graphic images such as buttons and icons. GUIs enable a user to perform operations and make choices by pointing and clicking with a mouse)
Voice User InterfaceInterfaz de usuario de voz (An interface that is used to navigate the menus of a Unified Messaging (UM) system using speech inputs)
Web app Open Platform InterfaceInterfaz de plataforma abierta de aplicación web (An interface that enables a web application server (for example, Office Web Apps Server) to access and change files that are stored by a host server (such as SharePoint Server))
Windows Internet application programming interfaceinterfaz de programación de aplicaciones Windows Internet (A Windows application programming interface (API) that enables applications to interact with Gopher, FTP, and HTTP protocols to access Internet resources)