
Terms for subject Microsoft containing financial | all forms | exact matches only
depository financial institutionentidad financiera de depósito (The bank or financial institution that the payment format file is transmitted to for processing)
financial dimensiondimensión financiera (A financial data classifier created from the parties, locations, products, and activities in an organization and used for management reporting)
financial dimension valuevalor de la dimensión financiera (A data element in the domain of a financial dimension)
financial dimension value constraintrestricción del valor de la dimensión financiera (A hierarchical financial dimension relationship that restricts the set of all possible financial dimension value combinations to a set of valid financial dimension value combinations)
financial informationInformación financiera (A tab on a record that lists the Account or Business Contact's financial information, which was retrieved from Small Business Accounting)
Financial IntegrationIntegración financiera (A feature that enables the user to access information from an accounting system from within Business Contact Manager for Outlook)
Financial Modernization Act of 1999ley Financial Modernization Act de 1999 (A U.S. law containing financial provisions that require all financial institutions to disclose to consumer customers their policies and practices for protecting the privacy of non-public personal information. Non-public personal information includes any PII provided by a customer, resulting from transactions with the financial institution or obtained by a financial institution through providing products or services)
Financial Reporting Instance StandardEstándar de instancias para informes financieros (A standard that places additional constraints on instance documents that are used for financial reporting. All instance documents that are valid under FRIS are valid XBRL documents. However, not all XBRL documents are valid under FRIS)
Financial Reporting Taxonomy ArchitectureArquitectura de taxonomía para informes financieros (A standard that places additional constraints on XBRL taxonomies that are intended to express information used in financial reporting. All taxonomies that are valid under FRTA are valid XBRL documents. However, not all XBRL documents are valid under FRTA)
financial statementestado financiero (A statement of a company's financial state as of the end of a defined period. A financial statement may include an operating statement (an income statement showing the results in terms of profit and loss of normal business activities), a balance sheet (assets and liabilities), and other financial information)
financial statementinforme financiero (A statement of a company's financial state as of the end of a defined period. A financial statement may include an operating statement (an income statement showing the results in terms of profit and loss of normal business activities), a balance sheet (assets and liabilities), and other financial information)
financial statementresultado financiero (A report that documents the financial information and financial position of an organization)
financial template documentdocumento de plantilla financiera (An XML schema that contains all the necessary elements that are needed to capture awizard selection and to drive the screens in the wizard)
International Financial Reporting Standardsnormas internacionales de contabilidad IFRS (Accounting standards that must be used as of January 1, 2005 for European Union-based companies with publicly traded shares or debt, subsidiaries for which consolidated accounts must be prepared, or companies with subsidiary or associate companies of a European Union-listed company)
receiving depository financial institutionentidad de depósito receptora (The bank or financial institution that represents the customer or vendor who receives the payment)
system-defined financial dimension typetipo de dimensión financiera definido por el sistema (A financial dimension mapped to a table or view in the database that represents an entity type and whose values are in the domain of one attribute of that entity type)
user-defined financial dimension typetipo de dimensión financiera definido por el usuario (A financial dimension mapped to a user-defined list of values)
XBRL–Financial reportingXBRL–Informes financieros (XBRL messages that contain financial data in summary form, such as balances per period and which provide a standard understanding of what profit is or what depreciation is on a financial report)