
Terms containing infected | all forms | exact matches only
health.AIDS-infected pregnant womanmujer seropositiva
health.AIDS-infected pregnant womanmujer embarazada infectada por el virus del SIDA
health.animal suspected of being infectedanimal sospechoso de infección
nat.sc., agric.animal suspected of being infectedanimal sospechoso de estar infectado
anim.husb.anthrax-infected meatcarne contaminada con ántrax
health., anim.husb.cleaning at the infected holdinglimpieza de la explotación infectada
health., anim.husb.destruction of infected animalssacrificio sanitario
agric., health., anim.husb.differentiating infected from vaccinated animal strategydiferenciación de los animales infectados y de los animales vacunados
gen.differentiating infected from vaccinated animal strategyestrategia "DIVA"
health.farm suspected of being infectedexplotación presuntamente infectada
health.fish suspected of being infectedpez presuntamente infectado
health., anim.husb.holding linked epidemiologically to the infected holdingexplotación vinculada epidemiológicamente con la explotación infectada
health., nat.sc.infect experimentallyinfeccionar experimentalmente
med.infected abortionaborto séptico
nat.sc., agric., met.infected animalanimal infectado
pharma., agric., mech.eng.infected areazona infectada
health.infected bloodsangre infectada
UN, AIDS.infected bloodsangre contaminada
health.infected cellcélula infectada
health.infected farmexplotación infectada
health.infected fishpez infectado
vet.med.infected fowlave contagiada
health.infected personpersona infectada
nat.res., agric.infected poultryave de corral infectada
health.infected regionzona infectada
med.infected regionregión infectada
UN, AIDS.people infected with or affected by AIDSpersonas infectadas o afectadas por el VIH
UN, AIDS.people infected with or affected by AIDSpersonas infectadas o afectadas por el SIDA
UN, AIDS.people infected with or affected by HIVpersonas infectadas o afectadas por el VIH
UN, AIDS.people infected with or affected by HIVpersonas infectadas o afectadas por el SIDA
health., anim.husb.pig infected with classical swine-fevercerdo infectado de peste porcina clásica
health., nat.res., agric.pig infected with swine fevercerdo con peste porcina
health., anim.husb.pig suspected of being infected with classical swine-fevercerdo sospechoso de haber contraído la peste porcina clásica
health., nat.res., agric.pig suspected of being infected with swine fevercerdo sospechoso de peste porcina
nat.res., agric.poultry suspected of being infectedave de corral sospechosa de estar infectada
health., anim.husb.restocking of infected holdingrepoblación de la explotación infectada
med.stable for infected animalsestablo para animales infectados