
Terms for subject Microsoft containing high | all forms | exact matches only
high availabilityalta disponibilidad (The ability of a system or device to be usable when it is needed. When expressed as a percentage, high availability is the actual service time divided by the required service time. Although high availability does not guarantee that a system will have no downtime, a network often is considered highly available if it achieves 99.999 percent network uptime)
High-bandwidth Digital Content ProtectionProtección de contenido digital de ancho de banda alto (An encryption and authentication specification created by Intel for Digital Video Interface (DVI) devices such as digital cameras, high-definition televisions, and video disk players. HDCP is designed to protect transmissions between DVI devices from being copied)
High Contrastcontraste alto (A feature that heightens the color contrast of some text and images on your computer screen, making those items more distinct and easier to identify)
High Definition Compatible DigitalSistema digital compatible de alta definición (A patented encode/decode process that improves the quality of all forms of digital audio recording and playback by increasing resolution and reducing distortion that occurs during analog-to-digital (A/D) and digital-to-analog (D/A) conversion, digital pro)
high-definition DVDDVD de alta definición (A high definition optical disc format which uses a smaller focus blue-violet 405 nm laser allowing higher precision and storage density. A competitor to Blu-ray Disc)
high-definition multimedia interfaceInterfaz multimedia de alta definición (A digital interface specification for delivering digital content and connecting consumer electronic devices)
High-Definition TelevisionTelevisión de alta definición (A type of television that provides much higher resolution, sharpness, sound quality, and picture quality than traditional televisions. HDTVs can usually be used as computer monitors)
high density lipoproteinlipoproteína de alta densidad (A class of lipoproteins that carry cholesterol from the body's tissues to the liver)
high-density multichip interconnectInterfaz multimedia de alta definición (A digital interface specification for delivering digital content and connecting consumer electronic devices)
high-DPIcon valores altos de PPP (Pertaining to a DPI setting with more than 96 DPI)
high-impactde alto impacto visual (Having a strong effect or influence)
high-impactde gran impacto (Having a strong effect or influence)
high importanceimportancia alta (A flag that can be set for Lync and Communicator calls or instant messages to indicate the urgency of the conversation)
High-level Data Link ControlControl de vínculo de datos de alto nivel (A protocol for information transfer adopted by the ISO. HDLC is a bit-oriented, synchronous protocol that applies to the data-link (message-packaging) layer (layer 2 of the ISO/OSI reference model) for computer-to-microcomputer communications)
high memorymemoria alta (Memory locations addressed by the largest numbers)
high-performance computinginformática de alto rendimiento (The type of computing that uses supercomputers or computer clusters to address computation problems which require high bandwidth, low latency networking, very high compute capabilities, etc)
high priority updateactualización de alta prioridad (A classification used on the Windows Update web site and by the Windows Update Service to recommend Microsoft software updates and drivers that help protect against the latest publicly known security threats and reliability issues. All software updates and drivers that can be installed by turning on Automatic Updates on your computer are classified as high priority. These can also be installed by visiting the Windows Update web site)
high-privilege workflowflujo de trabajo con privilegos elevados (Any workflow that either uses a tiered activity or contains a high privilege scope, regardless of the contents of that scope)
High Touch with Retail Mediaimplementación con medios distribuidos por canal comercial (A deployment strategy for Windows 2008 R2 consisting of a manual process using the installation DVD and manual configuration of each computer)
high-trust appaplicación de elevada confianza (An app that uses the server-to-server (S2S) protocol, where the app is responsible for creating the user portion of the access token, and therefore is trusted to assert any user identity)
high watermarklímite máximo (A memory consumption threshold on each cache host that specifies when objects are evicted out of memory, regardless of whether they have expired or not, until memory consumption goes back down to the low watermark)