
Terms for subject Environment containing industry | all forms | exact matches only
aerosol industryindustria de aerosoles
agriculture and cattle industryindustria agropecuaria
agriculture and cattle industry Large scale growing of crops and livestock grazing for profitindustria agropecuaria
aluminium industry A sector of the economy in which an aggregate of commercial enterprises is engaged in the mining and processing of aluminumindustria del aluminio
automobile industryindustria automovilística
automobile industry No definition neededindustria automovilística
beverage industryindustria de las bebidas
brewing industryindustria de la cerveza
brewing industry A sector of the economy in which an aggregate of commercial enterprises is engaged in the manufacture and marketing of beverages made from malt and hops by steeping, boiling and fermentation, such as beer, ale and other related beveragesindustria de la cerveza
building industry The art and technique of building housesindustria de la construcción
building materials industryindustria de materiales de construcción
cellulose industryindustria de celulosa
cellulose industry No definition neededindustria de celulosa
cement industry Industry for the production of cement. The emissions of most relevance from this sector are atmospheric: dust, carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxides are the most important. Cement is essential for the construction sector, either directly or mixed with sand or gravel to form concreteindustria del cemento
ceramics industryindustria de la cerámica
ceramics industry Manufacturing plant producing ceramic itemsindustria de la cerámica
chemical industry Industry related with the production of chemical compounds. The chemical processing industry has a variety of special pollution problems due to the vast number of products manufactured. The treatment processes combine processing, concentration, separation, extraction, by-product recovery, destruction, and reduction in concentration. The wastes may originate from solvent extraction, acid and caustic wastes, overflows, spills, mechanical loss, etc.industria química
chemical reagent used in industryreactivo químico utilizado en la industria
coal industry Industry related with the technical and mechanical activity of removing coal from the earth and preparing it for marketindustria carbonera
Committee on the adaptation to technical progress of the directive on procedures for the surveillance and monitoring of environments concerned by waste from the titanium dioxide industryComité de adaptación al progreso técnico de la directiva relativa a las modalidades de supervisión y de control de los medios afectados por los residuos procedentes de la industria del dióxido de titanio
concrete products industryfábrica de hormigón
concrete products industry No definition neededfábrica de hormigón
cosmetic industryindustria de cosméticos
cosmetic industry Industry for the production of substances for improving the appearance of the bodyindustria de cosméticos
craft industryindustria artesanal
craft industry No definition neededindustria artesanal
dairy industryindustria de la leche
dairy industry Production of food made from milk or milk productsindustria de la leche
distilling industryindustria de destilación
distilling industry A sector of the economy in which an aggregate of commercial enterprises is engaged in the manufacture and marketing of alcoholic beverages made by a distillation process of vaporization and condensation, such as vodka, rum, whiskey and other related beveragesindustria de destilación
eco-industrysector de bienes y servicios medioambientales
eco-industryindustria medioambiental
electrical goods industryindustria de mercancías eléctricas
electrical goods industry Economic activity for manufacturing electric material and devicesindustria de mercancías eléctricas
electrical industry Industry for the production of electric energyindustria eléctrica
electricity supply industryempresa eléctrica
electricity supply industry Industry for the supply and distribution of electric powerempresa eléctrica
electro-intensive industryindustria de alto consumo eléctrico
electro-intensive industryempresa de elevado consumo eléctrico
electrotechnical industryindustria electrónica
electrotechnical industryindustria electrotécnica
electrotechnical industry A sector of the economy in which an aggregate of commercial enterprises is engaged in the design, manufacture and marketing of machinery, apparatus and supplies for the generation, storage and utilization of electrical energy, such as household appliances, radio and television receiving equipment, and lighting and wiring equipmentindustria electrotécnica
energy industry Industry which converts various types of fuels as well as solar, water, tidal, and geothermal energy into other energy forms for a variety of household, commercial, transportation, and industrial applicationindustria energética
energy intensive industryindustria de gran consumo de energía
energy intensive industryindustria con gran intensidad de energía
environment industryindustria medioambiental
environment industryecoindustria
environment industrysector de bienes y servicios medioambientales
environmental goods and services industryindustria medioambiental
environmental goods and services industrysector de bienes y servicios medioambientales
environmental goods and services industryecoindustria
environmental impact of industryimpacto ambiental de la industria
environmental impact of industry The effects on the environment connected with industrial activities are mainly related to the production of industrial wastes that can be divided into various types: solid waste, such as dust particles or slag from coal; liquid wastes from various processes, including radioactive coolants from power stations; and gas wastes, largely produced by the chemical industryimpacto ambiental de la industria
environmental industryindustria medioambiental
environmental industryecoindustria
environmental industrysector de bienes y servicios medioambientales
environmental industry Industries involved in the development of cleaner technologies, waste and wastewater treatment, recycling processes, biotechnology processes, catalysts, membranes, desulphurisation plants, noise reduction, and the manufacture of other products having an environment protection purposeindustria medioambiental
