
Terms for subject Microsoft containing extensible language | all forms
Extensible Application Markup Languagelenguaje XAML (An XML-based language used to represent a tree of objects. Events generated by these objects can be handled using any .NET programming language)
eXtensible Business Reporting LanguageLenguaje ampliado para informes comerciales (An XML language for the electronic communication of business and financial data)
Extensible Markup Languagelenguaje de marcado extensible (A markup language for describing and exchanging structured data in a format that is independent of operating systems and applications. XML is a World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) specification and is a subset of Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML))
extensible rights markup languagelenguaje de marcado con derechos extensible (A proposed standard digital rights management (DRM) markup language which enables users to specify rights and conditions associated with resources, such as digital content or Web services)
Extensible Stylesheet LanguageLenguaje de hojas de estilo extensible (An XML vocabulary that is used to transform XML data to another form, such as HTML, by means of a style sheet that defines presentation rules)
Extensible Stylesheet Language TransformationLenguaje de transformación basado en hojas de estilo (A declarative, XML-based language that is used to present or transform XML data)
Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations A declarative, XML-based language that is used to present or transform XML dataLenguaje de transformación basado en hojas de estilo (XSLT)