
Terms for subject Microsoft containing frequency | all forms | exact matches only
billing frequencyfrecuencia de facturación (The frequency that a billing cycle will be used to create billing invoices for a customer)
dual-tone multiple-frequencytono de marcado de frecuencia múltiple (The signaling system used in telephones with touchtone keypads, in which each digit is associated with two specific frequencies)
frequency hoppingsalto de frecuencia (The switching of frequencies within a given bandwidth during a point-to-point transmission)
line screen frequencyresolución de trama (The fineness or coarseness of a halftone screen represented by lines per inch (LPI))
radio frequency identificationidentificación por radiofrecuencia (A technology that uses radio frequencies to identify products. An RFID-capable product has an RFID tag that can transmit information, such as serial number, to an RF reader, which converts the information into digital data that can be sent to a computer)
radio frequency identificationidentificación por radiofrecuencia (A technology that uses radio frequencies to identify products. An RFID-capable product has an RFID tag that can transmit information, such as serial number, to an RF reader, which converts the information into digital data that can be sent to a computer)
radio frequency identification sensorsensor de identificación por radiofrecuencia (A type of sensor (such as a proximity sensor) that uses radio frequency identification (RFID) for a numerous purposes, such as identification of physical items, automatic log on, location of people, etc)