
Terms for subject Economy containing freight | all forms | exact matches only
advance freightflete por adelantado
air freight ratetarifa aérea
cost and freight named port of destinationcosto y flete nombrar puerto de destino (c.&f.)
cost and freightcoste y flete (indicando puerto de destino, c.& f.)
cost, insurance, freight named port of destinationcosto, seguro y flete nombrar puerto de destino (c.i.f.)
cost, insurance, freightcláusula CIF
cost, insurance, freight clausetérmino CIF
cost insurance freight priceprecio CIF
fares or freight chargestarifas o fletes
freight charges on imported goodsfletes sobre bienes importados
freight collectflete que hay que cobrar
freight forwardflete que hay que cobrar
freight prepaidflete pagado (por adelantado)
freight ratetarifa de carga
freight rateflete
freight ratetarifa de flete
freight ratetarifa de transporte de mercancías
freight tarifftarifa de carga
freight tarifftarifa de flete
freight tontonelada de flete (frt)