European Federation of Special Waste IndustriesFederación Europea de Compradores de Desechos Especiales
extractive industry Primary activities involved in the extraction of non-renewable resourcesindustria extractiva
fishing industry Industry for the handling, processing, and packing of fish or shellfish for market or shipmentindustria pesquera
food industry The commercial production and packaging of foods that are fabricated by processing, by combining various ingredients, or bothindustria de la alimentación
food processing industryindustria alimentaria
food processing industry A commercial establishment in which food is manufactured or packaged for human consumptionindustria alimentaria
forest industryindustria forestal
forest industry A sector of the economy in which an aggregate of establishments is engaged in the management of an extensive area of woodland, often to produce products and benefits such as timber, wildlife habitat, clean water, biodiversity and recreationindustria forestal
furniture industryindustria de muebles
furniture industry No definition neededindustria de muebles
glass industry Industry for the production of glasswareindustria del vidrio
greening of industryindustria y medio ambiente
hotel industry The industry related with the provision of lodging and usually meals and other services for travelers and other paying guestsindustria hotelera
Industry and Environment OfficeOficina para la Industria y el Medio Ambiente
information technology industry A sector of the economy in which an aggregate of commercial enterprises is engaged in the design, manufacture and marketing of electronic machines designed to accept information or data that is easily manipulated for some result based on a program or some set of instructions, and the technology or materials used with these machines, such as storage devices, terminals and peripheral equipmentindustria informática
International Petroleum Industry Environmental Conservation AssociationAsociación de la Industria Petrolera Internacional para la Conservación del Medio Ambiente
iron and steel industry Sector of the metallurgical industry dealing with the production of cast iron, steel and iron alloys. Emissions from these industries tend to settle quickly from the atmosphere and can lead to rising concentrations in the soil. The main raw material input to the production process is iron ore. Also recycled scrap is usedindustria siderúrgica
iron industryindustria metalúrgica
iron industry A sector of the economy in which an aggregate of commercial enterprises is engaged in the extraction and refinement of iron ore to produce cast iron, wrought iron and steelindustria metalúrgica
ironwork industryindustria siderúrgica
ironwork industry Industry for the production of iron articlesindustria siderúrgica
keep polluting industries away from residential areasseparar las industrias contaminantes de los sectores urbanos
leather industry Industry for the production of leather goods such as garments, bags, etc.industria del cuero
location of industrieslocalización de industrias
location of industries The particular place that seems apt for the installation of a new plant; the choice of the site depends on a number of economic and environmental factorslocalización de industrias
mechanical industryindustria mecánica
mechanical industry A sector of the economy in which an aggregate of enterprises is engaged in the design, manufacture and marketing of mechanical apparatuses for commercial or industrial usageindustria mecánica
metal products industryindustria de productos metálicos
metal products industry Industry related with the primary metal processing and fabricated metal products manufacturing. The most important end uses of the products of the metals industries are automobiles, machinery, appliances, electrical equipment, structures, furniture, and containersindustria de productos metálicos
metallurgical industry Industry concerned with the extraction, refining, alloying and fabrication of metalsindustria metalúrgica
mineral industryindustria mineral
mineral industry Industry for the exploitation of minerals from soil deposits by underground excavations or open workings, employing adequate plants and equipmentindustria mineral
mining industry A sector of the economy in which an aggregate of commercial enterprises is engaged in the extraction of minerals occurring naturally, often involving quarrying, well operations, milling, exploration and developmentindustria minera
motor vehicle industryindustria de vehículo de motor
motor vehicle industry No definition neededindustria de vehículo de motor
noise from industryruidos industriales
non-ferrous metal industryindustria del metal no ferroso
non-ferrous metal industry Industry that deals with the processing of metals other than iron and iron-base alloysindustria del metal no ferroso
oil and fat industryindustria de aceites y grasas
oil and fat industry Industry for the production and processing of edible oils and fatsindustria de aceites y grasas
organic industry wasteresiduos de la industria orgánica
packing industryindustria de embalaje
packing industry No definition neededindustria de embalaje
paper industry Industrial production of paper: pulp is produced by mechanically or chemically processing wood or other vegetative materials to extract usable cellulosic fibers as an aqueous slurry. The pulp slurry may be used directly in paper making or it may be shipped elsewhere for processing into paper products. The fundamental industrial operations are divided into two major categories: pulp mill and paper mill. The pulp mill operation includes wood preparation, pulping, deinking, pulp washing, screening and thickening, and bleaching. The paper mill operations include stock preparation, paper machine operation and finishingindustria papelera
petrochemical industryindustria petroquímica
petrochemical industry The production of materials derived from petroleum or natural gasindustria petroquímica
petroleum industryindustria petrolera
petroleum industry Manufacturing industry utilizing complex combination of interdependent operations engaged in the storage and transportation, separation of crude molecular constituents, molecular cracking, molecular rebuilding, and solvent finishing to produce petrochemical productsindustria petrolera
