
Terms for subject Microsoft containing identity | all forms | exact matches only
ACS service identityidentidad de servicio de ACS (A credential that is registered with an ACS namespace and intended for use by autonomous applications or clients)
active identityidentidad activa (The identity the user has logged on with)
application pool identityidentidad del grupo de aplicaciones (The user account that the worker processes servicing the application pool use as their process identity. Process identity is the term that is used to denote the account that a process runs under)
brand identityidentidad de marca (A company's or partner's logo, fonts, and colour themes or schemes intended to visually signify who and what the company is)
claims-based identityidentidad basada en notificaciones (A unique identifier that represents a specific user, application, computer, or other entity, enabling it to gain access to multiple resources, such as applications and network resources, without entering credentials multiple times. It also enables resources to validate requests from an entity)
identity columncolumna de identidad (A column in a table that has been assigned the identity property)
identity escapecarácter de escape de identidad (In regular expressions, a backslash followed by a single character. It matches that character and is required when the character has a special meaning; by using the identity escape, the special meaning is removed)
identity federationfederación de identidades (A process in Microsoft Online Services that uses Active Directory Federation Services 2.0 and Microsoft Federation Gateway to securely represent identities in the cloud and tie those identities to corporate credentials (user name and password). Users can then use their corporate credentials to sign in once to access the services in Microsoft Online Services)
identity life cycleciclo de vida de la identidad (The stages an identity goes through from the time it is conceived until the time it is destroyed)
identity managementadministración de identidades (The the management of the identity life cycle of entities (e.g. people, computers) during which the identity is created, documented and destroyed)
Identity Management for UNIXAdministración de identidades para Unix (A feature of Windows that integrates computers running Windows into an existing UNIX enterprise)
identity propertypropiedad de identidad (A property that generates values that uniquely identify each row in a table)
identity providerproveedor de identidades (A service that authenticates user or client identities and issues consumable security tokens)
identity serviceservicio de identidad (The category of services in Windows Azure that includes Windows Azure Active Directory)
identity storealmacén de identidades (An area on a computer where identities are stored)
identity tagetiqueta de identidad (A tag on a physical object that defines two 64-bit values that can be read by the Surface Vision System and used to interact with Surface applications. The two 64-bit values represent a series and a value. The intent is to have several values associated with a single series)
identity verificationverificación de identidad (The process of confirming the identity of an individual or business who is applying to the store as a developer/vendor)
multiple identitiesvarias identidades (Multiple Web sites that are hosted on one computer)
online identityidentidad en Internet (A single set of sign-in credentials (typically, e-mail address and password) that is used to access the services provided by an online service provider (OSP))
online identity associationasociación de identidad en línea (The binding of an online identity with the user account on a given PC. Once the association exists, the online identity can be used as a pointer to the user account. For example, with remote media connection, the online identity can be used to point to PC names and IP addresses)
package identityidentidad del paquete (The element of a .appx package that identifies the name of the package. This name is an internal data element of the .appx package and is not seen by the end-user customer)
process identityidentidad de proceso (An operating system term that denotes the account that a process runs under)
user identityidentidad de usuario (" Identity assigned to a user during authentication. For example, the user identity of anonymous users would be the default "iusr" account. ")
virtual machine identityidentidad de máquina virtual (The virtual machine name in combination with the computer name of the virtual machine's host, which uniquely identify a virtual machine in Virtual Machine Manager. The virtual machine name is a different property from the computer name of the guest operating system running inside the virtual machine)