
Terms for subject Environment containing hearing | all forms | exact matches only
hearing acuity Effectiveness of hearingagudeza auditiva
hearing impairmentdéficit auditivo
hearing impairment A decrease in strength or any abnormality or partial or complete loss of hearing or of the function of ear, or hearing system, due directly or secondarily to pathology or injury; it may be either temporary or permanentdéficit auditivo
hearing losspérdida de capacidad auditiva
hearing procedureprocedimiento de audiencia
hearing procedure Any prescribed course or mode of action governing the preliminary examination by a magistrate of basic evidence and charges to determine whether criminal proceedings, a trial or other judicial actions are justifiedprocedimiento de audiencia
hearing protectionprotección del oído
hearing protection The total of measures and devices implemented to preserve persons from harm to the faculty of perceiving soundprotección del oído
hearing systemsistema acústico
hearing system The system that is concerned with the perception of sound, is mediated through the organ of Corti of the ear in mammals or through corresponding sensory receptors of the lagena in lower vertebrates, is normally sensitive in man to sound vibrations between 16 and 27.000 cycles per second but most receptive to those between 2.000 and 5.000 cycles per second, is conducted centrally by the cochlear branch of the auditory nerve, and is coordinated especially in the medial geniculate bodysistema acústico
official hearingaudiencia oficial
official hearing Proceedings of relative formality, with definite issues of fact or of law to be tried, in which witnesses are heard and parties proceeded against have right to be heardaudiencia oficial
public hearing Right to appear and give evidence and also right to hear and examine witnesses whose testimony is presented by opposing partiesaudiencia pública
risk of damage to hearing resulting from noise emitted by toysriesgo acústico debido al ruido de los juguetes