pharmaceutical industry Concerted activity concerned with manufacturing pharmaceutical goodsindustria farmacéutica
printing industry A sector of the economy in which an aggregate of commercial enterprises is engaged in the reproduction of written text or images in multiple copies such as books, periodicals, newspapers or other similar formatsindustria gráfica
promotion of trade and industrypromoción del comercio y de la industria
promotion of trade and industry Any activity that encourages or supports the buying, selling or exchanging of goods or services with other countries, which could include marketing, diplomatic pressure or the provision of export incentives such as credits and guarantees, government subsidies, training and consultation or advicepromoción del comercio y de la industria
pulp industryindustria de la pasta papelera
pulp industry A sector of the economy in which an aggregate of commercial enterprises is engaged in manufacturing and selling the soft, moist, slightly cohering mass deriving from wood that is used to produce paper sheets, cardboard and other paper productsindustria de la pasta papelera
reclamation industryindustria de recuperación
reclamation industry Industry for the transformation of solid waste into useful productsindustria de recuperación
recycling industryindustria del reciclaje
recycling industryindustria de reciclado
refrigeration industryindustria frigorífica
refrigeration industry No definition neededindustria frigorífica
removal of pollutants in the steel industryeliminación de agentes contaminantes en la industria siderúrgica
rendering industrytransformación de desperdicios de matadero
rubber processing industryindustria del tratamiento caucho
rubber processing industry A sector of the economy in which an aggregate of commercial enterprises is engaged in the manufacture and marketing of natural or synthetic rubber productsindustria del tratamiento caucho
service industryindustrias de servicios
shellfish processing industryindustria de procesado de moluscos
small and medium sized industriespequeña y mediana industria
small and medium sized industrypequeña y mediana industria
small and medium sized industry No definition neededpequeña y mediana industria
standard for building industrynormas y códigos de la industria de la construcción
standard for building industry A norm or measure applicable in legal cases for any enterprise involved in the construction, remodeling or finishing of enclosed structures for habitationnormas y códigos de la industria de la construcción
starch industryindustria de la fécula
starch industryfeculería
starch industryalmidonería
steel industryindustria siderúrgica
steel industry Industry that deals with the processing of ironindustria siderúrgica
sugar industry Establishments primarily engaged in processing raw cane sugar, sugar beets or starches to finished sucrose, glucose or fructose. By-products of this industry include beet pulp and inedible molassesindustria azucarera
synthetic fibres industryindustria de fibras sintéticas
synthetic fibres industry No definition neededindustria de fibras sintéticas
synthetic materials industryindustria de materiales sintéticos
synthetic materials industry No definition neededindustria de materiales sintéticos
tanning-industry effluentefluente de tenerías
textile industry Industry for the production of fabricsindustria textil
thermosetting resin waste originating from the industryresiduo termo-endurecido de origen industrial
timber industryindustria de la madera
timber industry Industry related with timber harvesting and processingindustria de la madera
vehicle manufacturing industryindustria de la fabricación de vehículos
vehicle manufacturing industry A sector of the economy in which an aggregate of commercial enterprises is engaged in the manufacture and sale of equipment that conveys people, goods or materials by land, air or waterindustria de la fabricación de vehículos
waste from the plastic convertor industryResiduos de la industria de conversión de plástico
waste processing industryindustria del tratamiento de residuos
waste products of the flour industryresiduos de molinería
waste removal industryindustria de traslado de residuos
waste removal industry The aggregate of commercial enterprises primarily concerned with eliminating or getting rid of refuse from places of human or animal habitation or of unwanted materials left over from a manufacturing processindustria de traslado de residuos
wastes from photographic industryResiduos de la industria fotográfica
wastes from textile industryResiduos de la industria textil
wastes from the asbestos processing industryResiduos de la industria de procesado de amianto
wastes from the baking and confectionery industryResiduos de la industria de panadería y pastelería
wastes from the baking and confectionery industryresiduos de la industria de panadería y pastelería
wastes from the dairy products industryResiduos de la industria de productos lácteos
wastes from the dairy products industryresiduos de la industria de productos lácteos
wastes from the electronic industryResiduos de la industria electrónica
wastes from the electronic industryresiduos de la industria electrónica
wastes from the iron and steel industryResiduos de la industria del hierro y acero
wastes from the iron and steel industryresiduos de la industria del hierro y acero
wastes from the leather and fur industryresiduos de la industria de la piel
wastes from the leather industryResiduos de la industria de la piel
wastes from the leather industryresiduos de la industria de la piel
Wastes from the photographic industryResiduos de la industria fotográfica
wastes from the photographic industryresiduos de la industria fotográfica
wastes from the textile industryresiduos de la industria textil
Wastes from waste treatment facilities, off-site waste water treatment plants and the water industryResiduos de instalaciones para el tratamiento de residuos, plantas de tratamiento de aguas residuales e industria del agua
wastes from waste treatment facilities, off-site waste water treatment plants and the water industryresiduos de instalaciones para el tratamiento de residuos, plantas de tratamiento de aguas residuales e industria del agua